Hypothyroidism: Notions of biodecoding about the conflicts that can cause this condition

  • 2018

"The disease is the result not only of our actions, but also of our thoughts."

- Mahatma Gandhi

We have talked a lot about the symbiosis relationship between our body and our mind . And we know the fundamental role our emotions have in our physical health. This is why when you suffer from a disease, you should not forget to check in our history the emotions that have played a leading role in the different moments of our life.

Behind hypothyroidism, as with any other disease, there are emotional reasons that are acting on us. That is another way of manifesting the different conflicts that have awakened within us and we have not been able to resolve completely.

Fortunately, therapies such as biodecoding have been working on this for some time, and as a consequence many answers can give us about our state of health and the different physical problems that we drag throughout our lives.

In this article we will discuss some of the symptoms, causes and possible ways of understanding hypothyroidism . For this is an increasingly common endocrine system disorder in people over thirty, and that many imbalances can cause us in our mood throughout our lives.

Hypothyroidism: The Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is formed by two butterfly-shaped lobes and is located in front of the neck, under the Adam's nut in men. This is responsible for secreting thyroid hormones, which plays a primary role in the metabolic cycle and protein synthesis. These hormones also influence a wide variety of processes, including those related to development. Thyroid production is regulated by a hormone called TSH ( Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, or Thyrotropin ), secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, controlled by the hypothalamus.

It is a very important gland because it is related to the sensitivity with which the body responds to different hormones.

It is the metabolism that determines the temporal perception, so in biodecoding it is said that the thyroid is intimately related to the sensation of time . It is the symbolic representation of our biological clock, because the amount of hormones secreted will be variant depending on the stage of life in which we are.

Any condition that affects our metabolism, in turn will affect the way we perceive the sensation of time, and therefore the speed in which we feel it progresses. That is why all the conflicts that unfold in the thyroid will be time conflicts .

Hypothyroidism in biodecoding

Among the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism we find:

  • Feeling fatigue or exhaustion
  • Depression
  • Lack of concentration
  • Weight gain
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Hair loss
  • Cold sensation in the extremities
  • Cramps
  • Constipation
  • Increase in the menstrual period
  • Infertility and miscarriages

The thyroid gland is connected to the throat chakra . This has a great connection with the power of Will . It is based on our ability to make decisions based on our true needs.

Hypothyroidism affects the tissues that have been formed in the first ( survival ) and fourth ( relationships ) stages of biology, and we are then presented as a time conflict. It is marked by the feeling that things happen too fast and one cannot adapt. There is a desire to stop time, many times for fear that something bad might happen in the future. A loss, a rupture, old age, are some of the examples of situations in which hypothyroidism can develop . It is not that you do not want to take action, in fact the feeling that is lived is that of urgency. But these people feel unable to achieve their goals, because they are detained in time . They consider that they do not deserve what they want, they do not have what it takes to achieve it, or they are paralyzed by their fear of believing that they cannot act well on their own.

In that way, hypothyroidism represents the renunciation of trying, the lack of hope and the feeling of blockage.

Overcoming hypothyroidism

To free yourself from the conflicts of time you must assume your responsibility towards your life. You are the only person who can bring the thyroid to a proper and natural functioning .

Believing that you have no power in your life has only meant blocking. You must free yourself from that belief. There are no good or bad roads, there are only different alternatives, and life is about taking risks and choosing, and learning from the results. Bad decisions do not exist, only people who refuse to learn from them . Each person, situation or event has developed in your life to teach you something. Try to position yourself in a place of apprentice .

Since hypothyroidism is a temporary conflict, you must forgive the passage of time, because inside you is the same little child who was born and raised, and who has accompanied you all your life. It is that child who has the pain of passing time, so accompany him in this moment of change, and understand that there is nothing wrong with getting old . Every moment of life involves learning, and this is one of the most important.

Discover your true needs, and align your desires to them. Try to work on getting what you want, and understand that thinking in terms of " path " and " goals " is the product of a dual mind that structures everything into contrasts. The goal and the path are one thing . Learn to live on the road .

The perception of time can be very difficult to assimilate. However, there is nothing in time that prevents us from achieving peace of mind and balance of our body and mind . Time is not cruel, it is not our enemy, it is not to blame for our discomfort. Time does not exist in itself without our mind projecting it in space outside of us.

Stop looking outside to find the cause of your suffering, because you won't find it there.

Know yourself, forgive yourself and take care of yourself.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor in the great family of HermandadBlanca.org


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothyroidism
  • https://bioemocionate.com/index.php/2016/11/11/sabes-cual-es-el-conflicto-emocional-de-la-tiroides/
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroid
  • https://sanacionholisticasalamanca.wordpress.com/2016/05/04/tiroides-biodescodificacion/
  • https://www.facebook.com/notes/akasha-sanaci%C3%B3n-integral/biodescodificaci%C3%B3n-hipertiroidismo-hipotiroidismo/833000326755828/
  • https://www.saludplena.com/index.php/biodescodificacion-hipotiroidismo/

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