The best benefits and properties of poppy

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Benefits and properties of poppy begins to enjoy its powers 2 Healthy fatty acids 3 Vitamin content 4 Fiber 5 Strengthen defenses 6 Calm nerves

As always in our session of conscious life it is a pleasure to take all our dear brothers, the best tips to take advantage of those natural options that we have within our reach such as the benefits and properties of the poppy.

We can say that this flower is one of the most popular in other civilizations and this was used to decorate, give a pleasant aroma to the environment and to treat diseases.

Before when there were no technological advances that we know today, medicinal plants were used as a way to cure and treat the diseases we suffer.

These were valuable to our ancestors because with the poppies they took care of the sick and treated those chronic pains they felt .

In addition to this it is said that some brave began to implement poppy seeds in the kitchen, today if you go to the Asian or African continent you can find a variety of options that your reach that you will not be able to refuse.

Benefits and properties of the poppy begins to enjoy its powers

We can tell you exactly that, among the benefits and properties of poppy, we can first tell you what its main properties are:

Healthy fatty acids

If you need the consumption of Omega 3 and Omega 6 then you can not miss the opportunity to test the powers of the poppy.

Nowadays you can find a great variety of products that you can start using to give your body totally natural health and nutrients.

Vitamin content

Another of the great properties that poppy flower has is its high content of vitamins of group B, when you consume poppies you can have the opportunity to consume B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9.

A whole cocktail of vitamins that you have at your disposal, in addition to this you can also consume vitamin E and C.


We can tell you that as another of its great properties is its high fiber content, something that we are sure you can start enjoying now. If you have constipation problems, then we recommend you start consuming fiber daily.

You can see that the consumption of fiber is an excellent alternative that you can not miss to consume and the best thing is that it is 100% natural .

Among the benefits we can mention:

Strengthen defenses

If you are one of the people who constantly get sick, then we will give you the opportunity to enjoy the benefits and properties of poppy, by consuming poppy, you can strengthen your defenses and say goodbye to flu.

As we mentioned before, the products made with poppy can be found in any macrobiotic or in this case make infusions of poppy tea.

Calm the nerves

We can tell you that among the benefits and properties of the poppy it offers, is to be a natural painkiller.

The ladies who suffered panic attacks or nerves in ancient times drank a poppy tea, to regain their peace of mind .

If you have ever eaten a salad or poppy cookies, you will know very well what we are talking about.

We can tell you that consuming poppy will help you start the day well and in addition to having the opportunity to calm your nerves without the need to go to the hospital.

We invite you dear brothers to start enjoying the benefits and properties of the poppy that you have at your fingertips.

This is a beautiful flower that you can enjoy at meals and also to give benefits to your health, by consuming it frequently and taking advantage of the characteristics that this beautiful flower has.

AUTHOR: Pamela Rojas, editor of the great family of

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