Lao Tzu: Rewrite the Nova Earth Rules and Quan Yin's message

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 We are going from remembering with the mind to remember with the heart. Memory of the ancient wisdom of the Heart. 2 The world can wait and wait for you. In fact, the world will change with you, at the same time as you! 3 Ask for help when you need it, and we'll be there. 4 Set aside fears. 5 Follow your intuition. 6 Quan Yin ~ Manifestating from the space of your heart 7 The mind, the ego is the cause of fear, pain and suffering. Release the mind, and it flows from the Heart.

Channeled by Genoveva Coyle, December 01, 2017

Be gentle with your dear being ... you don't have to push yourself to be and do and become something!

Good afternoon, dear! I am Lao Tzu, his friend, his teacher, his brother and his family. I bow before you, my dear friends. I congratulate you for the courage you have to continue on this rocky path that you are traveling right now.

They are firm servants of the Mother. They are so determined to succeed in each part of their mission and to thoroughly follow all the divine plan they made eons ago, that they forget to maintain that fragile balance and to be kind to their own dear being. You are left for the end, because you believe that they do not matter and this is not right and it is not love . Right?

And they tell me: "But, dear Master, I don't want to stop when there is so much suffering in the world! I don't need to rest so much when there is still so much violence and abuse that they need to be eliminated! There are still diseases and ailments in the world and I need to be ready faster, I still need to clean and release so much. ”

We are moving from remembering with the mind to remember with the heart. Memory of the ancient wisdom of the Heart.

That is why I have come to remind you that you do not have to rush into anything, you do not have to push yourself to be and do and become nothing.

There is a need for balance in everything you do. There is a need for adjustments as you go. Yes, you need to follow your path and refine this balance at all times. The old rules of life, which were not rules of love, are being replaced and are the ones that you must implement and exemplify these new rules of love for all.

You are rewriting these rules of the Nova Land; They are making new connections in their human brains and attracting others in many subtle and effortless ways. Things are going to be easier and faster for those who follow in their footsteps, in fact!

The world can wait and wait for you. In fact, the world will change with you, at the same time as you!

But, all these new changes and adjustments to yourselves require enormous energy on your part and there is a cost that your bodies have to pay. Your physical bodies are most affected when you get out of balance and harmony, with your ever changing needs for rest and exercise, nutrition and light and sun exposure.

Once they have agreed to do their best in everything they do, be love and follow the path of light at all times, they have given permission to their guides and higher selves to lead them to the steps and paths leading to what your heart desires more, so that you may grow and expand in light and love and at the same time to help others in accordance with your own divine plan.

But dear hearts, this is not a simple path. This is not a linear process in time and space as one would expect because you are still working with your human brains, with conditioned minds, although you are currently improving and preparing a lot for the time when you will be able to function quickly as a Be multidimensional in the form of light.

Ask for help when you need it, and there we will be.

And so, until then you will have to learn to stop and prioritize your actions . You need to remember that even when you have a job and commitments there are times when you may need ... and we can assist you ... to take a break and rest .

There are times when you insist on your routines and travel to your workplace, but then you realize that there are no great demands that day, because none of those that would normally require your services appears. There are only visits by children and other beings in the form of very high vibrations that are there to serve and assist them. Do you get these clues then that you need to take it easier and be kind to yourself ?

Set aside fears.

As you can see, you don't need to stress or feel uncomfortable to learn to navigate more fluently throughout your life. When you worry about deadlines and schedules, find out why you are worried and then put aside those fears and limitations because they are not valid.

Simplify and eliminate all unnecessary additional tasks with which you have overloaded yourself in the past, things and lists of tasks that were intended to keep them occupied in small and in a limited reality driven by the ego .

Remember that the most efficient and powerful steps you have taken were those in which you least prepared yourself and when you followed the impulses of love.

Follow your intuition.

Trust that this magnificent new one knows how to make you fulfill your whole plan within the Mother's Divine Plan, when you realize most of the subtle clues and signs, and when you follow and flow joyfully and playfully with the desire of your heart. Drop hard work, release fear and doubts, bring to light everything that blocks your path!

I will leave you now with my peace. I bow in reverence to you and your strength.

Goodbye, goodbye

Quan Yin ~ Manifestating from the space of your heart

Channeled by Debbie Dehm, November 30, 2017

Namaste, I want to give you some information about your new state of consciousness . This new state began to come into your experience during the month of August last year and is now in full development for many of you. However, always remember that each one has individual paths and evolves at their own pace.

That said, this is the new state of affairs for many of you. Now they are manifesting from the space of their heart instead of their head space most of the time. This is good because the old method will no longer work.

The mind, the ego is the cause of fear, pain and suffering. Release the mind, and it flows from the Heart.

Mother Earth and all the elementals, animals and the Vedic kingdom are on board with this new way of being and will be the only way to be honored in their new reality. Those who refuse to behave this way will not be with us soon. However, most people will not have the will to fight the change in frequency, since it is being discharged from the great central sun and the angelic kingdoms to all so that everyone can ascend in time. It is as I have often said, do you want to paddle your canoe against the current or let it easily take you downstream?

If you choose the easy way, you will experience the benefit of greater peace of mind and heart. You will get things you want with much less effort. You will find that life is no longer a struggle and blessings will flow easily to you. (Suggestion of letting go of fear)

If you would like some help to connect with your own heart space and manifest yourself from it, ask me for help from your angels and the wonderful spiritual leaders in your community.


Quan yin

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Genoveva Coyle (2017) Lao Tzu Rewriting Nova Earth's Rules. 12/02/2017. Love has won.

SOURCE: Debbie Dehm (2017) Quan Yin ~ Manifesting from Your Heart Space. 12/02/2017. Love has won.

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