Dialogues with Krishnamurti. Channeling of Henrique Rosa.

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 My greetings in the Light and in the Creative Force of all of us and everything! 2 It was not an easy task to be against illusion, and because of this, I had many disagreements, many enemies. 3 Truth heals, releases, expands and elevates! 4 What are the treaties, books, universities, diplomas, rituals, the practice of mystical exercises for if man is not taught to free his real mind, his creative mind imprisoned by his brain, from his emotions and of a divisor and enslaver system? 5 Humanity is in a process of liberation from illusions and dogmas, both political and religious, economic and scientific. 6 Getting rid of the things you press is not always easy. Many times it is painful, and forces you to have enormous courage. 7 It is necessary to combat illusions and dogmas of all types.

Channeled Message

In Portuguese the Original.

My greetings in the Light and in the Creative Force of all of us and everything!

I always fought fantasy and illusion, a lie disguised as religion or truth.

Throughout the evolution of the human being, a task of illusions, fantasies and dogmas was woven by minds embedded in illusion and often by the thirst for power.

I always fought the lack of creative objectivity of the mind and the very elementary levels of intelligence labeled and standardized.

I always defended the full freedom to think, feel and live . I speak of freedom with intelligence, with awareness because the freedom that today is expanded by the physical world is a freedom without consciousness and without intelligence.

It was not an easy task to be against the illusion, and because of this, I had many disagreements, many enemies.

However, I was driven by the Intelligent and Divine Creative Force that is within me, as well as in all and in all things.

The greatest destroyer of Truth is man; He is the greatest destroyer and limiter of this Divine Creative Force.

Man was always the greatest limiter of the real, always fled from real and true things. He is afraid of the real, of the truth that releases, transforms and transmutes. In a general way, human systems today, whether political, religious, scientific or educational, are based on illusions and lies.

But why?

Because the lie destuye, crystallizes, mutilates, kills!

The truth heals, releases, expands and elevates!

Relationships between human beings are also contaminated by illusions and lies.

Few are those who know what love is, because love in its greatest purity is liberating, communicating, unifying and expansive; It is not mutilator, divisor, enslaver .

Man was induced to think a lot, and the part of the mind he uses to think is also the one that creates the illusion, destroys the real, destroys the truth, because it is shadow, it is not Light, it is not creative and liberating force; It is a enslaving force, so much that the wrong use of the mind has been the cause of wars, of hunger, of injustices of all levels, of the destruction of the real and the truth of each one.

Only with an inner revolution, a revolution of the mind, an objective and fundamental revolution, the Creative Force can be released within each human being.

What are the treaties, books, universities, diplomas, rituals, practice of mystical exercises for if man is not taught to free his real mind, his mind? creative prisoner of your brain, your emotions and a divisor and enslaver system?

A percentage of humanity has been revealing itself against everything that is enslaving and is seeking to bring down the dogmas, annihilate illusions and awaken growing plots of the Creative Intelligent Force, of the Real that resides in each one.

That growing percentage of humanity, beyond that small but already so powerful, so strong and so unified with each other, together with others that are in other planes and in other dimensions are They are making that revolution of the creative mind, of creative intelligence, freeing the mind from oppressive and divisive educational systems, from illusions.

The same force that created stars, planets, constellations, galaxies, the universe, also created the human being. It is not enough to know this, it is necessary to be aware, feel and be that . So, every step that the sisetma solor and the planet itself take in the direction of this Creative Force, is also another step in the liberation of all humanity.

Humanity is in a process of liberation from illusions and dogmas, both political and religious, economic and scientific.

There is a lack of awareness in these systems; if there were consciousness they would not have led humanity of the twentieth century to go through two great world wars and small local wars . If there were consciousness, material wealth would be more equally and fraternally divided . If there is a lack of consciousness there can be no equality, freedom, fraternity and the real liberating mind, which is in the higher real levels of intelligence, cannot be expressed.

And it is that intelligence that will lead each human being to see in his fellow man, in his companion and brother, the same Creative Cosmic Force that resides in itself.

Generally the human being does not give value to the Creative Force that is within him, does not give value to all those who already have awareness awake from this Force and who seek to help awaken the same Force within everyone, because that requires detachments, sacrifices .

Getting rid of the things they oppress is not always easy. Many times it is painful, and forces you to have enormous courage.

And human systems, throughout the ages, take away from humanity the courage to say no to dogmas, to fantasies, to everything that is unreal, and to say yes to everything that is true that liberates and expands

Because the truth is liberating, and it is not oppressive. But the truth that continues to be oppressive today is enslaving, it is mutilating.

It is necessary to have the courage to say no to everything that limits you, to say no to everything that forces you to be led by others, according to the rules made by men. It is necessary to walk with your own feet, be aware of where you are going, the determination that you need to do. And it is up to each one to fight for the liberation of himself and of all those who can help liberate.

It is necessary to combat illusions and dogmas of all types.

The unreal must be destroyed , because only destroying the unreal is that the real will arise . And the real thing is that which transforms, expands, unifies and liberates all.

The great destroyer of the real is the conditioned mind.

Your minds are conditioned. But what conditioned them?

- Educational, religious, political, economic and scientific systems. Today, universities and schools are not sought to have wisdom; a diploma is sought to have economic or political power, to have power over other people, to be able to enter jobs that give a lot of money and that bring power.

In the past, wisdom was sought. And for what?

- To teach and lead others also to be wise, so that they would also be free and walk with their own feet.

The world is on the edge of a collapse. The political collapse has already emerged, the economic collapse is in disuse, the scientific collapse is on the verge of exploding and the educational collapse is beginning. Chaos is there reigning.

May this chaos lead to the conquest of the Light and not to a decrease, even greater, for darkness.

May humanity be reborn into the New Christ Light!


PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of hermandadblanca.org

SOURCE: "Journal of Esoteric Sciences." A Universal Wisdom gives Sit. Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa. http://www.portaldasintese.com.br/multimidia/ed15.pdf

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