The magic of heart coherence

  • 2018

Heart coherence balances our emotions and our thoughts

Thanks to cardiac coherence we can improve our lives considerably . The practice of cardiac coherence, among other things, allows us to improve our mood, helps us to have a greater lucidity at the mental level and also our body benefits from the balance that this practice generates between our thoughts and our emotions.

For a few years, the words coherence and heart have come together to give rise to a concept that unifies what one feels and what one thinks.

There are numerous studies that show that when we are in coherence, our stress is reduced, our mood improves and therefore our well-being improves.

One of the great advocates of the practice of cardiac coherence is the well-known writer and researcher Gregg Braden, whom I had the good fortune to meet in his time in Barcelona in 2015. He talks about the wisdom that the heart has and that the field Magnetic that this organ has is much greater than that of the brain, hence we need to balance our emotions to create a more harmonious life in which we do not need to project our imbalances and our emotional deficiencies in others .

With Gregg Braden in Barcelona

The positive part of working with cardiac coherence is that everyone can benefit from their practice only by investing a few minutes a day and that makes our life become more harmonious and even a little more magical, since we will feel much more balanced and inspired after practicing this technique as I will explain later.

Benefits provided by the state of cardiac coherence

When our state is of coherence:

  • Increase the effectiveness of our immune system, which better fight diseases .
  • The anxiety and depression states are reduced if they have them.
  • We feel a greater sense of well-being and calm, which means that we reduce stress.
  • It improves our ability to concentrate and improves our memory .
  • In case we are hyperactive our need for movement is reduced and we can relax more easily .
  • We recover sooner after making some kind of effort.
  • Our emotions do not affect us so intensely and we feel more balanced emotionally .
  • All our internal systems and processes are harmonized, breathing, heartbeat, digestive processes, etc. Everyone balances by improving our cardiac coherence.
  • The risk of heart disease is reduced .
  • It improves our lung and respiratory capacity, asthma decreases in people who suffer from it.
  • Sugar levels improve just as our pain tolerance improves .

In addition to all of the above, when we are in coherence our thoughts also improve and we feel more lucid and more balanced mentally.

How to practice cardiac coherence easily?

As you can see there are many advantages that are obtained by being in cardiac coherence and it is quite simple to achieve that state.

Only by spending five minutes, three times a day to perform simple breathing practices can we increase our consistency.

By only spending fifteen minutes a day, spread over periods of five minutes, we will begin to feel its benefits and notice how our stress level drops in a few days. Yes, I know that fifteen minutes a day seems like a lot of time, but how much time do we spend watching TV or surfing the internet or foolishly wasting time? Fifteen minutes a day can improve our cardiac coherence and therefore our life, are you willing to invest that time in your own well-being?

You can improve your heart coherence by following the breathing rate that appears in the following video on my YouTube channel . If you have trouble practicing it three times throughout the day, remember that doing it only once a day is always better than not doing any. If you like it, remember to share this article and the video. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel to keep up to date with all the information I share in my videos.

Author: Santos vila Ruiz

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