Message of the Archangel Gabriel: A new way of communicating, talk and listen with your heart

  • 2018

Greetings, dear ones! I AM Gabrielle, I AM the Arc of Angels of Love and Light, Lily of the Truth, Messenger of the One, at the service of the Mother and all of you.

I am here to help you in this mission of light that you are currently carrying out, bringing the truth and establishing freedom on this beautiful planet. I am here to bring you joy and encourage you to move forward with courage in your ways, trusting in your knowledge and your heart. You have everything you need to be a successful and balanced being at all times.

We understand that when you walk through unexplored territories, you can doubt your ability to cross them successfully. Yes, some of these new spaces are shaded, like quicksand, but you have all the tools and knowledge to overcome them, emerge triumphant and stronger than before. Trust your knowledge, listen with all your senses, with your heart, then remain still and firm in your faith that you are powerful and strong.

It's time to trust yourself at all times

Know the truth of these words and data that are communicated to you. Don't assume your ability to see the whole truth! Do not walk away, if at the moment you do not understand it, do not cover your eyes or run away, free yourself from the fears of being misunderstood and excluded .

Stop trying to understand how to use this information and pass it on to others . You have always had the ability to see the truth and false intentions in others! The truth has always spoken to you! But instead of acting on the basis of the information offered, you have constantly dedicated yourself to avoid looking beyond your reality. You have done this through a sense of survival and the need to help your loved ones, the family of the earth, because you think it is your duty to do so.

I'm here to tell you it's time to let go of all those fears and doubts!

It is time to go out of bounds, to let your hearts speak in all cases and situations. It's time to restart all your communication schemes ! In the past, we talked about the caution you should have in what you talk about and what you allow others to know about you. We talked at the time about knowing what others have in mind, in their ability to understand the truth, especially those who ask for help.

But now we tell you that you have been updated, that you have been granted this new form of communication of speaking with the heart, that it does not require censorship of any kind, because it is free from all judgment and malicious messages.

When you speak through your hearts, dear ones , the truth comes out as pure and loving information, and your partner in the conversation or the audience that receives it knows that you are transmitting the truth. The energy of your words is light and fluid, as is the telepathic communication you have with your brothers, sisters and with your guardians of the higher realms.

You can trust me when I ask you that most of the time those who come to you feel relieved because you give them the opportunity to discover their own lies and manipulations. Be neutral and not critical, allow your heart to communicate sometimes out loud, with conviction and sometimes through body language.

Work it right now. Define this intention and then practice in every second of your day ! Ask me to help you in this wonderful, courageous and necessary effort.

The world needs to hear the truth right now!

I am addressing you, I ask the champions of truth, who have been carefully chosen by the Mother herself, to introduce yourself and take my words into account. I am with you always, dear hearts and I leave you now with hundreds of golden bubbles of love and joy!


TRANSLATOR: Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood


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