Lighthouses of Light - Take your Mastery Surfing on the waves of Energy

  • 2012

Lighthouses of Light - Reminders from Home July 2012

ASSUME YOUR MASTERY Surfing on the Waves of Energy

From Steve:

This time the group gives us some clear options on the path we have in front of us. Our options are: feeling overwhelmed by the wave of energy that is being formed or surfing the ridge until we reach our new destination. Many will choose some variations of both options; nevertheless they remind us that it is not that one is correct and the other is wrong. They simply want us to have the information so that we can make decisions based on the knowledge of our next reality. One point that stands out is that the journey will be easier for everyone if each of us assumes his or her own expertise. We have promised to hold a special light of the Home and now is the time to remember it and make it shine. Each of us has special talents and skills for which we are good. Please remember that it is the burden they carry but also the most important gift they promised to bring to the world when they assumed the human form.

I also mention here that we are soon beginning a new kind of channeling with which I am very excited, it is called "Spirit Communication 2" - The Direct Connection.

I also feel very proud because in these Lighthouses we include a short message from Barbara. See below: Connecting the Heart. He still has a long way to go towards full recovery, but he is making it.

Walk in the Light and have a great month!


Note: The following message has been re-channeled and edited in this format with the guidance of The Group to offer greater clarity.

From the Group

Greetings from Home

The vibrations of the Home are cause for celebration. We are celebrating a milestone, a vibratory level that humanity has achieved right now. Yes, it is difficult for most because when they move from one level to the next very quickly it means that when they reach the new point they must learn to walk again. They must learn how to use their new energies and how to anchor themselves through their new knowledge, their new perceptions. That is especially difficult when they move forward as quickly as they have been doing. In part, that is why they have felt that energy comes in waves, because that is how it has happened on this planet. Just when they have become familiar with the energy of the last wave, the next one arrives and drags them into a new journey. Many of you repeat this again and again, trying to root your new energies. The inherent challenge is that they will feel very different when they try to anchor the new energy. It will not have the same stability to which they are accustomed. They will reach the point where they will say: "When I feel good, I will move on." But they won't be able to wait until everything comes naturally to them because they won't feel good until they take the step ... until they don't really move on. Most of you have been trying to balance yourself against the waves of energy that have been coming. Well, they will keep coming because that's how it works. They may even feel as if they have three waves that push them forward and then one that pulls them back, but don't get discouraged. Some human beings move so fast that they really need to step back to stabilize psychologically. Do not judge yourself for it, because you are moving as fast as you can.

Working with the waves

The greatest resistance will be felt in their physical bodies. As they move forward very quickly, their physical bodies must adapt to the level at which they are functioning and, at each level, they must learn how to express their spirit in the best way. That is the reason why so many people feel lost or disconnected. What they used frequently as a measure for success, now no longer satisfies them as before. They wonder what they are doing differently; Their life is no longer as exciting as it used to be or they seem to be constantly on the defensive. They are always trying to compensate for the wave of energy that comes, trying to take root so they can stabilize again. Dear ones, we tell you that the movement will make you feel better and the real anchoring of your spirit in the physical body will be seen in a very different way in the coming days.

At this time, their physical bodies are undergoing many changes. We have mentioned this previously and we have explained that there are approximately 210 years left before they reach the exact and elevated moment of their evolution. It will be a long time before humans look back at the big changes that are happening right now. It is related to the way in which they assimilate that energy and how they handle and root each of these waves of energy as they arrive. What we are telling you is that you will learn to surf those waves. Instead of completely destroying all your systems, your confidence and everything you have prepared for yourself, you will say: Here comes another wave. I will prepare. Let's get ready to move on In the future, change and movement will be normal and will be the ones that generate stability. They would get bored a lot if they tried to anchor themselves in the way they used today. In the future that won't work for them; They are currently in the awkward intermediate stage between these two levels. Each wave that arrives will help them move to that next level, but they still have to figure out how to anchor at this time. It's not about tomorrow or the future. Rather, it is what they can do right now to feel comfortable at this point and that their bodies are able to express that empowered spirit. How will you do it? Taking one step at a time. They establish their intention, move forward and create their reality with every heartbeat. We say "heartbeat" because they are accustomed to creating it with their thoughts, and we ask them now to use the power of their hearts instead of using the power of their brains. With that we don't want to tell you that you should totally exclude your brain. What we ask you is to establish a new balance between the two, because they always knew the path. They hid it from themselves with their thoughts and belief systems but now, that is beginning to change very quickly. They are discovering that they can achieve more with each passing day and with each breath of their body. Anchoring your light will be the key as that is what will take you from one level to the next. Each of you has brought a very special vibration from Home. They can call it tone if they want to place it in the auditory realm, or they can call it color if they want to see it in the world of light, but it is a unique vibration and a very special gift that each one brings. Yes, there are others who bear very similar gifts but none have the same gift that you have. That is why they are here right now. Discover the way to anchor and share that light among you and you will have begun the process of re-anchoring yourself. The challenge is that they do not feel able to offer their light at this time, because they are a little traumatized and face difficulties. They reflect: When I feel better, I can share my light. However, we tell you that in that lies the key, because that is what they have come to do. Sharing something with another person (a vision, an idea, a concept or a kick in the ass) will help them anchor these waves of energy as they arrive.

Dear ones, we wish to tell you about a large group of beings ... we will call you spirits, because they have no physical bodies. Each of you has what we would call a jubilant crowd that supports you. Basically, it is a group of cheerleaders (cheerleaders) who are aware of everything they do and who look like their guides in many ways. Their guides speak to them and give them suggestions that sound very similar to their own thoughts. When they have that experience, what happens is that each of these levels may be different and each movement brings them closer to those spirits. Let us expand a little on the subject so you can understand it. Be willing to give voluntary testimony.

Go back to the time when you were children and had more freedom to explore with your imagination. Maybe the first time they saw a game or a stage with people and wondered what it would be like to be there. We tell you that all of you have shared that vision; Everyone has heard what it is like to be on that stage. Many of you have experienced it in a very real way because most of your lives felt as if you were observed. Very often during their youth, they were told that they were being watched. They were taught that God sees them and judges everything. They have become very fearful about being honest about their own feelings because they believe God will judge them. Remember, you are god and that makes the situation difficult, because you judge yourself when nobody else does. Don't you find it interesting? Actually, much of what appears in his writings is correct. We simply place it in another order because we see it slightly differently. We do not say that there is a right and a wrong way. We hope to offer you an empowering approach, because what we tell you is being discovered by your scientists right now. Much of what you call today quantum mechanics, science or physics, has discovered a very interesting truth. When you understand that truth, you can use it in many areas. What was discovered is that if we have a group of randomly floating particles, they are modified if they are observed by a person. When the person observes them, they agglomerate forming a clock, a carpet or the lights; Everything in front of you is made up of atoms. Now that sounds like something quite arrogant, but isn't that the real position of God? When God observes something, that something becomes concrete at the last moment. We tell you that this has been your perspective since the first day you arrived on this planet. They are not aware of this and, due to the delay in time, remain hidden from view. You do not understand (at least globally, consciously) that you create your own reality at every moment of the day. They are currently accepting that concept and using it, but they have a hard time feeling it fully at the deepest level of their being. What we want to tell you, because you are the witnesses of this planet, is that you are here for that. They are here for atoms to agglomerate and create their magic. Does that mean that you believe other people? No, they are also witnesses. In fact, all consciousness is a witness. That leads them to question what consciousness is and where it comes from. How do they define it and how can they increase it?

Nested Toroids, Nested Love

There is only one way to express it. You are physical human beings, but that is only your earthly portion. Your spirit comes from Home and every part of the light coming from there and flowing through your physical body is called consciousness. Now, isn't it interesting that all of you are aware of yourself? In fact, they are part of the first level of the animal kingdom that has become aware of itself. We had the Guardian speak recently about toroid nesting. You are also nested in a very similar way, since one level leads to the next and this one to the next, etc. etc. They are part of larger families, with much larger and different connections. Now they are moving forward and changing at the speed of love. And what can we tell them about all those people and their connections? What to tell them about all these spirits that always seem to be watching them from behind? Yes, you always had a very vivid imagination. The little demon approaches an ear and tells them something, and then the little angel arrives on the other side and whispers theirs, each holding their point of view and the discussion is endless, from here to there and from there to here. Often, what you felt came from your witnesses, because you are also being watched by all the beings that moved away from the line so that you could take your place on planet Earth. You have a very exclusive key that has allowed you to enter through a special door at the right time. Are they trying to find out why they are here, what they are doing and what is the meaning of life? And we tell you, dear ones, that you are fulfilling exactly your purpose. Don't keep doubting yourself; allow your greatness to appear and appropriate your mastery. When you have achieved mastery in something and someone comes and says: "I heard that you are a teacher, could you teach me that?" You answer: "Oh, no. I'm not a teacher". Instead they could answer: “Well, yes, I will be happy to teach you. I am very good at that. ” Take hold of it as you have worked hard in those areas. At this time, more than ever, as you move from one level to the next, all information is gratefully accepted on this planet. It is time that you begin to connect with your spirit and allow that connection of the Home to flow, that that light that comes through you is conscious. Obviously they are not the only ones with consciousness on this planet, because consciousness coming from Home includes all connected spirits. In the Home there are no difficulties with it because when they think of a person, she appears immediately. They are simply all connected in an incredible way that allows them to attract her very quickly. When they arrive on planet Earth, it takes them several years to learn to function within those bodies and to know their physical limitations. Now we are telling you that you can regain those abilities in your physical body. They believe that their energy field is only 91 centimeters in diameter, but in reality they are immense beings. Huge fractions of the universe expand energetically and combine with the other energy fields in ways they barely begin to understand. When they connect consciously, they are sowing seeds and that produces an effect. They expand their light in a unique and exclusive way and those are the most important contracts that many of you have hoped to fulfill for a long time. The magic is here and it's time to put it to work.

Duel in progress

Today we want to talk to you about one last point, because there is also a sadness that has been going on for some time on planet Earth. That deep inner sadness could present itself at some time, and we wish to mention it so that you understand what is happening. They are likely to experience sadness every time they move from one level to another. Much of the extremely deep and deep-rooted sadness in their consciences that humans carry inside is related to the departure from Home. It is what we call the anxiety of separation and they really had to leave the Home in which they were connected with everything. At Home, with just a simple thought everything was achieved. Then they had to go down here and pretend that they are human beings, and that has caused many of the scars they harbor in their tissues. However, they may now discover that it no longer has to be this way. Now, much of their own evolution is leading them towards a level of communication that makes everything happen very quickly. Approximately within 85 to 95 years, they will look back at the form of communication they are using now and laugh at it. They will wonder why they needed so much time to receive and deliver all the information through those little, tiny words. They will wonder what they would be thinking on Earth to write all those stories full of words and put them in books. Their levels of communication will change very, very quickly and with that all the masters that are hidden will emerge. Each of you will go out, whether you are ready or not and you will be the same ones who walk down the street saying “No, I am not a teacher. I'm not a teacher". But what will happen at that moment is that someone will approach them and ask them a question. Students will appear even if you have not yet appropriated their mastery, because now the vibration is correct and your information is more necessary than ever.

Has it ever happened to someone to address you and ask you a very important question for which they had the perfect answer? They opened their mouth and gave the appropriate response, at the right time and place. That is called channeling and is part of you, the part that you are learning to use with mastery in your daily life. Yes, channeling has been criticized for many years. It has belonged to the area of ​​what is strange in its reality and something very difficult to understand. However, if the channel is simply called intuition, imagination or even creativity, does it not come from the same place? Does the channeling not reach them at the last minute and when they are in the perfect place to receive it? Yes, it is, and what is beginning to happen now is that listening to it is becoming popular.

The energy of the heart and the connections with your own heart will lead the way and illuminate your path as never seen before. They will receive help from all their witnesses, because they are part of the same connection with God and with the Home. There are literally thousands of those spirits behind each of you and they are your most important cheerleaders. They are those who left the line and said: `` Let us go because they are the ones that can generate a greater change than I could achieve on planet Earth. '' They feel extremely proud of you! You are doing your job. Starting from the end of planet Earth they are writing the script for a new game. Each day contains new possibilities and new lights. The only thing we ask is that they know that, even if they feel lonely sometimes, they are nested in a very large family. That family will feed your light and your love from the other side of the veil as long as you allow it, for that is the only limitation. They are flooding you with light and love every moment of the day. They witness their experience. You could really say that they make you real. That might be something difficult to capture, but you can understand that they have thousands of spirits that do nothing, except observe every step they take and be willing to help them feel good and confident. en. Maybe they can feel it and trust it enough to take the next step, start walking to the next level and express their truth. You are nested within other hearts - all hearts are connected. Use and discover that connection as you can and your lives will change very quickly, as we see it in amazement. On this side of the veil we have our opinions and discussions. We have that of Oh, look at that person there! Let's see if it goes as far as it thinks it can go. We have all those fun connections, but even at Home, very few of us believed that humanity could reach the point it is reaching. . However, there they are, creating a new world by creating a new light and sharing it with others.

We are very honored to be able to speak to you in this way. We have been talking to them like this for a long time but only lately they are listening to us. We tell you that they are the greatest angels that ever existed. They must understand who they are and assume their power. Appropriate yourself to your teacher, because it is very necessary right now. Treat each other with respect. Take care of each other whenever you can. They are playing a new game. Play it well together.


The group

Connecting the heart

By Barbara Rother

Connecting with my family

I have felt your love and support and wish to thank everyone. Many of you have been sending me your thoughts of healing and prayers and I thank each and every one for that. I have no doubt that your healing energy has had a huge effect on me.

I miss being an active part of the job, but I am improving day by day and I hope more than ever to get involved with our work in due time.

Until that time comes I want you to know that my heart is connected with yours.

Love and Light,


Lightworker is a conscious nonprofit corporation dedicated to expanding the Light through empowerment.


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Translation and Edition: Official Team of Voluntary Translators of -

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