The Second Matrix with Technology

  • 2016

It seems unthinkable to live in today's society without technology, she brings us one thousand things a day, and it is so in our present that she begins to be part of us, among the many things to her Please, technology opens the doors to close connections with distant people, how could I be writing this article for you and sending it to you if it were not thanks to being connected through different devices in a network that unites us ?.

What is Matrix?

Now we will return to the technology, but first let me tell you something: Surely, as a follower of these forums you know that we live in an illusory system, a Matrix, something similar to what is represented in the movie Cula the Truman show, Matrix or so many others, a system created at many levels in which perhaps the easiest to notice a little that you Try and feel interest is the social level because of its closeness, if you play to feel participant in a movie with many actors in a wonderful scenario called planet Earth, you will see that the script others always seem to write it, that throughout history they have monopolized the power by dividing the planet into different plots called countries, deciding ways of living, thinking, laws and even wars and your script is always superdited to adapt to fit into the one already created in the part of the world in which you have touched be born.

But the social level is not the greatest success in creating this fictional reality. No doubt make you forget who you are, disconnect from yourself as a being and as a species, that is the great achievement of the creators of this Matrix. The human being is essentially more emotional and mental than physical, however we live the physical part as the only reality, denying the emotional and mental part as existing, as if it were a virtual illusion of ourselves that we cannot understand, making most of the illness the times in these levels without understanding it until they are manifested physically in us and healing the physical part leaving many times without healing the essential.

You can talk a lot and we will talk about this topic, but let's go back to the beginning of our article, in which we were commenting on how technology influences our lives.

Weaving the nets of a new Matrix

Almost all of us have a computer, or a mobile phone that does a thousand things: It is a library that allows us to solve our doubts on any subject almost instantly, gives us free entertainment with the kind of game we choose or becomes a camera and video and therefore graphic guardian of our memories, and what is to come ...

It is increasingly common to see groups of teenagers gathered but instead of talking to each other, each absorbed with their mobile, consulting a social network, sending messages or playing. A fashion, it has become usual to see children chasing non-existent characters of drawings that can be seen and captured by towns and cities pointing the phone to the streets and monuments.

The future tells us about glasses that we can wear and will allow us all these functions and many more how to recognize faces through them, showing us all the information of our interlocutor or the people with whom we cross the street, he tells us about limbs such as arms and legs, which can supplant the biological ones, giving us strength or unthinkable speed, tells us of many advances that can improve our physical and intellectual abilities, but ...

What could happen if this seems to us a toy of great help we begin to admit it as an essential part of ourselves?

Imagine that these glasses become lenses, I could even be installed in the corneas of our eyes, instantly we could mentally consult doubts, send messages, hear our favorite music.

If these mechanisms will advance further in our population, the person who will not carry it would be left out of a “virtual” reality in which the rest of their peers are involved, making it very difficult for these “robotized” people to interact with him as they would live realities. Different, surely the user of these technical advances, would feel powerful, because it would provide him with great tools that a non-user would lack, many occur to me but put your imagination to fly: Simultaneous translation of languages, learn skills such as playing an instrument musical, almost instantaneously ...

Undoubtedly, non-users would accept the use of these “contact lenses” as something good and necessary, reaching their use to most or all of the population.

Robotized Humanity

The reality would happen to be perceived through these lenses, micro chip or whatever the future brings, generating the images we see, the sounds we hear, and even the touch of what we take, being able to confuse images or beings in our mind false, as real, capturing our mind and our emotions and once again our reality that would be easily directed by those who will control the central computers, from which all the information for the world population starts.

The technology is good when it is to help us, but we must be very aware of who is behind this technology that could be distributed in an affordable way as "poisoned candies" without haste to take effect, a generation, two three, no matter, because their times are not your times that you surely calculate in a life, and accepted with your consent without thus transgressing your free will, as putting the signature in a contract that would affect the future of humanity and your next reunions in this reality, separating us still more of our true human essence and our way back home.

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Carlos de la Prida

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