White Celestial Beings: The Principles of Ascension and the Cosmic Law, channeled by Natalie Glasson

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Principle of Ascension Nº 1: 2 Principle of Ascension Nº 2: 3 Principle of Ascension Nº 3: 4 Principle of Ascension Nº 4: 5 Cosmic Law:

March 3, 2017

Rooting our Light in your Being and connecting with your Soul, the White Celestial Beings present the Principles of Ascension and the Cosmic Law to help you in this time of your evolution. Many are not sure where the Ascension journey leads; nor about how your personal Ascension can help the transformation of the Earth on the physical level, towards a situation of Love, peace and harmony. The contrast between the Love within you and the energies you see unfolding in earthly reality can be very strong; This in itself can cause feelings of disappointment, fear and separation. Many recognize that the more they connect with their interior, the more they want to withdraw from the underworld with their confusion and rude experiences ... Although this is a natural reaction, it is also a contraction of your energy ... The more you connect with your interior, focusing on emanating, radiate and deliver to the world the energy, consciousness and Light that you receive, the more you will expand your energies ... You will realize that the glorious energies, the safe environment and the comforting Love of your interior can be found in earthly reality when you and others are willing to recognize them; when by connecting with the interior of your Being and expanding your energy instead of contracting it, you become a Lighthouse of Light; and not only do you have access to your power, but you also realize that you are touching and inspiring others to do the same.

Ascension Principle No. 1:

Connect with your Essence, with the core of your Being; and consciously expand your energy to be synthesized with your Physical Body, with your Aural Body, with your reality and with the World.

Fear causes experiences of separation and separation causes experiences of fear; both create a pain so deep that it blocks your ability to see, perceive and receive the Creator. When pain is healed, your Soul and all aspects of your Being are released and can expand into the true potential of the Creator that exists within. When there is fear and separation, there is loneliness, a contraction of your energy, as well as the inability to fully receive the constant flow of energy from the Creator ... You are deprived of the life force energy of the Creator ... This is worse when you hold on to fear and the separation, that when you experience them and let them go. Every time you give energy to the fear of separation, you disconnect from an aspect of yourself; so that which you cling to becomes a Creation and an experience within your Being. Fear and separation are often seen as opportunities to overcome negative energies and enter into a circumstance of peace, Love and greater growth. ; this may be true ... But we, the White Celestial Beings, come from a situation where fear and separation are seen as self-harm or self-torture ... We do not tell you this to cause more pain in your Being ... Fear and separation or contraction of your energy, are created by the perspectives you choose to hold on to and by the beliefs you choose to energize, often unconsciously, that become instruments of self-inflicted torment and suffering ... It is interesting to recognize that all Humans have in Some measure this trait that developed from guilt during the times of Lemuria, Atlantis and earlier. Frequently the judgment, its experience of suffering and the feeling of not being supported, is for Humans a natural aspect of their Being ... But it is a pattern of guilt that must be healed to create freedom and expansion of truth.

Ascension Principle No. 2:

Heal and release the patterns of fear and separation that create pain and contraction of your energy. Experimenting and letting go allows you to be in the constant flow of the Creator's Vital Force, creating freedom and expanding your truth ... Observation and conscious choice are the keys.

The freedom and expansion of your truth is a purpose and an experience for everyone to embrace on Earth ... Many people hide their truth from themselves as well as from others ... Many cannot see in themselves what others see, in the meantime they are distracted not to recognize the presence of their destructive habits, nor the existence of the Divine support that emanates very powerfully from within them ... Denial, distraction and ignorance of their own truth, whether ignoring negative habits or Presence from the Creator inside, they derive from the desire to withdraw and hide one's own power and inner strength. On Earth many recognize the limitations of the Planet and even the limitations of the Physical Body ... Your true Self is expansive, vast; in truth it cannot be restricted ... Existing on Earth in a physical body is like trying to stuff Heaven in a jar ... Without being aware of it, many people feel that when they exist as Human Beings they must contain their power, their expansive nature and their energetic strength, because they feel that in the earthly reality they cannot be expressed through the physical body in the same way as it can be done in the Inner Planes ... One of the lessons of existing in the earthly reality in a physical body, it is that as a Spiritual Being you must harmonize completely with your body, because thus you can easily express power and truth When there is no harmony between the Spiritual Self and the Physical Self, it can occur fear of the Inner Power and disconnection of the Creator, which causes you to look out of yourself; that you imagine that this is the role of the Soul. However, it is necessary that the Physical Creation that you are is harmonized with your Soul and your Inner Power to create the union permanent that is necessary for your full expression on Earth.

Principle of Ascension No. 3:

Focus on your Soul with the intention of uniting the power and truth of your entire Energy Being without discontinuities. Thanks to this process, the pure expression of your power and your truth will help through your physical form, without results or reactions of fear.

Many people will say that Love is not the answer; and that does not serve to create transformation in earthly reality. The Love of which we speak is the Love of the Creator, the reflection of the Creator within you that is connected in Oneness with everything If it is not s willing to recognize the power and the Sacred presence of Love, you will never experience the transformations and miracles that Love can create To recognize Love, it is necessary that you first discover inside this powerful energy a Only when you allow the Love within you to be your healer, your servant and your inspiration, will you realize that his presence is necessary in your reality and on Earth Explore your inner space of Love, security and comfort, means that you are willing to accept yourself at all levels of your Being to open yourself and surrender to all that you now recognize that you are Renounce your reality and identity f sicas is not rejecting material life, it is focus your energy on a new channel, which consists in experiencing your personality, your reality and your material possessions; but realizing that they are your creation. You created them from your Inner Source; of your Love that feeds and nourishes all your experiences, your developments and your awakening. When you realize that everything is Creation of the Source that exists within you, instead of an external source with which you have no connection, you accept everything that you are as a Spiritual Being and more. In truth, you take responsibility for your creations and experiences; and you recognize that they are the same.

Ascension Principle No. 4:

Your creations and experiences are the same, they are born from the Source of Love within your Being, which is your healer and serves and inspires you. When you connect with your Inner Love and accept it as your power and your truth, you assume responsibility for all that you are.

The principles that we have chosen to expose and that are part of the Ascension Principles, which in the Internal Planes are known to all, direct you to a simple but powerful Cosmic Law that arises from the Cosmic level. When you incorporate it, this Cosmic Law creates powerful awakening and powerful self-realization in your Being.

Cosmic Law:

The deeper your connection with the Source of the Creator within you, you become a more expansive and expressive Being ... The connection creates expansion, the expansion generates harmonization with the Creator, which manifests the Truth and the full Sacred Presence of the Creator.

Internal connection = Expansion / Expression = Harmony with the Creator = Experience of Truth and Freedom in Physical Form

The White Celestial Beings wanted to share with you these 4 Principles of Ascension and a Cosmic Law, because we wanted to encourage you that while you explore more deeply the interior of your Being / Source / Essence, you expand your energy towards the World around you, instead of get it and hide. We are always with you as a constant support and a Source of Love and joy to take advantage of it.

Eternal Bliss,

White Celestial Beings.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting


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