Portals of consciousness by Abjini Arráiz Channeling the Syrian council

  • 2015

With the intention of understanding the current events we ask the light masters about planetary vortices and what they have to do with all this movement in the area of ​​the Middle East. This is a different look extended to the subject. We ask you to explain specifically about the Samarra vortex .

Channeling the Sirian Council of the 6th dimension that with its scientific form teaches us about the nature of the vortices and their geometry.

What is a vortex?

The magnetosphere is a huge double toroid that surrounds your planet, with its north and south poles, these poles are the so-called energy vortices or magnetic poles.

The energy vortices are similar to double-rotation eddies, such as that of a hurricane, a tornado, or as the center of the galaxy on a larger scale, these are governed by the physical principle of turbulence and are closely linked to the magnetic field of Earth

To understand this concept we want to refer to the sacred geometry that shows how reality is the result of the materialization of geometric forms created in other higher planes of consciousness such as the Divine creative mind or the dimensions of light. Being these geometric archetypal forms that derive from the Flower of Life, the matrix that creates reality.

The toroid is one of those geometric archetypes, that is, one of the primary ways of creating its reality.

If we describe it, a toroid is a donut of energy that rotates in a double spiral bending over itself, forming a hole with a double funnel inside it, which by its quality of absorbing and projecting energy simultaneously in a spiral form: a vortex.

With this twist that is something similar to when they twist a towel, with the difference that this knot rotates permanently in both directions, producing a curl of feedback and generating perpetual movement.

An example of when toroids materialize is that they create apples, they shape the human heart or the shape of your planet Gaia.

Imagine Gaia as a large apple that has been formed by the rotation of the surrounding toroid, the north and south poles are the funnel-shaped holes of the apple, or terrestrial poles, which are the main vortices of the planet. There are many other planetary vortices at different scales, which are connected with points of the geometric grid around the earth.

A vortex is a center that has two portals one of entry and the other of exit that serves to pass from one dimension to another, from one reality to another, to receive new energies and information.

There is a vortex in the center of two spirals that rotate in opposite directions like the arms of the galaxy, creating a counter rotating field in a particular proportion, that proportion is in the so-called Fibonacci sequence , which governs proportions throughout nature, if you look at the center of a sunflower or a pine seed, you will see that there are two spirals that rotate in the opposite direction, if they count them they will find 21 spirals clockwise and 34 counterclockwise, which when materialized create natural beauty as a crystallization of energy .

In some planetary vortices, electromagnetic anomalies occur, that is, the fields against rotary are so strong that they can absorb and project at the same time planes or ships that pass nearby, such as the well-known Bermuda triangle , the Dragon triangle in front of Jap Ambos n, being both at 30 degrees north latitude on the same line of the Pyramid of Egypt. In that same line of 30 degrees north is the vertex of Samarra in present-day Syria / Iraq. Samarra is the current name that was derived from the ancient Sumer.

Here the one for you called the cradle of the current civilization began, it was there about 7 thousand years ago the time that is being repeated now. The struggle to gain control of that vertex is also ancient, it begins precisely with the Sumerians, who also came to Gaia as miners to obtain gold for their survival, as the historical spiral repeat, now we see that the area is disputed by nations for the power of mining, once again but in this case that of gas and oil.

In other dimensions that vertex is guarded by the energies of light and the angelic hierarchies that created Gaia, one of them is the ancient Goddess of light, the sun and the heavens, the guardian of light called Dou Mu . This vertex was created to anchor the feminine energy, so the masculine polarity of the radical patriarchy has done everything possible to eliminate it and take control of that area.

An army of hearts is needed that from the purest intention of unconditional love help sustain the energy of compassion alongside the hierarchies and Goddess Dou Mu.

That is why we take the opportunity to summon you to meditate in this place by sending light to darkness, love of hate, feminine compassion to those distorted masculine energies that are struggling to obtain power.

When many beings unite with an intention for the highest good, miraculous changes can be achieved, such as what happened with the Hurricane that was going to hit the coasts of Mexico.

We say goodbye to Sirius Council

AUTHOR: Abjini Arr iz

SEEN AT: www.portalterraluz.com

BLOG: www.portalterraluz.wordpress.com

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