AUM "The Sacred Word

  • 2011

The sacred word AUM emits the frequencies of the Word, the same Word that emerged as the origin of creation. Ancient men knew the power of the Word. Civilizations have emerged and fallen with the power of the spoken word. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the mantras of the East, sacred intonations, were bequeathed by the priests and priestesses of Lemuria, and all that arises comes from the sacred AUM.

We follow the sunbeam until we reach the core of fire. We follow the light inside the heart until we reach the sun of the Presence. When we affirm the word AUM, we are affirming the true being. To affirm that being means to become it. To declare that being means to know who I AM . The sacred AUM that we sing is the indestructible sound. It is the vastness. From the AUM our unity arises.

The sound of the Word, the Word of sound. It is a scripted word. It means I bow, I agree, I accept AUM! I bow to the Lord Almighty God and I agree that I am his beloved son. I accept my immortal destiny, I accept my reason for being. I accept my responsibility to be. AUM I accept the component parts of my reality. I accept that the flame is God within me.

* AUM: sacred syllable in script, pronounced OM. [NT]

AUM is the most abstract sign and, nevertheless, the most concrete of Divinity. It is an instrument of self-realization. It is yours to keep it. It emanates from your heart through the breath of God. No mechanical instrument, no machine, nor the power of civilization can be compared to the AUM.

Only you can sing the AUM, because you are God in manifestation. From this eternal syllable arises everything that exists. Everything that arises returns to the AUM.

The AUM is spelled AUM and each of the letters represents a component part of our divinity. Each letter must be pronounced separately. When we put the three together, we simply sing the AUM.

Past, present and future form the Trinity. We are all that we are as past, present and future realization of the AUM. In the East Hindus call the Trinity Brahma, Visn and Siva; and in the West Father Son And Holy Spirit. The concept is the same.

The A comes from Alpha (our Father), the initiator, the creator, the Principle, which is the origin of the spirals of consciousness and being. It is the power of power. The M is the OM of Omega (our mother), the conclusion, the End, one with the Holy Spirit, who is the integrator and the disintegrator of what has no form. AUM Thus the positive and negative polarities of being are pronounced by the Elohim throughout the cosmos to sustain the worlds.

Between the A and the OM is contained all the vastness of creation. And the U is its center, it is the cup of creation, rocking you, the Real Being, the Anointed One, the Christ, the Buddha of Light; you in universal manifestation, in individual manifestation. AUM the Trinity in Unity. You, the central part - the masterpiece - the Unity between the One and the Word, the fulcrum and the nexus.

The Universal Christ is the power of preservation, concentration and cohesion of your identity. Between the impetus of the Father and the return of the Mother, you are protected by the identity of his love. AUM

Bibliography- "The Science of the Spoken Word" Mark L. Prophet- Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

Transcribed by Adnama, on July 6, 2011.

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