Archangel Michael: We Keep Assisting You On Your Beautiful Journey

  • 2018

Channeled by Linda Dillon, June 9, 2018

From: An hour with an angel, June 7, 2018. With: Steve Beckow, host of InLight Radio

Arc ngel Miguel: Greetings, I am Miguel, Arc lngel of Love, Peace Warrior and News Bearer. I have existed beyond what you can think of as time and yet I also tell you, my dear friends, allies, sisters, brothers, that I exist in what can be thought of as every infinitesimal moment . I am within the time and I am outside the time that you conceive but, my sweet angels of light, you too.

Do not let yourself be constrained or restricted by what you think time is . Swim in the infinite ocean of Mother's eternity . Immerse yourself to the bottom of the pit and allow yourself the infinite space of creation and the beauty of a millisecond, because it is all yours . And it's inside of you and it's around you and it's up and down. Taste it as we have tasted it and let's continue savoring these times we have together. While we savor these heart conversations with you, not only does the heart speak but the heart listens.

Time is yours, both eternity and the beauty of a millisecond ...

We have undertaken this adventure in the name of love, in the name of Mother and Father and One. In the name of unity and unity consciousness, of the divine union of the thirteenth Eighth, in the anchoring of peace, there has been so much that the Mother has wanted and has guided each of us to share with you.

And when I tell each one of us, I am not merely referring to ourselves from the Archangel kingdom, because I include my brothers and sisters of ascended mastery, of saints and prophets and sages, of beings of pure energy - Tralana and Halión . I include the stellar brothers and sisters who have joined this conversation and this unit with joy.

The idea, the concept, and the knowledge that you possess of what is available to you has expanded, multiplied and grown . It has risen even when you have anchored more deeply in your union with Gaia .

They are understanding that they are Gaianos .

You have come to understand that you are not Canadian or American or Belgian or Swedish, but that you are Gaians and that you have an extended family that seeks and longs for your love, your cooperation, your approval - to share in your dreams. And that family is not merely located on this planet but much further in the invisible realms . And the kingdoms that, let's say, are tangible but don't fully glimpse. Yes, I speak of the family of star beings.

Everything they have expected, everything they have dreamed comes true. And part of our sacred purpose has been, and is, to expand their knowledge, their heart, their love, their wisdom, in what is real, so that it is not merely what has been taught in schools or churches or in families or societies . That the awareness that the potential of your Ascended, ascending, Heart-centered, anchored Divine Authority Self has reached a place where you are ready for your next step. And I don't just mean the channel and Steve and Suzi and everyone who has been engaged. We refer to each and every one of you.

You know that when all the scum is discarded, the truth of your being is magnificent . And the truth of their being is not simply that they crave love, but that they are love ; that have been created, that have been born in the very essence of the Mother.

Those of you who have the privilege, yes, the privilege of being parents know that throughout your child's life, and it doesn't matter if it's four months or four years or fourteen or forty-four, that you have these deep moments recognition when your son or daughter does something, has a look on his face or a dawning where they fully recognize themselves . And even when they say: “Oh no! They have my bad habits ”, there is that feeling of warmth, love, recognition of your creation, consciously or by accident of what you have brought to the world. And they also know as parents that there is very little they would not do to truly feed that child at all levels.

The truth of your being is magnificent: You are Love.

Now, while our Mother has often moved away from this father-son analogy because often the interpretation of human beings has somehow been to deny her own power, which is ridiculous. But look at it this way, just like me, like Yeshua, like Maitreya, like Sanat, you were born and carry the very essence of the Mother and the essence of the Father . And it has patterns. It is not in a single pattern, but only look at your breath - each inhalation and each exhalation is the pattern of the Mother, the essence of the Mother; your DNA, the activation of your DNA.

And what has this meant in practical terms, in terms of this journey we have undertaken together? Actually it is very simple. It is for you that we love beyond all, so that you love yourself and in that love you wake up to what you are truly capable of doing. And not that they simply rest in that recognition of what they are capable of doing, but that they carry it out in action, in creation, in the fulfillment of their dreams.

Wake up to who you are and carry it out in action, in creation, in the fulfillment of your dreams ...

You have been and are living in a way, in this humanoid form, in the most radical period of this planet. Now think about this: the original plan definitely took a detour and you have come to live in an era where all the false paradigms and grids are falling apart . All the patterns and behaviors that were structured and institutionalized, and even more sadly, were believed and adhered, are falling apart.

And part of that ability to participate and recognize and live and contribute to the collapse has been his determination, his strength and his courage to see through illusion . And what we have endeavored to do is point the way and reassure them and say yes - that is not peace, that is not joy, and it certainly is not true.

You, beloved, have established and are establishing the new paradigm . You have the completely renewed grid on which you are anchoring the new paradigms of beliefs, of behaviors that are going to grow and are growing in structure, in what we call tangibility, we do not want to call it institutionalization because the whole idea, the whole creation of what It means being human is fluent . And when we talk about institutions it implies rigidity .

So when we talk about justice systems, equity systems, equality systems, new paradigms of relationships, families, cities of light, what it really means to heal, they are literally establishing them . We have been rejoiced, excited, committed, and continue to assist you in this deposition, but you are also fully assuming your mantle of Divine Authority . When Mother has told you that you are the explorers, you are the waypoints, this is not figuratively but literally.

You are the executors of the Mother's Dream, of the Mother's Plan .

And the harmony in it is that your plan, your dream, is a cohesive, harmonized part of that plan, of that dream. So your realization in joy, in laughter, in sweetness, in meekness, in kindness, in love is a necessary piece .

This does not happen without you and that is why we have been so attentive in putting ourselves at your disposal to share with you the perceptions and how things really work. And to point the way : to invite them, to support them - never to push or pull them. Because the supremacy of their free will, of their wisdom to make kind and loving choices, is always honored. Otherwise, it is simply a renewal of the old. We are not going to do that!

The dream does not happen without you.

Have there been moments of uncertainty? Fighting times? And sometimes those times of struggle resulted in greater growth, because they made their way through illusions and chains that have loaded, not only since childhood but, for many of you, for eons. The reason why they came to this planet in human form during the time of crumbling was not only to fight and break through, but to truly know the supreme joy of really being there.

And, sweet angels of light, that is what they are doing, that is what we have been doing, and that is what we will continue to do. This is our promise.

We don't just present and present the Love Council and our ability to speak with you just to be present on the radio. Now, this has been phenomenal because as I have said so many times when we talk about energy, power, the light of our message extends throughout the planet and much further.

But we are always present and we have been and always will be.

Now think about what I say. We will always be, as Mother will always be, and like you, sweet angels of light, sweet beings of love, will always be.

You will continue one more time in these wonderful human forms that you have designed and chosen together with us. But when they leave, it doesn't matter if they stay at home to play with us for a while, or if they come out the revolving door again. Keep going

I say this because there are times when you are very tired and say: “Oh, I've had enough. I think I'll stay at home. ” Now I will tell you as I have told you before, if you decided to return home, you would be welcome with all my heart. They are so loved and appreciated. There would be a great celebration.

But you, as happy as you will be when you return home, will also say: “Oh, no! Oh no, I did not; do not finish. I did not complete what I wanted. ” Their courage, patience, insight, stubbornness have kept them going through difficult times and happy times . And that we admire and honor, we, and the Mother.

Even if they are happy to return home, they may want to return to finish what was left unfinished.

But what I am telling you tonight is that you do not give up the fight just when you are breaking through . Many times I have been told: “ Miguel, give me a sign . Give me a sign of hope. ”And then we give you a sign and sometimes you ignore it, and sometimes you say, “ Oh, I don't like that sign, give me another one. ” And so we do it. And sometimes you notice it and sometimes you don't.

Dear hearts, the signs are around you . The indicators of growth, of expansion, of progress, of new times, of the new times of the Mother are all around you. When She has declared Her final tsunami, the tsunami inside and outside, what do you think she was talking about? This is one of his signs of our cooperation, of cleansing and of creating the new - of washing what is useless and leaving the pristine land, the ground of his heart, the ground of his conscience. Our presence is not buried in the underground levels of your unconsciousness or your subconscious. You and your willingness to compromise have brought this right to the surface.

We send signals all the time.

So many things we, as Council, have brought - never to overwhelm - but to attract, engage, fascinate, arouse their curiosity, help them in their exploration. We are amazed at the skills you possess. We have often told them: "They are the strongest of the strong." If not, they would not be here. They may not always know their power and strength, but we do.

They tell me: “Miguel, what are you waiting for?” If there is anything I would like to tell you, it is: a breakthrough, renewal, ascension. It is the collective opening of the heart. Yes, as I've been talking to the channel, it's friendship.

Why in this final episode do I mention friendship ? As their hearts expand and open, as their consciousness, their interdimensional being opens to consciousness, what do they seek? Well, you know I would say love . But what does that look like? What do the new communities of Nova Tierra, inhabited by Nova Seres, by Nova Gaianos do? We have talked a lot about sacred union, above and below. But friendship is part of the sacred union . And I do not mean simply, although I wish you to include me, that you are our friend - that you are a friend of Archangel Uriel, and of the new Buddha that emerges beautifully, and of Saint Teresa and Saint Clare and of the Ancients and the chiefs, all this .

Friendship is part of the sacred union.

But I also encourage you, your friends. Yes, what they often think are their circles - their family circle, yes, but their soul circle, their human friends . These are beautiful . There is no requirement that they should move forward alone, moreover, it does not work if they believe they are moving alone.

There has been too much action, and anchoring, and talking about unity.

Friendships are honorable, sincere, truthful, peaceful and full of hilarity and laughter, play, joy and kindness and sweetness and shared thoughts and feelings.

I am not suggesting that there will never be another moment of pain or sadness as they break into the new kingdom. Some of you will even have moments of sadness when you see what has been. Because, let me explain, there have been many moments: the bombings in the Middle East have been extraordinarily sad. Breaking the heart of another is sad . Breaking a promise is sad.

But what sustains them is love . It is the manna that feeds; It is what sustains them. Yes, sacred union, as in sacred association, is extraordinarily important because there are very, very few of you who came to live truly alone . But from those sacred societies, friendship flourishes.

The man who feeds is Love.

And they don't need to be inclusive or exclusive forget about the rules! As you ascend, see each person as a friend, as a sister, as a brother, as someone worthy of their efforts and their love. And open your heart to the stranger, and the more you miss, the better. And open your hearts that is the Nova Earth.

Now, dear Steve, I didn't want to steal the program time. Where do you want to start?

Steve Beckow : Haha, Lord, you've asked all the questions I had. You have answered all the questions I had, including what awaits us. I think the listeners want to be sure that they will receive their guidance after the Reassessment. That they will continue to receive news of revelation, ascension and all that, so they will continue with the kind of discussions we have had here at the new headquarters, right?

Arc ngel Miguel : That is correct.

Steve Beckow : You will continue to be your main source of information, so to speak.

Miguel Angel : It will be a source of information, of expansion, of learning because, as you well know, we love to share information. But also during these times together we infuse them with light and love. Inside the sound is the light . Sound travels in the wave of light and within the light is love. And within love is sound and word . So yes, we will continue and share not only our vision for you, but we will assist you in your beautiful growth, in your beautiful travels. So this does not end. This is just the beginning, sweet angel.

We will continue to assist you in your beautiful journey. Arc Miguel Angel

Steve Beckow : OK. Well, I know I'll be there to listen to you on your new adventure. I just want to express to you, Lord, what a tremendous privilege it has been to talk to you, talk to the Divine Mother, the Masters and other Angels. It's just that, you know, I don't know how to use too expressive words. I just can't find words about the privilege that has been for me, and I'm sure Suzi would say the same. So thanks .

Archangel Michael : Of course you're welcome. But it is important that this gratitude, that this recognition be expressed by both parties. You know, many times we seek to communicate at all kinds of levels with human beings . And even those who sometimes declare themselves willing are not. Those who believe they are guided and are not; or at least not in his search, say, of the upper path.

So for us to find our loved, willing, cooperative and unified human beings that allow us to have the platform and the vehicle to reach millions has been a gift. And it has been a gift for us. And it has been a gift, an honor and a sacrifice placed at the foot of the Mother / Father / One altar.

So we thank you, we bless you, we honor you and we support you. What I tell you, beloved ones, is not: "Prepare", because you have already prepared yourself. And they go for it and are creating and co-creating at a phenomenal speed.

Look around you and feel the softness in the air, in the breeze and feel the force that rises within you . It is the sense of determination and enthusiasm that matches that of his star family. The revelation is there .

So yes, there are many adventures ahead and we will be with you in each and every one of them because we love you.

Go in peace, sweet angels. Goodbye.

Steve Beckow : Thank you. Goodbye.

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Linda Dillon (2018) Archangel Michael - We Will Continue To Assist You In Your Beautiful Journey.

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