Alas ", by Karen Bishop


I am delighted to share my first ALAS publication with you here today. Although the new website is not yet fully formulated, and all my new ventures are not completely in place, ALAS publications will undoubtedly be part of my new offers. Therefore, in this way, WINGS is ready to be launched since it has to do with what many of us are experiencing now. Temporarily then, they will be published here on the What happens on planet Earth website? where the previous energy alerts resided.

"What is WINGS, then?" You may ask. WINGS will be a periodic publication on the website "The New Angels of the Earth" very similar to the energy alerts of the past. It will contain information that is relevant and currently relevant to where we are in our evolutionary process as angels of the New Earth. It differs from energy alerts in that it will not contain information about what is happening on the planet (although sometimes some of these events will be briefly mentioned if they have to do with our process). WINGS will be very focused on you (or rather us) …. what are our new roles, how are we going to implement them, who are we, what did we come to contribute here, and how is this process being developed for all of us.

Although I cannot share with you everything that the new site will offer, since I still don't know what it will be, I can really welcome you by joining me in the first ALAS publication… so here we go.

We have recently completed a vital part of our evolutionary process here on planet Earth. In times past, we knew at a deep level within us that we were here with an important and vital purpose. Simply being present here on the planet was a sufficient purpose, for holding more light and vibrating higher served its own end by itself. This purpose of past times involved raising the vibration of the planet, as we had decided as a group of souls, finishing things here, leaving behind all our past "incarnations" for eons of time, letting go of everything, and thus starting the process. of creating a very new and pristine planet Earth before moving on to a new universe that we had not yet experienced.

This involved assuming many energies of lower and denser vibration in order to transmute them through ourselves, becoming intentional "healers, " and sometimes striving to serve, uplift and change the planet.

The first phase is now complete. We have taken things as far as they could go. We have infused our light, our energy, and much more of ourselves in an old world and elevate it to a new level. Now we are done.

How has this "finished" manifested in our lives? We can feel very lost, without knowing what our roles are and what our identity is, we can feel that we no longer have anything to connect with or what to grasp, we can feel like we are “floating” or simply hanging in a space of no space, or maybe even feel useless with nothing to offer and nowhere to go.

We might wonder what all this has been about ascension. We might wonder if it was even real, if it made at least some difference, or if maybe it was just a great tease. We might find that everything we thought we had learned is not happening at all or has even disappeared completely. We might wonder if we were just going through some strange stage that is now over or maybe we just mature. And we might even ask ourselves if we have gone back and now we live in an old reality where there are no superior ways, experiences or energies at all.

This is normal. These feelings arise because our old roles are now over. And these old roles are all we have known so far in this current reality. These feelings are common for ascension and are only temporary.

We could also feel that every time we go "out there", all we seem to find are strange energies of a less vibrating nature with a strong sense of "disconnection", rancidity, monotony, and a two-dimensional theme ... at the same time. We are also experiencing new connections that feel much better. We may feel that there is no story we are part of. There is no book of which we are characters.

Part of this process involved collecting all the places where we had infused our energy in the past. We had to "recover" ourselves from wherever we had walked and spread our energies. This is because we could no longer use our natural light to raise the vibration of the planet. Now it must be done by those who are occupying the space we once held. If we continue to have a party in our old space and with our old roles, after sending the invitations, most likely no one will appear. We are in a great pause, a large empty space, and a space of almost no space while we are waiting for the solidification process to complete. Everything as it should be.

Although it may seem that things have ended abruptly, they have not really done so. We have been preparing for this all year 2008. This is why 2009 will truly be our year of new beginnings and new connections. We have prepared ourselves by slowly discovering that we no longer need to "save" anything or anyone. We have been preparing to realize that the superior vibration that we thought we knew, was actually an illusion derived from our old and naive 3D minds. In this way, we are now much more "real", because we know that true spirituality implies a different state of things than what we could have believed it was. We have been preparing to lose much of our old "ego" or "I" who was in charge. Live! We have been preparing knowing now that great love and things of a spiritual nature come from the simplest things and simply from being present. And we have been preparing to realize that whatever we think we need to create seems to continually change as we change, even before it can manifest itself, which results in a much more evolved 'we' with a creation more evolved

So here we are now. We have retired a lot. Having experiences of "being invisible", unnoticed, ignored and disrespected, and perhaps mistreated, have taken place in order to encourage us to withdraw and move on. Our work is now over. We no longer belong in the world of the old. It's fine that we leave. We are no longer responsible for raising the vibration of the planet. This has been achieved ... we have succeeded.

And now what? As very new babies with a new beginning, we can now choose with fresh new eyes. We can connect with our pure innocence and connect with a whole new us. We can start again. We can recover our curiosity, our sense of wonder, and a pure and primitive sense of things. Continue to remain in the old and familiar ways and its surroundings will serve to prevent these great gifts that we are receiving. Putting in motion and reactivating the old will place us in a reality that can serve to bring worthlessness, stagnation, boredom and even depression.

We have graduated to a new level, but in many ways, we still have to connect with that level. This can manifest as low vibration energies that still want to have access to our space, and even think that we have made new connections, jump into them, but discover that the moment has not yet come, and Now we have to go back and remain still a little more.

The rung of the vibrating staircase from which we just retired, because we no longer need to hold that space, it is still solidifying. It is being established and things are still being put in place. Once the changes begin to be implemented, then we will have our se al . The old energy still has to anchor itself without us. This phase must occur before our very new phases and roles can be launched.

As we are now evolving in the angels of the earth, since this is our new natural space in the energy hierarchy, we need to have a vibratory level below where we are now residing, in existence, to May we be his angels. This process is taking place now and in divine and perfect order. Therefore, although it may seem that the economy and our old sources of income have completely stopped, have dried up and become non-existent, they are simply paused, since they are waiting for this process of solidification is complete.

While we are waiting, then, we are making progress, however. In small, progressive and constant steps, we are establishing things for our new roles and new connections. We will be paired with incredible people and new places in the new reality of 2009. These pairings and connections are now taking place quickly, even if it is not evident in all its forms. And while this solidification and preparation are in progress, we will be truly taken care of. We will receive sometimes, just as much as we need to stay afloat while we are calm, even in small and sporadic quantities.

Therefore, we have retired from almost everything. We are being divinely protected now. Everything is in order. We are housed in a beautiful and loving belly until we can emerge once more in a very new reality of a very different order. Therefore, it can be challenging and difficult to try to connect with the new when all things are not yet in place. In this sense, we could hold on and look for something to grab, some sense of familiarity, but find that there is nothing to anchor us to. The lower dimension below us is going through this same process, but in different ways. All as one, but in different vibratory realities.

Therefore, although it may seem that things are hard, that almost everything has dried up for us, I can assure you that we are simply at the end of a reality and now about to enter a very new reality. We're done. Now we are going to be reborn and offer our special gifts and talents as angels of the earth for those who need help from the next step on the stairs. Help for those who want to expand, those who want to know how to create a new world, those who want to reach higher, and those who know that we can show them the way.

Like the new angels of the earth, we know that the vibrational step below us has free will to choose what it will create. Therefore, we know that we need to wait lovingly for you to be ready for it and request our guidance. Just as when we resided at that level and asked for “up” messages, now we will be “up”, and therefore we will be providing these messages and this guide to those who need it.

I have spent most of my time these days in the company of my non-physical partner. In recent years, he has come less and less frequently, as I needed to find my own guidance and advice. Now we are almost in the same space, since this evolutionary process serves to move us up continuously. We only walk now as friends, talking a lot during the day. But because of this, I also know that we will soon be separating. I have reached their level and will soon receive a new partner or "guide". My current guide has been with me for several years ... since my process began in 2000. I am very sad to know that we are going to separate. But our guides are only aspects of greater vibration of ourselves and when we reach this vibration and join together, then we connect with something very new and different.

I share this story with you, because I know that many of you are experiencing the same. We are safely moving forward.

Our new roles will involve our true and authentic self. We will share our wisdom with those who are going through their evolutionary process. In this way, we will offer a wide range of services to those who are expanding. We will know what they are experiencing because we have been there ourselves. And because we have purged and released so much, we will know how to help in a superior way as well.

In addition, we will connect more surely with our brothers and sisters, since we will help each other in our new roles. We will surely be there to help each other by offering our own gifts and talents to create the whole that will understand our new reality.

We are in a temporary phase of a massive transition. But like the new angels of the earth, we are going to experience a very new way of living and being, while we reside in a very new reality in a much higher dimension. We just need to endure a little more, stay focused, in the moment, be still, and trust that everything, as always, is in divine and in perfect order.

Until next time,


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Translation: Margarita López

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