Do you want to increase your mental power? Repeat in your Mind the Powerful Phrase that I will teach you

  • 2017

Do you possess extraordinary mental power ! Did you know? I am going to teach you a powerful phrase to repeat in your mind every day and help you increase your mental power, so that you achieve in your life all those goals and objectives that you are proposing.

Amazing Mental Power at your Service, your mind is amazing!

... Human Beings possess the greatest force of mental power that exists in nature. And, when I speak of amazing mind and mental power, I am basically not referring to intellectual knowledge, or cognitive intelligence or IQ; It goes beyond the idea that I want to share with you today!

You and I distinguish ourselves from other Living Beings because we have an amazing mind .

Specifically, Human Beings possess the greatest force of mental power that in nature exists. And, when I speak of amazing mind and mental power, I am basically not referring to intellectual knowledge, or cognitive intelligence or IQ; It goes beyond the idea that I want to share with you today!

"There is an infinite power within me", the Decree, the Living and the Feeling

… You will put into practice the great mental power that you have in your Being, and you will do everything possible to change everything you do not like and that does not make you happy.

The Principle of Mentalism ensures that " thoughts are things, whatever you think will manifest." The Law of Attraction indicates that "similar vibrations vibrate together and attract"

In this way, you will realize that you and I will be able to attract to us with our words, thoughts and emotions all that we originally asked for. In this simple way we will forge the future . It is as if the Universe were aware of your thoughts, emotions, actions and words to listen to you and respond to your requests.

Ask yourself, what do I do in my life when there is something I don't like? Reflect for a moment your answer.

Answering the above question, surely, you will put into practice the great mental power that you have in your Being, and you will do everything possible to change everything you do not like and that does not make you happy . How? Simply, changing your thoughts, actions and words, finally changing your life experiences . If you didn't know, put it into practice!

Please, avoid sticking to your past, your childhood, your past partners, your life experiences, regardless of what you were in the past, today you can change what you want! If you believe, and as a person you are convinced of this extraordinary liberating and powerful idea, everything you plan to achieve in your life will be fulfilled ! Remember, you have amazing mental power !

Surely you already realized the powerful phrase that you must repeat to increase your mental power ; If you still don't know it, don't worry! I'm going to tell you directly.

Repeat daily, morning, afternoon and night: " there is an infinite power within me "; repeat it again, " there is an infinite power within me "; repeat it again, but with conviction, " there is an infinite power within me " What have you felt? What do you think of this powerful phrase ?

Your Faith in your Mental Power Will Open Incredible Doors, you will achieve your goals!

Don't wait for anyone to change you, you're the only one who can do it. All the mental power you need to achieve what you want is within you. Help yourself with the powerful phrase that I have taught you today, there is an infinite power within me.

There are numerous testimonies of Human Beings that have managed to harmonize the mental power they possess, with the fulfillment of each of their objectives and goals promulgated in their Life Projects . But ... how have they achieved it? Rigorously, they managed to conceive in their Being and History the powerful phrase that I have taught you, " there is an infinite power within me ." Walt Disney had already said it in other words " if you can dream it, you can do it ". That is precisely the amazing mental power you possess.

So, your task is ready, start by taking full advantage of the potential of your brain, activate the necessary neural connections so that you can accomplish everything you set your mind to.

I invite you to connect your mind, your heart and your conscience, in the harmony necessary for you to achieve your dreams and overcome the adversities that arise. Just as when an orchestra is performing a symphony, all people and instruments are different, but when joining in the interpretation, the result is beautiful, the sound is harmonious and sublime . You must get there!

Finally, I want to remind you again " there is an infinite power within me ." Do not wait for anyone to change you, you are the only one who can achieve it. All the mental power you need to achieve what you want is within you. Help yourself with the powerful phrase that I have taught you today.

The invitation is for you to also read the exciting Text “Difficulties to get what you want? I will teach you the most efficient technique to attract everything you want. ”It will help you a lot, I assure you!

Remember to be very aware of all our publications, there is extraordinary coming material, you can use it for your own life and for the people you want.

Repeat daily, morning, afternoon and night: "there is an infinite power within me"; repeat it again, "there is an infinite power within me"; repeat it again, but with conviction, "there is an infinite power within me"

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez. Editor in the Great Family of

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