The therapeutic power of hand energy

  • 2018

The energy of the hands has been used since ancient times and there are various techniques that use it for healing purposes, such as Reiki, Chi Kung, Chakras Activation and TH (Healing touch), among others. We will know more about this ancestral alternative therapy to improve health.

The touch of the hands helps reduce tension, anxiety, relieves pain and helps balance the body's energy.

We all have that energy in our hands, but some people develop more than others the ability to transmit it to help heal, given their differences in character or personality.

The power of the energy of the hands

From the point of view of energy, health is a combination of physical, mental and spiritual energy balance . When there is an energy imbalance, the disease appears.

The energy of the hands helps to recover the balance and therefore its power is healing. This, which has been called "laying on of hands, " is known as Chi Kung hands of light .

This power, considered miraculous and used by many religious people, is a real energy that a person can develop to increase the ability to heal with their hands .

For this, the person must be prepared, because it is very difficult to help restore another person's energy balance when oneself has no harmony. The practitioner must be open for energy to flow through itself.

There are people who have some characteristics that help to work with the energy of their hands. For example, there are those who have cold hands and others have warm hands. Warm hands have greater healing power, but there are people who have cold hands and know how to warm them to perform these practices.

What diseases can heal the hands?

All diseases can be cured through contact, from mild health problems to chronic physical illnesses, mental or spiritual illnesses.

The result will depend on many factors, for example that the disease reacts to this energy, that whoever performs the technique has enough experience and power, and will also depend on the kind of disease, whether it is old, chronic, etc.

How to heal with the energy of the hands

To use the healing power of the hands, we must begin by knowing the energy state of our body .

The human body has an surrounding energy field, which is formed by different layers of vibrations. Each of these layers is related to one of the 7 chakras.

In a healthy person, the chakras rotate with a rhythmic movement, take energy from that energy field and channel it into the body. When there is an imbalance, this harmony is lost and the chakras do not spin rhythmically .

In general, these energetic alterations can be perceived and relating the chakra can be seen to what the ailments correspond.

A person who wishes to use the energy of his hands for healing purposes should try to make his abilities progress. And this can be done by knowing your own sensitivity and improving your healing channels, which are perfected through practice.

This energy that the person may have in their hands is not finite, that is, it never ends, but it can also be recharged in various ways.

One of them is visualizing that energy enters our body as a source of intense light that recharges us . Contact with direct sunlight and with the energy of nature is another way to increase the power of the hand's energy.

Seen in Naturopata Mas Deu, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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