Messages from Mother Mary for the Awakening of your soul.

  • 2010

You must be part of the Awakening to achieve Unification with GOD in love.

The creative energy of Allah is transmitted directly to all human beings, however, some do not know how to receive it because they do not have a good level of development of their consciences. To avoid this it is necessary to fill you with knowledge and search for information to reach our awakening. Today the time is shorter to reach tomorrow, which is why it is necessary to speed up that mass awakening of all mankind. To do this you must:

- Open your heart.

- Recognize the existence of an all-powerful being who is your creator.

- Love your brothers as yourself.

- Love GOD over all things.

- Find your essence.

- Discover your mission.

- Integrate and be part of the whole as a whole.

- Always wish the best for your brothers.

- Have gifts such as patience, tolerance, humility, self-sacrifice, forgiveness and altruism.

With these tools, your awakening will be closer every day and you can be part of the sunny tomorrow that humanity so longs for.

You have to be part of the unification between GOD, Humanity and the Universe. The unification of humanity as a totality will allow the earth to reach its peak of happiness, for this it is important that you as the human being that you are currently be part of this process and begin to act with love. He who loves and delivers his best in every activity he does finds GOD and certainly finds his happiness.

At the present time that humanity is going through, the ideal and what the Universe and the Cosmos want is that the greatest number of human beings can raise their levels of consciousness, to the point that they understand that there is a single GOD that created All human beings according to their image and likeness, hence you are a GOD, a special being of light who has been sent to earth to be happy and help all mankind be. What are you waiting to be?

Search within yourself and you will discover the immensity of your soul, you are the reflection of GOD on earth, he always got what he intended. Why are you not going to achieve it, if he is in you and you in him? Everything you set out, as long as it comes and is motivated by your soul and your heart, and not by your ego, you can achieve it with the power of your mind and your heart. You know it begins with delivering love to receive the best gifts in the universe.

With my most infinite love, MARIA.

Find your essence and collect the sown seeds.

The deepest knowledge is obtained from the connection with our supreme energy, only the one who manages to connect with his inner GOD will be a person he knew, not necessarily who has the greatest knowledge in his mind reaches wisdom. To get to it, you must open your heart and meet God again, this can be achieved through the good daily actions you do, giving feelings of love and tranquility to all your brothers and especially those who need it most. Sometimes we see people lost and deviated from their path that only radiate unhappiness and misfortune, they must be irradiated with the purification you achieve in your soul, teach them to be happy, give them a little love and this will fill your life with joy. Loneliness is sometimes necessary, but if GOD wanted you to have brothers, it was so that you never had to live it. Not being able to share with the people you want fills you with sadness, for this reason take advantage of every day you have on planet earth to share with your brothers and enjoy the benefits that the universe offers you. Be happy and show humanity that happiness and joy must be spread among all to achieve universal peace so desired by all.

Study and fill yourself with knowledge at the intellectual level to determine what is good or bad, and manage to help the earth with new technological flashes. But remember that they will not take you to the place you belong, those who arrive are those who have achieved their connection with GOD in the same essence, and today they are the ones who will collect the fruits of all the seeds sown for thousands of years, seeds that will only bring peace and tranquility to your life. All you have to do is start with the opening of your heart looking for your mission on earth. Teaching and helping your brothers will give you spiritual benefits that you can never forget. That is why he collaborates with those who need it most, he thinks that today they are, tomorrow it could be you, and that you most want one of yours to reach out to you when you need it most. Think about this from the bottom of your heart and you will see that it is real. Share how little or how much you have to be duplicated, either spiritually or materially, this is reciprocal in both directions. If you only have spirituality, be assured that you are richer than anyone in the universe because you are very close to GOD.

Heal your heart and share helping all mankind to find or find your connection with your inner GOD. A deep hug from the center of my heart Your Mother MARY.

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Bogota Colombia.

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