Bach flowers: Crab Apple

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 What is Crab Apple 2 Apple crab flower 3 Characteristics of people Apple crab 4 Apple crab positive

Start a new adventure through alternative therapies. Do you know about Bach's flowers and their healing power? Discover here all the benefits of one of them, Crab Apple .

What is Crab Apple?

Crab Apple (Crab apple) is the flower of purification and is used in Bach Flower therapy for those who feel they are not clean enough.

This flower is indicated for those who want to get rid of something in particular . They are obsessive people with cleanliness and who are uncomfortable that everything is in place, that is, as they think it should be.

Apple Crab Flower

This Bach flower is considered the purifying remedy for mind and body . It is especially indicated for those people who have a poor image of themselves. They are usually obsessive with cleanliness and especially in personal hygiene.

Crab Apple is also indicated for those who feel ashamed if they have rashes or suppurations and become deeply depressed if the treatments do not work.

Characteristics of Apple Crab People

Crab Apple is directly related to the world of order, cleanliness and perfection. People with Apple crab characteristics have very specific ideas regarding how their environment, body and interior should be.

They are the ones who can't find peace if they don't have everything immaculate . Situations or things that deviate from these concepts of extreme purity manage to confuse and annoy them.

The conceptual error of personality lies in a false perspective . According to their own interior mandates, these people observe everything with a magnifying glass, look at even the smallest detail and can no longer see the forest, because they have stopped at the tree.

The trigger for the Apple crab attitude can be three pimples on the cheek or that corner of the wallpaper that took off.

People included in this state are constantly washing their hands, or showering five or six times a day. This behavior is an ideal of purity misunderstood, it is an altered relationship with reality.

Because of their extraordinary sensitivity, they are sometimes so impressed with some smallness that they dedicate all their energy to assimilate it internally. That is, they waste energy that would be essential for major problems, of real dimensions.

If children enter the house with wet and dirty feet, Apple crab people are concerned, first of all, with the dirt that will remain on the carpet.

After having cleaned and left everything in better conditions than before, they realize, sorry, that the children are with wet feet and could catch a cold .

The exaggerated and uncontrollable inner desire for purity transforms people suffering from the negative state of Crab Apple into extraordinarily fearful beings with any type of insect .

Bacteria and foods that are supposed to be in poor condition are a constant concern.

Apple crab people should try to transform all those dark forces into healing potentials .

Positive Crab Apple

The Apple Crab and its positive potential influences the acceptance of oneself, including all imperfections . Those who identify with this flower maintain a positive personal image and are not bothered by their physical appearance or their environment.

They should be able to look in another direction and open towards their Higher Self, towards higher principles. It is the best way to gain distances, see things in their true dimensions and gradually recover the lost peace.

Seen in The Journey of the Hero, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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