The integration of the I AM in you, is currently carried out through the energy emanating from the Cosmic Christ

  • 2017

Understanding the terms of your current life will give you the opportunity not only to change it, but also to co-create a life full of joy, peace and enthusiasm and all due to the light found in each of you which manifests itself with in order to guide them to the truth .

Beloved beings of light, we are today giving you this message and mainly, in order to take the time and pay the necessary attention to see the top pyramid of the star of David, which represents the heart of the Sun, what you want To say that the energy that is present at that point is that of Mary and the risen Christ . Likewise, the energy of the lower pyramid of the star of David has a powerful energy that directly represents the heart of Gaia, that is, of Mother Earth Gaia, this energy symbolizes the love that Mother Earth possesses and gives to each of the human beings that are part of God's people .

Jesus Christ and our mother Mary are present in the star of David sending energy to each of us

You must be aware that the energies emanating from the heart of Cosmic Christ and Mary are present in the star of David with the purpose of transmitting their infinite and unlimited Love to each of you, although we will continue with the Metatron cube, which on many occasions it is usually a bit complicated to understand, however, they need to know that this symbolizes in the same way both the transformation and the elevation of human and spiritual consciousness through the energy of Metatron, the Shaddai . So that for this transformation to take place, it is necessary to repeat the following 4 times:

  • The one with the seed of Light, protected by the archangel Michael:
    Michael YHWH (Yod, Hey, Vod Hey) (4x)
  • The inner Light, protected by the Archangel Uriel:
    Uriel YHWH (Yod Hey Vod Hey) (4x)
  • The transformation of the vibratory consciousness not only cosmic but also galactic and the divine plan of all beings on Earth, known by the archbishop Gabriel:
    Gabriel YHWH (Yod He Vod Hey) (4x)
  • The healing of the arch Rafael Angel:
    Raphael YHWH (Yod Hey Vod Hey) (4x)

So imagine, dear beings of light, that the chakra of your heart is a pyramid of Light that has the omniscient and omnipotent Divine eye, which sees everything and also, radiates huge and bright rays of love of Christ .

This chakra is in each one of you and when activated, it begins to transmute and vibrate until you wake up the energy in your physical bodies

There is a difference and it is about the presence of the 3 suns that are around that Pyramid of Light. These suns represent the Trinity, however, it consists of a Trinity, in which the energy of the Merkabah passes through Moses, Elijah and Jesus, to finally reach each of you. This means that you will reach a greater understanding and integration with the superior knowledge and wisdom, which comes from the “Super I Am”, that is, from the energy that emanates from the Cosmic Christ within you, once you open to the knowledge and the truth

There is a transformation that takes place on earth and which comes from AIN Soph O and that has been occurring during the course of the hierarchies of Light. Each of the beings that are within the love that emanates from the Cosmic Christ, are enabled to appreciate the reality of this world and observe the truth that lies beyond the Earth, which will allow them to elevate and transform their vibratory energies, to continue advancing on its path to the light and complete the plan that the creative source has for each one.

Dear beings of Light, you who seek to know, understand and integrate with the love of the Cosmic Christ, you must be aware that Jesus, whom you also know as Jesus Christ, is about an energy of Light that you find within each one, to through which they have the opportunity to know and understand everything the world has to teach them, everything that the duality of this world does not allow them to see until they finally open their hearts to Love, Light and Truth.

Understand that the power of love found in your DNA is that transforming energy, which allows you to rise through your physical bodies

By opening your hearts, Gaia, Mother Earth will be integrating with you in the coming times, but not in the very distant future, but rather in the near future, when the energies of the Central Sun and due to the activity of Helios, generate an important transformation in the electromagnetic body that Mother Earth possesses, which will mean an increase of consciousness for each one of the beings of Light that are inhabiting the planet Earth, for each of you who wish to move towards a reality higher.

All these activities and like the transformations of the energies, prevail, since all this was announced through the scriptures, specifically in the revelations of the apocalypse and is that currently, that vibratory change is taking place, but it does not alter only the reality within this world but also affects other galaxies and worlds, this is because it is time to accept and integrate with the creative source of love and infinite light, which seeks perfection not only by transforming the physical body of beings of Light, but also the physical and energetic body of Mother Earth, which turns out to be a school where each of you can learn about the light and the superior wisdom offered by the Universe.

However, and before this dimensional transformation is finally over, Orion, the Pleiades, the Lords of Light and many more, will give them the opportunity to access more vibrations of love that will allow them to broaden their consciousness, not only about this world, but also of the world that are on the other side of the veil that covers reality and the superior truth . However, in order to achieve this, they will have to go through a series of elections where their free will will be fundamental, since they will have the option of accepting the light in their lives and hearts or rejecting it.

Everything that is currently happening is due to the fact that it is going through times not only of great agitation, but also of changes worldwide . These are times where shadows and dark beings will try to unbalance the people of God. However, you, dear beings of Light, have to know that the love provided by the creator of everything that exists, has so much power that he manages to project his energy of love into this world, with such magnitude and with such beauty, which offers them the possibility of understanding each other's superior plan and appreciating the presences of the Cosmic Christ and Mary, who are inviting them to accept love and light.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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