Archangel Michael: We need to work on your resistance and your strength

  • 2019

Channeled by Genoveva Coyle, November 8, 2018

When you have confidence in yourself and true knowledge, then you understand that if others believe or not what you are saying that does not change the truth.

Archangel Michael

Greetings dear and brave! Regards! I AM Archangel Michael . I AM Archangel of Love, Warrior of Peace, Bearer of Truth, I am in charge of the communications of the heart, I am your protector, and much more for all of you.

Long ago, before they descended into this world of density and apparent separation from the Source, I promised them that I would be by their side, to guide them, to bring them strength and love, and to protect them with all my strength. And this is what I am doing, this is where we are, and if you can see me, hear me, or just feel that I am with you, it doesn't matter, because I am always by your side .

I don't speak much, because using too many words does not bring more understanding to those who are not willing to hear the truth. And for those on the road, only a few keywords full of love and truth are needed, just enough to make them think, change their perspective and, hopefully, have them correct their course of action.

It is because we see them working so hard to convince others, trying to teach them using too many words, wasting so much energy and time talking and explaining their truth. While, in truth, it is not necessary or productive in any way, because there is not much that words can do, especially when others are not on the same vibrational level as you, and therefore are unable to have true communication. -Two ways- with you.

More words does not mean communicating better.

You will see, for the most part, what you and we need to work on is your endurance and strength, because this is what demonstrates the presence of your wisdom and power.

Yes, with a wise smile and with sweet love you approach those in need, but also with that strong and stable behavior that shows that you have the necessary knowledge and confidence in yourself.

And when you have that confidence in yourself and that true knowledge, then you understand that whether others believe or not what they are saying does not change the truth a bit. Moreover, they are not required to do anything or be asked to overlook their own internal work of change and transformation.

You are here to be the ones who plant the seeds, the ones who light the fire of truth in your hearts with a smile or a wise word.

You must be the ones who show the joyful path and the bearers of light so that everyone can see the straight course back home.

When there are others who challenge them in some way, asking them to participate in long debates to justify or explain more about any particular issue, they just have to pause and use that simple and effective language of the heart that only requires a short and balanced conversation of your part.

If you feel the need to get involved and defend yourself, realize that there may still be work that you need to do within your beautiful hearts, and in places that need to be strengthened, a little more polishing and dusting off the old energies.

And this is fine as long as they recognize it, work on it and correct it, and then intend to respond only from their beautiful and wise hearts with love and truth.

I will leave you now with my love and my strength. Goodbye!

Archangel Michael

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TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Genoveva Coyle (2018) Archangel Mikael we need to work on your stamina and strength

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