The inner hero's looks

  • 2011

Last week I decided to publish an old note, which I attached below, which I thought deserved to be in my blog due to the importance of the topic it deals with.

The warrior's path

The Way of Peace, the Inner Way, is also

Paradoxically, the Way of the Warrior. And this goes beyond

violence or nonviolence and focuses on the really

important: live with honesty and courage according to our vision


The spiritual Warrior is not at the service of third parties but of his

Consciousness itself, which is continually expanding. Is

I might do something in the future for principles that in the past

I would not have done for the same cause, and vice versa.

Life is a process that, in addition to a positive attitude,

demand gradually overcome fears and prejudices, and face with courage

to the unknown. Even to the same death.

Curiously it is when we get to overcome our fears

We understand that there was never anything to fear.

The Camino de Guerrero addresses the importance of being faithful to our highest ideals above what others consider to be right or wrong.

I know that the word "warrior" creates controversy especially in the mouth of someone who considers himself a pacifist, and it would have been easier to simply call it the path of the Hero, as many have called it before, because at the end of the day it carries the same meaning, but precisely because of the amount of prejudices that I think today exist about it, I decided to leave it as it was.

Soon a good friend made me the wise observation that my reflection reminded him of a part of his studies: suicide in Islam - justification in the Koran - holy war an internal war ...

The observation of my friend Valentin has its foundation, and I greatly appreciate your comment, however rugged the subject may seem, since in my opinion it can be very important to understand it.

I think that his observation is based on very specific cases and extreme reactions, precisely because the highest vision of people who act in this way, regardless of the religion or ideology they profess, is totally obfuscated and limited by absolute beliefs and in many dogmatic occasions about life and how we should act with respect to it. People who from that exclusive perspective, and under certain circumstances that they consider inviolable, are able to end the lives of others and even their own in defense of ideals. People who fervently believe that there is only one way to go, only one correct way to understand and consequently solve those situations that overflow them.

That is why my blog, rather than disseminating values, focuses especially on making known that there are other perspectives from which to apply them.

I believe faithfully and have not yet heard a logical reasoning that shows me otherwise, that humanity is intrinsically good. I believe that the values ​​to a greater or lesser extent we all have, although in many cases numb or buried by the fear and hopelessness that most of our official paradigms still feed.

I think that all without exception, including these people, are noble souls traveling together this evolutionary adventure that is life.

Understanding it like this helps me to eradicate hate and to feel compassion for those people who take such extreme paths instead. It helps me to understand that in many of them, above the radicalism of their beliefs, the intention that promotes them prevails, a noble intention that, although confused by absolutism and demagogy, drives them even to sacrifice lives for it.

Terrible acts have been committed throughout history in the name of good intentions, of the great causes that demanded enormous sacrifices. But the real problem has never been in good intentions but in radicalism and in the limited vision of those who argued.

I think that honor, love of humanity, the defense of the weak and of a cause greater than ourselves, service, loyalty, courage, integrity, ... are still virtues that dignify the human spirit and that magnify and give meaning to our life.

I also believe without a doubt that when man knows better he acts better. And I think that every man that passes by knows better.

Today, thanks, among other things, to the globalization of information and communications, we are increasingly aware that there is no single way of understanding life, that in reality there are countless ways, and that if we are not afraid to investigate We can learn from them.

This knowledge, this mental openness only to respect other models of thought but to know them in order to expand ours, together with our personal desire to honor our highest values ​​and vision, is what will take us even further in this quantum leap in the evolution of humanity that we are currently living.

When man knows better, he acts better, and I have no doubt that in the coming times, the nobility of the hero that we all carry inside will be increasingly improved not only individually but collectively, from more humanitarian, altruistic and peaceful perspectives. Perspectives that will generate a lasting Peace born not from prejudices about what is right and what is wrong, but from the deep understanding of our neighbor and ourselves, who we are as individuals and as a species, and ultimately why we act as we act.

I think that an in-depth knowledge of the ins and outs of the human soul is free from judgments, towards others and towards oneself.

Such a look can only accommodate love.

And if this Look also finally comes to glimpse how the laws of the Universe work, how we attract our lives, whether we want it or not, what we focus our attention on, eliminating our will will not only be unnecessary but will have lost all its meaning.

Alberto Agraso and Mony Dojeiji met in 2011 and together embarked on a path for peace from Rome to Jerusalem in which they traveled 5000 km on foot through 13 countries for 13 months. They are currently in the process of publishing their story. You can discover more about his inner adventure on his website You can also visit his other spaces of a spiritual nature: Alberto's Reflections: Mony's Reflections: Alberto's artwork: Facebook account: http: //

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