Archangel Uriel: Let others be.

  • 2018

Channeled by Genoveva Coyle, November 13, 2018

You cannot take the problems of others and solve them ... that is not love for them or for yourselves.

Archangel Uriel

Greetings dear! Greetings and good morning my Angels of Luz de Plata. I AM Uriel, Archangel of Love, bearer of the bright Future at this time of now, his beloved brother and constant companion, in charge of reminding them to access his Divine Authority .

I come in love and I come in sweetness to assure you that you are doing spectacularly well, as agents of change, as guides, explorers, healers and all that you have promised the Mother. Even when they think they don't see what they are doing, they are achieving a lot with their silent work, simply being present and breathing love, thus elevating the entire human collective.

Use my Silver Flame to see more clearly the work you do while you are in a dream state. Call me and your guardian angels, call my brother Miguel to show you that every time you release the old energies for yourself, you also release them for your earthly and soul family, and for all humanity.

Every time they release old energies they release them for all mankind.

And why do we tell them this? Because many times we see them trying to do too much, in the old way, to help their loved ones - their children, parents, or spouses, or close friends - trying to bring them solutions and assistance to help them in a physical way. Even thinking about others' problems too much is hard work on your part, and it becomes a useless and quite unnecessary burden that you assume on your own being.

As you have been told, it is not recommended that you do so, because you cannot take the problems of others and solve them ... that is not for love of themselves or you. They could take the burdens of others and try very hard to process and assume them - within their emotional and mental bodies - but this becomes only a deterrent and a distraction from their personal and unique mission .

Focus on your dear hearts, send love and stay still, observe and allow others to do what is their turn.

Trust yourself! It is enough that they have the space and security of love inside. Trust to see this truth.

And then continue working on your own affairs, since the continuous and accelerated expansion comes with letting go .

Release all debris from falsehood and completely eliminate your core problems - that burden of dense and negative energies that you have taken to clean and purify before descending into this third dimension.

In doing so, they release the rest of their family to do their job with the same type of luggage.

You see, diseases and disorderly functioning of families are not simply immutable types of unfortunate genetics, but are, in fact, decisions based on love made among members of the soul family. A common family mission translated as, "If you can't do it, then I will continue or finish your work."

But once matters are completely processed and healed, then their earthly family heritage is completely cleared, and therefore their offspring are free to move without charge, or with less processing work to do on their part.

They will have fewer hard lessons to face and can continue, with joy, creating and dreaming of our Heaven on Earth ... our beloved Nova Earth.

I will leave you now with my love and sparkles of Silver Light. Goodbye!

Archangel Uriel

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TRANSLATOR: Carolina, translator of the great White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Genoveva Coyle (2018) Archangel Uriel: You Are Trying To Do So Much; Just Allow Others To Be.

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