The mystery of the Marian Apparitions

  • 2014

Many are the mysteries surrounding the apparitions of the Virgin Mary; They have occurred over time for hundreds of years, and continue to happen in many parts of the world. Some of the most famous cases and places where there are reports of recurring Marian apparitions, turning these places as blessed and miraculous spaces, are:

Medjugorje (in Bosnia - Herzegovina), there the Virgin of Medjugorje, who appears since 1981, was honored and revered with a statuette that in tears cried tears of blood

Fatima: The Virgin of Fatima first appeared to the three shepherd children: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta; to whom he revealed three mysterious secrets that the first two had to do with the attack suffered by Pope John Paul II, the other regarding world war; and the third, it is believed that it has not been fully revealed, although a few years ago the church said yes, that it was revealed at the time, but many people believe that it is still hidden and that it can talk about the three days of darkness, the apocalypse and a possible danger that the last Pope could suffer.

Lourdes: In France, the Virgin Mary, known there for her appearances as Virgin of Lourdes, appeared in that place (Lourdes) to Bernadette, a girl who asked her to raise a chapel in her honor in that place; something that happened and that was the origin of one of the most important religious mysteries of the Christian faith, since thousands of people come to that place, where there is the testimony that the water is blessed and can be cured of diseases thanks to a Miracle that happens there.

In short, Marian apparitions are a mystery. You can read more about religious mysteries in:

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