Internal Work, Cosmic Climate Report by Mark Borax

  • 2012

Astrology divides the zodiac into Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The Signs of Fire precipitate the path of individualization the search to claim all your creative power. The Earth Signs stabilize the need to take root in the practical affairs of life and create forms and structures faithful to your unique character as an individual. The Air Signs exchange information and ideas the intellectual conduits that connect our minds with other minds. Water refers to the deep psycho-emotional background of human beings; the most intimate intense experience that each of us have as we travel most of our lives, lived on the surface, in society and in relationships.

During August, very few Planets are in Earth Signs, which could feel as if the ground had been taken from us beneath us. Like most astrological shifts, this has something positive and something negative. The negative is that you can turn upside down and fall. The positive is that the old structures that no longer serve your future direction, now have less substance and can be replaced by structures more appropriate to the person you are becoming. However, when the earth falls apart and the old structures need to be replaced, it is crucial to transform your internal connection with the old, otherwise, the new structures will revert to the same as always with another appearance, a little Later on the road.

Have you ever had the experience of getting out of a dysfunctional relationship, swearing you'll never repeat it, and then you start a new relationship that seems completely different, just to find out later that the new one returns to be a version of the previous one?

This happens because if you let go of your old structures without transforming the part of you that created them in the first place, that part remains at the root level, causing another version of dissatisfaction to reappear. n. When you release the external version of the old, like an old job or a relationship, your inner land also has to acquire the whole lesson. Letting go of marriage or unsatisfactory work is only half of the story, and the deepest half has to do with looking within yourself to root the foundations of your own dysfunction.

In times when life flows easily, with few bumps, there is less reason to have to look so deeply into your own roots. But in times like these, with collective humanity suffering the greatest crisis of our lives, that collective crisis extends to each of our personal structures as well, and it is time to wake up to the truth of how we create our own existence. Until we awaken the power at the root level we have to create happiness and discord, we will tend to re-create dissatisfaction over and over again. When Earth is missing and the structures crumble, it is the best time to discover your own semi-conscious structures.

We are being called to invoke the other elements now to make this kind of change: The fire of your creative dream of life on earth, your passionate longing for a life of love that is good and true. Your air capacity to open your stuck ideas and change your mind. And the deep watery kingdom within you - all those intense internal feelings that have been repressed to juggle the complex factors of your existence.

Now is the time to clarify who you are and what you are doing, in order to align the external forms and structures to which you belong with who you really are inside. It is useful to know that every day you and I co-create the universe. Every day and night, your dreams and ways of thinking swirl around a starter coil, accumulating energy that attracts other similar energies. In such a changing moment in history, these thought-energies are running like crazy trying to find some new world to create, some new story to inhabit, some new world to replace the one that is dying as the old stories become obsolete With a shortage of Planets on Earth this month, we are being asked to create Earth from within. This means asking yourself what world you are creating. What are you doing with your right to create the life you dream? What kind of love and sexuality have you been satisfied with? Are you trapped like a laboratory rat running through someone else's maze? Where is the life you dream of?

The power of sleep forms the structure of governments and institutions. Stories run the world. The United States is a story that formed in the minds of people fed up with the Old. It's time to dream a new dream, and to find a new story to replace the old one. This is an Internal Work that has many external consequences and can redirect the world.

Who you really are? What did you come here to do? How much more time are you going to wait?


Mark Borax

Soul Level Astrology

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Internal Work, Cosmic Climate Report by Mark Borax

Translation: Margarita López

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