Libra Full Moon 2010 astrosign "The Wind of Aquarius 3: Opinion and Originality

  • 2010

Introduction: The Libra air sign represents the balance between inside and outside. It is a sign that does not have a human symbol or an animal symbol, but the figure of Justice, like that of a woman with a blindfold that holds the scale in her hand. She is blind to external opinions and listens to the interior to realize what is right. When we stop orientating ourselves towards the opinions of others, we enter into a deeper relationship with our own being. That is why the theme of this month's Lunar Messenger is: Aquarian Wind 3: Opinion and Originality. ”

Originals, not Copies

The flowering of a rose gives us a deep message: before it blooms it goes through many transformations, and thus the fragrance of the flower develops. We also experience many transformations before our soul can flourish. The jewel of the soul is hidden within the personality; It can only be developed through an appropriate crop. There are gardeners who are ready to help the flower so that it can grow and bloom. We call them the Masters of the Hierarchy. They protect us and nourish us; they guide us well, so that our inner being can reach its full development. However, if there is no impulse to grow in a seed, not even the gardener can do anything. As long as we are stuck in our personalities and get entangled with opinions and opinions about people and things, our souls cannot flourish.

We are all original and not copies of someone else, because we have emerged from ESE, the origin, as I AM. THAT is the original and everything having come from THAT is also an original. Therefore, each human being is unique and the energy of Aquarius reinforces our originality to bring it to full bloom.

The development of originality could fulfill the purpose of life. We have to find the path to this in our lives; It is not a beaten path. That is why we should not live according to the opinions that others have about us but according to our own nature. When the energies of Aquarius are working with us, we will only look at what is important and follow it. We do not bother what others think of us and we do not go according to their opinions. The transformation does not admit that we remain tied in a firm opinion or a rigid idea. Things continue to change and evolution is part of the divine Plan. According to this plan, we all learn in our own way.

We should not try to imitate others, because that way we have lost ourselves, because we are no longer ourselves. Even children no longer imitate today; They are already original and inventive. The CVV Master says: "To be spiritual is to be original." That is why we should not try to be anything other than what we are and we should bring our inner being abroad, so we are considered beautiful. A mango cannot be an apple, because a mango is already very good.

All initiates live according to the higher principles of life and not according to the opinions of the public. The public sees only gradually the superior value of what the initiate does. He is independent and trusts only in himself; He does not depend on the opinion of others. He does not carry any opinion about others in himself, but allows people to have their own understanding of him.

EK teacher

In his description of the first encounter with a master of wisdom, Master EK speaks of the advice that the Master gave him: “Starting today, stop thinking about the thoughts of others. Do not try to know what others think of you. Do not have any opinion about any person; You can remember others, but you are not expected to remember whether they are good or bad. Never ask for the opinions of others when you want to do something good. If you feel it is a good thing, you start and do it. Never discuss it with anyone. ”

Thus, Master EK never sought the opinion of the audience about his teachings. For him, the opinions of people in general were very superficial and temporary; The work I had to do was profound and therefore, many times, was not understood. When initiating the people who sought in the Gayatri, the Indian tradition felt strongly challenged. But he said, “The light is for everyone! Who can deprive anyone of it? ”And when Master EK was asked, “ it would be much better if you didn't smoke, ”he replied, “ Take care of yourself, not me. Don't tell me what to do. If you do not know what to do, you can ask me. ”“ We are concerned about public opinion in relation to smoking, that a deep spiritual master smokes cigarettes. ”He replied:“ So what? If this is not compatible, and what? Who said that I am a spiritual teacher? I have never said that. Do not live in the straw. If I smoke a cigarette, it's my problem, it can't be your problem. ”

Master EK never prepared his teachings; he developed according to the need of the audience, the energy of the planetary constellation of the day and the energy of the place where he spoke. His attitude to teach was to inform applied listeners, which means causing normality in their energy systems. After a conference, the audience frequently expressed that many of their questions had been answered and their doubts had been cleared. Some said they had found the right direction and that they had been cured of the heaviness of their problems. The Master used to listen to them, remaining silent.

Opinion Rigidity

Humanity suffers today from an enormous rigidity of opinion. A sea of ​​opinions surrounds many people from where they cannot leave. People are very quick in their judgments and want their opinion to win; for that reason they also impose it on others. He who experiences an education today is forced to accept the opinions of some authors instead of expressing his own, and he is forced to accept this as education. Thus an atrophy is imposed on the growth of their mental abilities and their expression is hindered.

In the spiritual path only the information that others can receive or not can be given. When they receive it, they are formed inwardly. They can be impressed or not, but we should not press anything on them. Everyone understands things as they understand them. Even if we have different opinions we must find some common ground when dealing with others. In this way, what is common can happen to the center and will last. Opinions, however, change and do not constitute a firm basis.

While something irritates us and bothers us, or produces anger or rage, we are still in our personalities and do not live in the Divine Presence. We are locked in critical opinions and views and we don't get out of our emotions and concrete minds. We only begin to overcome them by doing something good for others. As soon as we begin, we achieve good thoughts to put them into good deeds. Thus, we learn to work from the heart; from the heart goes to the mind and then expresses itself.

Agreement and Vision

The method to neutralize one's opinions is to try to know the point of view of the other instead of declaring ours. Whenever we disagree with the opinions of others, we can become passive towards them and try to focus on the needs of others and do whatever is necessary.

It doesn't take much capacity to have a point of view and an opinion about an issue, but it takes a great skill to see a question from all sides or dimensions and include everything. Aquarius encourages such vision. Because only when the points of view and opinions are eliminated, the vision of the essence is available and the various points of view find their synthesis in the vision. Overcoming the obstacles of the usual models of speech, behavior and action our souls can become one with the super-soul.

We make friends learning how to agree with people - not with their views and opinions, but with them as people. Enmity and rejection of others are destructive and also often self-destructive. We do not necessarily have to agree with the personality when we agree with the person and then we are cordial. Friendship and love cannot include rejection. The initiates have shown us the ability to accept even the ugliest beings and to live with them. It is a matter of understanding the One who is in everyone and establishing a strong relationship with him.

Sources: KP Kumar: Uranus / Master EK / Seminar notes. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Psychology. The World Teacher Trust / Editions Dhanishta Spain. (

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