Fill your physical and subtle body with your Sacred Fire and you will be in perfect safety

  • 2018

Release the process that perfects your rooting. To help you, you can bring your consciousness to your feet. Your vigilance, your intention must be raised in this rooting, this deep connection with the Earth, because you live in a period of great emotional turbulence. New fears are waking up and so extreme that people sink into what they call paranoia.

This turbulence could make you curl up to avoid being hit. That is an illusion, because when you curl up, the curl of your soul creates physical disorders. Welcome the perfect unfolding of your Soul and the deep connection with the Earth !

Take a few moments of internalization in your feet, in your roots and let yourself go

These emotional movements in this world affect you according to your sensitivity, according to the state of your roots. It is no longer correct that you surround yourself with protective bubbles because if you install yourself in these bubbles, you send to the Universe your intentions that you need protection. If you judge you need protection, it means that you are afraid and automatically your creations will prove you right and you will enter a vicious circle.

Understand that these bubbles can become a prison too!

It is a completely different natural process, which automatically establishes respect in your vital space, your body, home, workplace or your car and / or at every moment of your life, that preserved space will be launched. So I will guide you to put this in its place, without any manifestation of fear that will disturb your inner peace.

  • For that, you will focus on your heart. You try to focus and let yourself go.
  • I accompany you in this process, I guide you
  • Breathe in silence.
  • Let the feeling of the Sacred Fire in your heart enter into your feelings!
  • You can feel it in the form of heat, vibration, vision or hearing.
  • Breathe silently, in your chest, in the chakra of your heart.
  • If you have some uncomfortable sensations, breathe deeply into the chakra of your heart and they will disappear.
  • Take a few minutes to get in touch with the Sacred Flame, with its Light
  • You are in the center of the Flame, the Flame takes your place in your body. If you feel the heat, it will spread throughout your body, vibration, vision or hearing.
  • No thought at all comes to disturb this mechanism.
  • As it spreads in your body, I will explain the following:

Beyond your physical body there are vibrating bodies . There are five energy bodies around your physical body. There are many others beyond, but on the earthly plane, it is these five who participate in the functioning of the matter of who you are. Therefore, the flame will extend beyond your physical body to this fifth body .

Understand then that these vibrations that invade your energy body will naturally install a great respect and protection. It's not about protection here, it's just a matter of the flame's glow taking up all your place, living all the space of your physical body and your subtle body.

The light takes its true place and there will be no place for anything that comes from outside

The only possible exchange is that of Love, that I could touch this fifth body and create resonance in you, that emit sounds, vibrations and that bring joy. Understand well that you are not protecting yourself from what is outside, but you have filled your space of Light, where there is no place for shadow.

Let yourself be filled, let your Light vibrate around you! It is important that you have absolute confidence in your Light, in your Sacred Fire, that you are sure that it is perfect. What is set will be perfected throughout the day. Regularly, you can renew this process so that it sits perfectly.

I am the Infinite Love in you, around you.

I am you, we are one

I bless you and I know that I love you infinitely.

Transmission channeled by Ysa Belle

TRANSLATOR: Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Transmission channeled by Ysa Belle

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