Message from God the Father: The art of letting go - Part 2

  • 2018

Channeled by Adele Arini

CONTINUATION OF The art of letting go - Part 1

There is a BIG difference between "dreamers" and "creators."

Dreamers are happy simply by dreaming / fantasizing about a better life, or a more successful future, or living in a Nova Gaia 5D society. They are continually dreaming and dreaming but they are not taking any action to make their wishes a physical reality in their lives.

The creators, on the other hand, are visionaries. They 'glimpse' a happier, brighter, more peaceful and abundant future and then actively participate in making this future happen!

Dear ones, are you dreamers? Or creators? Are you ready to claim your right of Divine birth?

Are you ready to take your powerful place in the Cosmos as the "Movers and Stirrers" ; as the awakened group of Beings of Light who are holding the destiny of Humanity and Gaia in their very capable hands?

I am here to request your full commitment and dedication to this cause . I am giving all my children an open invitation to enter the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Will you accept my invitation now? Are you ready to do it?

They may wonder why I can't get them out of this 3-D Earth and then send them directly to the 5-D Earth immediately. Why do you all have to go through this sometimes exhausting, often confusing, occasionally painful and chaotic process of Ascension? The answer is simple. Doing so will disempower you .

This is YOUR life journey .

You are here to experience, create, manifest, learn and play. You are here on a great adventure that has never happened before in other parts of this Universe. The Ascension of a planetary being that is Gaia, his Mother Earth, along with all its inhabitants.

Everything that you have been through in this life (and in past lives here on Earth and elsewhere) and everything that you are going through now constitutes the totality of WHO YOU ARE IN TRUTH: `a magnitude. Ephony multidimensional spirit on an endless evolutionary journey towards infinite potentials .

So, why should it interfere with the soul-growth process and the Divine Plan that You yourself have made, before you were born here on Earth? This interference, no matter how well intentioned, will be a direct violation of one of our most Sacred Universal Laws: the Law of Free Will.

So we will always be there to support you every step of your way, within the limits that have told us that they would be acceptable to you, before you were incarnated here, and what We are able to offer within the limitations of the Ascension process.

The Earth Himself, and most of Its inhabitants are now going through a deep and intense process of cleansing and detoxifying to free and heal everything that is no longer serving your Self / Prop Superior site.

Everywhere people are being forced to face all the deeply rooted problems that come from the past. All who are not currently aligned with their Higher Purpose will find themselves at a greater crossroads as many things are shaken to spiritually awaken and claim their Divine power. For example, many people have recently lost their jobs, their marriages, their wealth, their health, their self-confidence and their ways of life before normal . This is not a coincidence.

It is all part of the Ascension process.

If you are one of these people who are going through a difficult time, please remember that you have everything within you to get out of this completely victorious! The future may seem bleak at this time or it may seem that there is no way out. That is just an illusion. It really is only FEAR talking and raising his ugly head.

My advice to all of you who read this today is simple: RELEASE AND LET GOD DIRECT.

Following this simple advice should be THE RECURRING THEME every moment of every day. Your Ascension process will be much softer, easier, more relaxing, fun and abundant if you simply release all controls and give them to Me / your Higher Self.

Even if they are ahead of their Ascension journey and have begun to become their Higher Self, they will still do well to remember this simple truth. Your forward movement from 'Becoming' to 'Incarnate' your Higher Self completely will be like a breeze if you give up all the controls.

Let go of all impatience .

The impatience towards yourself, towards the world that surrounds you or towards the Ascension process in itself is of no use to you.

In any case, it adds to all the negativity that already prevails in this beautiful Planet.

The image chosen by this channel to represent my message today is highly symbolic of what I would really like all of you to do from now on. Some Asian cultures have festivals during the year in which they release sky lanterns (called 'kongming' lanterns in China, or 'khom loi' in Thailand) to symbolize: the presence of hope within their hearts and liberation / el art of 'letting go' all your fears, problems and concerns.

Imagine that you are now in possession of a beautiful celestial lantern of your own. Visualize it holding it in your hands, and take a pen and write all your biggest challenges, concerns, doubts, concerns and fears on all sides of the rice paper lantern. Light the flame and then release it gently. In your mind, establish a powerful intention for this floating lantern to reach Me and your Higher Self . As you observe your celestial lantern floating towards the heavens, make the intention of permanently releasing everything you have written on it, forever. And mentally ask for our help to make this happen.

(Please consider your local laws and Planet Earth / the environment if you intend to do this exercise really, and not just in your imagination. You may replace the lantern with a beautiful piece of paper and then burn it in a container Proper fireproof in your backyard. Do it in a sacred ritual; let the "burning of your fears in ashes" symbolize the permanent release / disintegration of ALL who are holding you back.

Below are some examples of powerful, false and three-dimensional beliefs that you can start letting go today.

(There are many more limiting beliefs that the Human Collective needs to let go to reach their Highest Potential).

  1. The only way you will get rich is to work hard for your money.
  2. You are helpless before your physical disabilities. You must have done something 'bad' in your past life to deserve to be born blind, deaf or dumb.
  3. You are unable to recover lost limbs; unable to heal unhealthy organs; unable to heal your body of all serious diseases such as cancer. Their bodies age as they age and then get sick at the time of death. It is impossible for a 60 year old person to reverse all signs of aging and appear physically as a 30 year old person.
  4. You are unable to travel instantly from one place to another in the world through the power of your mind.
  5. You can only get rich or get ahead in life if you are young and physically attractive, well educated, rich and have the "right" skin color.
  6. God needs to be 'worshiped' and glorified.

If you cannot 'think, feel, believe or do' outside the third-dimensional box in which you have been living for your entire life, then you will never be able to grow in the powerful Multi-dimensional Light Being that is your true identity. .

It is time to free EVERYTHING that chains you and oppresses you!

I realize that it is very difficult and super challenging to release all previous beliefs, for life. After all, you have accepted these beliefs as "true" based on your own observations and social conditioning throughout your life. A message from Me saying that ALL of those are false beliefs will not do much in changing such powerful and very established mentalities.

But for those of you here who truly believe in the existence of your Divine Powers of Creation and Manifestation, I will now share the secret to overcome those powerful beliefs / conditions.

Here it is: DO NOT DISTURB TO TRY TO EXCEED THEM. There are too many of them, and they are all deeply rooted in your subconscious. It will take too long to face them and release them one by one.

You just need to replace ALL those three-dimensional false beliefs deeply rooted with ONE powerful belief that overrides them all.


You have to fully commit to doing your best to FULFILL the above statements. This is THE KEY of your Divinity, of your Sovereignty.

Are you up to this challenge? Is your whole being, your mind-body-spirit, now ready to embrace its divine potential? Are you finally ready to leave behind all the feelings of smallness, helplessness, worthlessness or unworthiness, and then COMPLETELY, once and for all, WELCOME your Piousness, Divinity and Powerfulness?

If a strong, immediate and decisive YES is your answer, then my beloved, please take My two hands now. Leave everything that holds you back and trust Me. Give your life completely and give it to Me. I will take care of you, guide you, protect you every step of the way, and make sure you get to the destinations where you want to go. All you have to do now is: TRUST ME completely.

This is your MISSION if you decide to accept it. Now is your turn.

With All My Love and Light,

Father God

CONTINUATION OF The art of letting go - Part 1

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2018. Welcome to Nova Gaia: Father God. To post, keep the message in its entirety and provide the following link. Much love and gratitude. Namaste

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