The new spiritual energies of the Earth in Latin America, by Drunvalo Melchizedek

The light of the world has been in Tibet, China and India for a long time. He has moved to South America, where he will be the new Tibet in the world; not all, but it is centered in a place in northern Chile, although it covers a huge area of ​​South America.

We find that indigenous peoples across the globe agree that we have entered a unique and special time in the history of the world. It is a time when we are about to move from a completely different way of being to others. And we can't see that right now; We can refer to that, feel it, see that there are huge changes that occur around us, but the kind of changes that are about to occur will be quite surprising for people because they are of a different nature than what we are heading for. It is of a nature in which the old forms, the forms with which we are familiar, begin to dissolve in ways that are somewhat disconcerting.

At the same time, new forms begin to replace them, which are very refreshing because they are loving, kind and easy. They are the kind of things that moms do to boys, they know ... and the ideas that we have sustained, such as the war of the galaxies, we have the idea that in the Universe they are fighting against each other, we will discover that this is not true, that in reality the Universe is a living, conscious, and very, very old being who deals with what happens to himself in many ways.

So, as I said, the ideas of star wars are only a mental fear of humans. In truth, the universe do everything I could to help. We are entering a time where that will be obvious. Where there seems to be no hope, support will appear, and where everything seems like there is no way out, we will find it. Let's see the light to go through the darkness. It is a time of great hope that we are entering.

The Mayans, when they talk about this time, call it The End of Time, because it is the end of a very long cycle, and the beginning of a new cycle. It is not like everything comes to an end, it is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.

But ... it depends on what part of the cycle the Mayans are talking about. If they do it from the old part of the cycle, which is what we are familiar with: banking systems, religions, governments, and all this kind of thing, that will become extremely unstable: and, if they are in The right thing is going to fall apart, completely dissolve.

But instead there will be a completely new way of being. A form that we have not seen on Earth, in the life of virtually no one for thousands and thousands of years; Where fear disappears

We are near the end of polarity and the consequent ideas of Good and Evil; The whole structure of what Good and Evil means, which is much more complex.

If you look at the idea of ​​Good and Evil or Good and Evil, no matter which of the polarities you are in, you will also see that there is a third. They are hot and cold, and then there is warm; Up and down, the middle being. If you see Sun, Earth, there is the Moon. If you see man, woman, there is the child. Our time is past, present, future; Space is on the X, Y, Z axis. Everything is a function of how we are interpreting reality: As One. And that reality One, will not change, but our conscience is what will change. When he does, we're going to drop it, and we're not going to see it anymore. Instead we will see the Unity of a lifetime.

In the perception of that, when the perception changes, then everything changes. Our sense of lack, need or impossibility, or the things we have to heal, all those things will disappear; It will simply end. Then, we realize that the whole Universe is a living being and that there is only one Spirit moving through the Whole, as well as a single consciousness.

A new way of perceiving enters life on Earth and we, in our current life, are going to experience this. I mean, right now, right now in 2008.

It seems it can't be, the world is crazy! They are at war trying to kill each other; financial systems are about to break completely; and so everything

That is not what the elders are saying on this planet, what they say is: we have finally entered this place, and we are about to see something completely new. Although it is very old, it is really not new at all.

It is not that there is a mission, it is not that there is anything to do; It is about transformation. It is vibration. It is the condition of BEING, more than doing. The Do, or I have to do or achieve something is part of the polarity consciousness. Soon we will enter a state, which we have actually already entered; It's a baby, it's still growing. The mere idea of ​​needing to do something to achieve something, or that we need something because we feel we are missing, will be obsolete. Those ideas are not going to go with us anymore because we are going to have the ability to achieve anything instantly; on any imaginable level of existence. We are about to gain control of the dream of the heart, where the Creation occurred, in the first place.

We believe that we are living on a planet that floats around the Sun. It is not true! There is no planet; there is no sun! There is nothing, it is pure consciousness and nothing else. And the images we are looking at, the stars, the planets, the moons and everything, are really a dream that was created in the heart a long time ago.

When we enter the state of the living heart again, and begin to dream the way we did millions of years ago, we will realize that we can change anything.

In the beginning, when that happens, it's great; people get excited about that, really because usually what happens - because we have seen this happen on other planets, in other places and at other times - we say U Uau! Yes they begin to correct all the things in their bodies, healing everything, getting all kinds of money and what they think they need, and then realizing that there is more than that, leaving all those things on the edge of the road .

What they do is get really beautiful because we can change anything, the body is an image. We get to the point of realizing that there is much more. It is there - or here - where the new cycle begins.

It is a stage and it is a path ... we are in the past of this journey that has already happened. What life is about to do is something it has never done before, never. It is the first time since the Creation of everything, that he has decided to speed things up. So, instead of taking millions of years to do these different levels or steps, they will be done - sometimes - in minutes. We are about to go at the speed of light through evolution, and through many, many levels that normally take thousands and billions of years to achieve. We will achieve this very fast. From the point of view of experience, as in two Earth years, from what would normally take 10 to 15 billion years to get there, what will happen is between the Source, the Father-Mother Creator, God. By then we will realize that we are God.

The ability to create, which is our birthright, is what the Earth is about to remind us. Life on earth is not a learning process but a process of remembering. We, slowly, people all over the world, are going to remember what this is about. We will see how the world begins to change forms, but we will not remember the ancient form, unless they are part of the creation ... and slowly we will enter into another form. We always know that the form that will be created will be a good form because the heart will never do anything that is detrimental to anything. The heart knows that all life is one. He doesn't think about polarity, he never thinks that I, that you are outside. Always look for an image that is good for a lifetime everywhere. So this process is not one that has fear involved in it, at all. This process is used by babies and children.

From the Hindu point of view, this is called the siddhis, they are the powers. Initially there is a danger: you can enter certain levels of that, from the brain only - without the participation of the heart - that is through the ego, while the ego is intact. If you cannot get it out of the way, and the ego takes over the process, it becomes a serious matter because you miss a huge opportunity; That's why Hindus say it's dangerous. They can lose their spiritual lives for a while, although they will return anyway, since God lives in each one; There is no such thing as being lost forever. They can make a turn on the road, but they will always come back (...)

The brain can create dreams that are not cute, and in one way it is true on another level. You can control people, that's why there is polarity. The polarity is about to dissolve; We will not have access to it. The reason for this is because in order for polarity to exist there must be an electromagnetic grid around the earth, which is about to be removed from the planet. The only access we will have is by ancient forms that is unity, which is what the indigenous peoples hold, or the new form that sustains a higher level of the unity grid, then we will be in one of those two; because there is not going to be one in the middle. So once that grid is discarded, which will happen shortly, the world will move forward in a positive and beautiful way.

My teachers around the world, the indigenous people I work with, are all in unison at this time. You all tell me: "Say it, because this is going to happen."

Gaia can do anything really. She shows it to people who feel it is okay to show her. I've seen her do things - I know she is conscious; She is fully aware of every little detail on the planet - she is going to make changes. And what the indigenous peoples feel is that there are going to be many people who are going to leave the land. This is not bad at all, it's just that their spirits are going to move within an area of ​​space-time and dimension that is very familiar to them. To make the kind of changes we are going to have, in other words: they are going home, because they came from there before. But those who remain, and in reality it will not be a large number of people, are still hundreds and hundreds of millions of people. Those who remain will connect with their hearts; They will become a single living being. They say that the earth will be transformed into a spaceship, which we will fly to a new way of being of Melchizedek consciousness. The orbit changes the planet, and changes the way we perceive reality. We have been varying the orbit since 1972.

I know there is a lot of concern for people about rapid changes. They are worried that they have no food or water, or that they will die from disasters, etc. But that is not what is actually happening. It is a transformation in consciousness at the planetary level; It's happening everywhere, not only here, it's everywhere. It is the entire universe that is going through a transformation. If they really understood, there is nothing to fear at all; It's like finally, we're going to reach a level of changes that are going to happen very quickly. Magic will fill the air.

If Mother Earth does not want you to leave, and she wants you to be part of the new place, you cannot do anything to leave, no matter what you do; because she will make sure they are not hurt. But if they are supposed to leave - because you have decided so - then they will leave. Either choice is a blessing.

God lives within each one ... and they cannot harm God. We are only entering a way of being that is so alien to our way of thinking, for the past 13, 000 years ... we have been in polarity consciousness for a long time. In this consciousness they are on their own, they have to protect themselves, to do everything; It's not about any of that kind of thing. It is only about transformation. Once we enter this transformation, and our process of remembering to work, we will say: "Oh, yes, I remember now ..."

We have to understand that to put it clearly, all life is One, it is totally interconnected; It sustains itself. Only within the galaxy is it like a living being, there are areas that are the heart, the liver, the kidneys, perform functions; we do this for you, it is a stream of energy ... and there is no one there trying to kill each other. There are tiny parts of things that are going through transformations that they still don't understand, but 99% eat thousands of nines then they are there to support each other.

We are surrounded at this time by some 250, 000 space cultures ... who love us. They are wishing the best for us; We care. At the appropriate time we will see them. And we will know that the world is not there to catch us. It is not that way. We will realize that there is much more in relation to life, than we ever dreamed. And it will be an amazing revelation. Because the world is so in fear right now, with so much fear and so lost; He doesn't know how to do things. All control issues that are everywhere, lack of food and so on.

Life is about to be known on Earth, literally known, and that is here.

You just have to breathe ... stay connected to Mother Earth, Father Heaven and not worry about anything, no matter what it seems. Everything will pass and the light will begin to enter.

Life is whole, complete and perfect, nothing is missing and it has always been that way. We have chosen to experience it. We do it on a particular level of consciousness called Good and Evil, which means all good and bad possibilities. We experience it, and the experiment is over.

Now we will return to something that has already been tested. We are this experiment that we have been doing for the last 13000 years. It actually extends a little more, goes up to a little over two thousand years. Where does that fit into the greater equation of consciousness?

I'm not sure, but it was one of the possibilities and we did it, but now we are at the end. So just relax.

All who are on earth came from elsewhere. Earth is a new planet that is on the edge of the galaxy. It has been there for 5 billion years, and the universe is at least 16 billion years old. This is what we can try, but it may be older.

Our spirit is infinitely older: there has not been a time in which we have not existed, as there will never be a time in which we will not exist. Which means we all came from somewhere else. We are ETs. Dolphins are too; They came from Sirius with the whales. Many Pleiadians have been here for a long time. People from Aldebaran ... and from all other places have been found here. Exactly how these different races are going to do it, I don't know. I know quite well how the Sirians will do it, because they, through these groups of indigenous elders, will be the first to make themselves known, since we are their descendants. They are the parents and they decided to do that. But after that, what the Mayans say about this moment is that the entire Universe will open to us. We can go anywhere and be where we want to be.

And yes, I understand them, this is a strange time, somehow, because we have been so limited, we have been quarantined on Earth; We could not leave the room. Someone locked the door a long time ago. And we are looking for life, trying to prove that there is something there. But that life is going to come here, it is already here.

The 250, 000 cultures that I mentioned are the ones that came using their vehicles. That means that it is the lowest form of life in the universe, which already came here.

You do not see the Michael Arc traveling in a spaceship, you do not need it, you can be anywhere you want to be, the highest levels of consciousness can simply be where you want to be.

Thank you!

I hope people who see this get excited about life because something really beautiful is about to happen.

Here you have the video where the transcript comes from:

> Seen in: Urban Shaman

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