The seven layers of the aura

  • 2017

As you well know, we all have an aura . It is luminous energy that surrounds each living being of this plane of reality with an electromagnetic field that envelops us with an oval shape and imperceptible to the naked eye.

It is also important to add that the aura is composed of a combination between emotional, ethereal and physical body and is linked to the chakras .

The layers of the aura

In addition, it is necessary to add that our aura, normally about two or three feet extended from our body limit, consists of 7 layers . However, there are those who call them subtle bodies, and we also find people who believe that there are actually 12 or more, all interconnected.

We are going to keep the specification of the 7 layers of the aura and we will show them to you. Discover what they are and what exactly they consist of.

Ethereal body

The ethereal body is the layer closest to our physical body . Its state reflects both our health and the most basic instincts of the organism. It usually manifests with bluish or silver tones, but always in its softer versions. But if it appears in dark colors, it may be affected and due to some kind of illness.

Emotional body

The mood of every person is reflected in the second layer of the aura, which is the emotional body . Here we observe our reactions to the various situations that arise or the attitude of other individuals. So, it is very volatile and ever changing depending on our state.

We must be very careful because residues of emotions such as fear and anger could remain remotely and affect both the physical and emotional health of the individual.

There are different colors in this layer. The brightest represent high emotions, the shady concerns violence and low instincts.

Mental body

The third layer we find is the mental body. It is what we call consciousness . Here are the thoughts and our intentions. It is usually orange or yellowish, turning bright in those with great intellect.

The astral body

We are already with the fourth layer that is the astral body. The physicist is tied by a silver cord in which superior desires and spiritual advances are reflected . Thus, it could be considered as a kind of interdimensional portal, as it can be detached from the physical. Thanks to the astral projections, this body can fly while being bound to the willpower. Its colors range from pink to the rainbow itself.

The spiritual body

We go now with the fifth layer, considered the spiritual body. It is related to connection and communication with us . Thus, it is tied to its own higher purpose.

Celestial body

The sixth layer would be the celestial body, also known as the greater. In this case we find the connection between the spiritual plane and human consciousness . This is where dreams and memories of past lives frequent. Extracorporeal experiences are also stored and manifested here.

The divine body

Finally we connect with the seventh layer of the aura, which is the divine body. In this case we find a connection with divine wisdom and the higher plane . It is usually or can manifest in the form of a ray of bright light with golden tones as if it were Zeus itself. The more it separates from the body of the individual, the more supreme is the purpose and spiritual path chosen. On the contrary, if it becomes dark and blocked, the path is much less flattering.

Remember that the aura is the faithful reflection of your soul, of your thoughts, experiences and feelings . It is like the energy we attract in our environment. It is pure vibration capable of responding to other vibrations of other individuals and these affect and shape each other .

Seen in Nueva Era, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood


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