*** The Perfection of God ***

  • 2011

How much time will we need to understand, understand and accept that what God wants for Humanity, for us, is the Highest Good, Total and absolute Perfection in our Lives? A long question for a simple and short answer: recognize our Divinity.-

In the same moment that we stop thinking and feeling like humans, with the ego ahead, with the reduced human intelligence that does not see beyond the senses, at that moment our vital experience begins to mutate from the imperfection, chaos and its thousand negativities to the Perfection of God Manifested.-

This is how most of the humans, in their desperate intention to maintain the general well-being of their lives, see how the morning vanishes from their hands at night ... why ? .- The answer is simple, they have forgotten to recognize that all good comes from the Highest, from the Great Energy and the worst have left aside the constant gratitude for the good of their Lives.

There is no imperfection in the Kingdom of Truth, we create experiences that make us evolve from the lowest consciousness to the Great Universal Consciousness.

The real problem of the imperfections and mistakes of life, is that we mock focusing our senses and attention, on what we do not want.- We are like children who repeat and repeat traspies, until they learn the lesson.-

We have a free will in which God does not get involved, as such, he has granted it to us.- He is giving us a thousand and one clue about the right and the wrong path, but we turn a deaf ear to his warnings.- It is like that as one day we wake up to the Truth, exhausted from wandering on the same stones.- It is in these trances when we call Our Light and ask for help.- No one in the Universe, desires but our Absolute Good, it is our personality that denies it to us .-

It is as if we had programmed our mind to think and act negatively.- Knowing who we are, lasting evil is impossible in our lives; When conflict situations appear, as a result of our old programming, we remember who we are in Truth, we stop giving power to the situation and the Great Energy puts order.-

It is useless to remember it with the intellect, if we do not deliver and live the aroma of our divinity at every moment, we will go back again and again, in a kind of dance in which the battles of life shake us and manipulate us like puppets.

If we want to be free from ungrateful experiences, let us enter into our interior and unite our mind with the Universal Mind, because we are an extension of God, his Energy, his Good and his Great Perfection.

Let's start the self-control of thoughts and reject how many of them are negative.- Watching what we think, we will put our hands on our heads, surprised at the amount of barbarities, fears, doubts and self-sabotages that go through our mind .- We will only return to the Kingdom of Love by transmuting the old nightmares that stalk us and little by little the seed, impolute in our Self, will germinate, gaining an inexhaustible, loving and compassionate force and energy.- As the Beloved Master Saint teaches us Germain, we cannot consent to anything that is inferior to Perfection; at the same moment that the undesirable situation appears to decree, with solemn roundness, that "it is not true" "is not real" that we only accept God, his Good and his Perfection, because it is our Divine Law and so it is.-

And this is how, with the Divinity, we progress ahead, we advance in our spiritual and vital path.-

If we do not accept our Divine Self by being aware of it, we can lament cumbersome experiences that we could avoid.- And this is the way we like it or not! .- We cannot serve two consciences, the lower one (human ego) and the Higher one (Consciousness Divine) .-

Once our Supreme Self is recognized, God Unity in us, there is no turning back to a vision inferior to the Great Vision of God.

That is the reason why when we turn our attention to experiences of the Lower Self (human creations) having known the divine response, we are involved, again and again, in the same avatars.

"You cannot serve two masters" ... words of the Master Jesus (the human mind and the divine mind) ... and this phrase should be engraved with a seal of fire in our consciences.

Let us not step back, no matter what happens abroad, let us vehemently decree our Highest Good.- Experiences of the Paado will arise, only for us to free them, so that we can take them out of the way and go to nothing where they came from .- Do not pay attention to what we want to eliminate from our life, from our experience, or they will be charged with energy and will return again and again.-

Let's sow the seed of Perfection and it will sprout in a timely manner, with all its fruits available to us. - Don't give up on the first one, the programming of our subconscious is full of imperfections that have to come out.- For more advanced minds to the Universal Mind, that is, those that no longer differentiate two minds, but have managed to "unite" the human mind to the only Presence, will be a very easy task.

For the most neophytes, it will be an evolutionary process, assembling a mental guard, so that as soon as a destructive, negative thought appears ... it is rejected and replaced by another of Love and Welfare.

Training the Mind, today, is much faster than a few years ago, since we are immersed in a wave of new frequencies and energies that support our demand for the Highest Good.

Let us emphasize this and request the assistance of the Ascended Masters, they will recharge us when we are exhausted.

Prosperity, Health, Wealth and so many goods are our Universal and Birth Divine Law and we have to claim them.- The sense of “claiming” is to accept that we are Divine Beings and that we reject everything inferior to the Perfect, to which create the lower self.-

Let us shout, then, the Manifested Perfection in our life ... because The Universe only waits to be sent.

With Infinite Love ...

*** Manpal Kaur ***

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