10 factors that will make you appreciate your life a little more

  • 2015

To know what you expect from life, you need to learn to know yourself. They are perhaps in those moments of frustration, when you are alone and you start talking to yourself it is when you are closer to understanding it.

When for a moment you are sincere and you are not ashamed to face your worst fears.

Life is wonderful when you are happy and you must aspire to be every day. Here are some tips to help you get it:

1. Eat a balanced diet

Most of the current diseases are caused by poor nutrition and are the product of being overweight, such as diabetes, bone problems, the risks of heart attacks or circulatory problems.

2. Stay fit

It is essential to raise your quality of life for many years. Regular exercise will help you take care of your ideal weight and strengthen your immune system. In addition, it is an excellent way to keep anxiety moments at bay, as it will make you feel better and see things in a positive way.

3. Lead a healthy lifestyle

Your lifestyle is intimately linked to your way of being, it is the way you have to face problems and deal with personal situations. Most of the time it is a problem of time which leads us to a stress situation, so perhaps you should consider if you want to live in such a hurry. Always reserve at least a couple of hours a day for you.

4. Give the best you have

Do not think that personal or professional success is reserved for others and that you must accept your role. In fact, what you get or not in this life will depend largely on the effort you put in. Always do your best, nobody can guarantee that you will achieve excellence, but if the opportunity comes you will be prepared.

5. Do not limit yourself by your thoughts

Sometimes it is we ourselves who impose limits and these are usually almost always in our head. That your negative thoughts do not lead you to believe that you are not qualified to do a job or that you cannot have a relationship with the person you love. Do not give up before trying.

6. Eliminate negative feelings

Your fears, phobias or addictions prevent you from acting in life with total freedom. If inside you know that you can achieve your goals, your mind and body will respond better to the new challenge. The human being is made to be happy, so if you have moved away from the road return as soon as possible.

7. Take care of your self-esteem

Growing up we gradually lost that security we had when we were children, that feeling that someone took care of us and that made us see life without fear. Try not to forget that child we all have inside, be positive and feel able to face anything.

8. Don't hold on to the past

Throughout our lives we accumulate bad experiences in an invisible backpack that we carry on our backs. You cannot live with the weight of past mistakes, or with the constant memory of bad times. May your bad experiences help you improve in the future and nothing else.

9. Do not depend on your relationships

Be happy without needing anyone else. It is wonderful to share your life with another person, but if one day your relationship ends the world must continue for both. Don't pay attention to social conventions, life changes day by day and the only person you know you can always count on is yourself.

10. Create a tuning between mind and body

You must feel good about yourself and be consistent with your actions. People who do the opposite of what they want enter into very negative dynamics. If your mind and body go in the same direction you will have a healthier life and you can give others the best of you.


Source: http://www.lavidalucida.com/10-factores-que-te-haran-apreciar-tu.html

10 factors that will make you appreciate your life a little more

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