While we go ... We are going well Communiqué Nº 15,16,17 and 18 by Sherhi Serrano

  • 2010



Communiqué No.15 by Sherhi Serrano

For a better understanding of the information on New Energy and Healing, which has been offered to you through the communiqués of While We Go ... We are doing well and to get to the updated exercises for Long Distance Healing and Self- Healing with the necessary force to be processed without resistance by the bodies that make them up, today we will talk about the Etheric Body.


The Etheric Body has the characteristic of being Mixed: On the one hand, it is part of the physical body and on the other hand, it relates and links as a bridge to this, with the Energy Field or Aura.

The Etheric Body can be considered an integral part of the physical body, since it is the body of electrical energy that sustains the vitality of each organ of the biological body.

But at the same time the Etheric Body is the body of energy that connects the physical form with the auric energy, that is why it is meant as the Bridge, between the Aura and the physical body.

The Etheric Body is attached to the physical body and interpenetrates it, therefore, in it we find a complete replica of it; (each and every one of our organs: skin, liver bones, etc.). This etheric energy is what transmits vital energy to the physical body.

If you want to see the etheric field, you can see a person (or yourself) in the mirror. A white background will allow them a better view. In the perception of the aura, the vision of the etheric is the easiest and easiest layer of light to check.

The Etheric Body is attached to the physical body (sticking out of it). Its brightness, intensity and permanence, depend on the state of health of its aspects or the degree of fatigue of the individual.

When you have had or have a disease, the Etheric Body is opaque and over time, if the disease continues, it may disappear from view. If the etheric plot disappears, so does the energy support that allows the physical body to stay alive.

In the case of a healthy body, the etheric will be a bright light blue color, showing itself as an abundant luminous strip, around the physical body.

When there is disease or fatigue affecting the Etheric Body, the bright blue light changes to a grayish blue or a dark gray color and the size of the strip decreases to such an extent that it is almost impossible to see it.

After taking a bath or shower, it is when the Etheric Body feels and looks the most vital.

The state of the Etheric Body can be directly related to the physical youth of the individual; The greater the vitality of the etheric, the greater the freshness, flexibility and joy of living (Living without so many fears).

Apart from the bath, another method to support the etheric body to be maintained with vitality, are the walks or walks connected with Nature and its fragrance that nourish it.

The Importance of Rest.- Each time you sleep, the Etheric Body, detaches itself from the physical body and generally keeps floating about a meter above it.

The recovery of the ethereal in the night space of our dreams, depends entirely on not falling asleep with worries, anguishes, anger, complaints, etc. (Transmute), nor with expectations associated with the activities the next day or any time that is for you in the future ... (Meditate.- stop the internal dialogue connect to your own silence and sleep).

We follow the Contact and our next topic is the Aura.

Statement No. 16


The Aura is the energy that surrounds the physical body and it is essential that we understand that everything we live: physically, psychologically and spiritually, has a correlation at the same time. n observable in her. The Aura holds the individual energy together, which allows us to know who we are despite all the changes we experience.

The Aura is a drop of the great ocean of universal energy, therefore, our auric body exists as an individualized energy within the vast energy field of the universe.

On the other hand, the Aura is the energy bridge between our essence (I Am) and material reality. Likewise, each of our experiences in the physical world has been recorded, allowing them to be significantly linked in our history.

The Aura is made up of different layers and bodies; seven in all, each of them is a defined energy field with its own color and its own vibrational frequency.

The seven frequencies interacted with each other constituting a true unit of common purpose action. So that you can work better in each of the layers, bodies or chakras, deepen for your best understanding.

We will begin by explaining and ordering the layers of the aura from the innermost body to the outermost.



LAYER ONE (C1): ETHICAL AND PHYSICAL: Electrospheric energy of the organism: Function: Health and physical well-being. Red color, meaning of color: Activity, impulse, strength, contact with the earth.

SOME OTHER SYMPTOMS OF THE BLOCK OF THIS LAYER (C1): Little affirmation in life, weakness of character, enormous sensitivity that cannot be expressed in the best way, because it leads to shyness to the individual, physical weakness, exhaustion and permanent fatigue. KEY TO LEARNING TO UNLOCK THE C1.- Learn to trust life.

LAYER TWO (C2): SEXUAL AND Psychological: Function: Congruently unite personal history. Emotions regarding yourself. Color Orange, meaning of color; concretion, vitality. Sexual chakra: Premature ejaculation, impotence in men, frigidity in women. To unlock C2: Surrender, overcome fears. Resolve the relationship with parents.

LAYER THREE (C3): EMOTIONAL, CONCRETE MENTAL. Ideas and personal thoughts. Function: Order the data of material reality. Rational Mind Yellow color, meaning of color: Clear thinking.

SYMPTOMS OF C3 LOCK: Symptoms are associated with the affected organ:

Stomach: Gordura. Pancreas: Diabetes

Liver: Bowel Dyspepsia: Irritable Colon

Kidneys: Nephrosis

Adrenal Glands: Depletion of organic reserves. Stress.


STOMACH: Not depending so much on the external world and the approval of others,

dare to show yourself as it is.

PANCREAS: Trust that everything will be given in due course. Allowing

love and be loved.

LIVER: Resolve accumulated anger, activating talent and productivity

In personal life. Forgive.

KIDNEYS.- Break with the dependencies of the past, trust in the present.

SUPRARRENAL GLANDS: Become aware that nobody loves us

to hurt, that the universe is a quiet and stable place. Trust him

life process. Remember "What I see now, tomorrow I look at it" is time

to create What is the world where you want to live in ?



LAYER FOUR (C4): ASTRAL EMOTIONAL: Emotions linked to factors common to all human beings. Love of Humanity Function: Connect the material world with the spiritual one. Relationship with others Color Green and pink, Meaning of the color green: Sociability and choice of energy. Meaning of the color pink: Love and compassion.

SYMPTOMS OF C4 BLOCK: Infarction, hyper or hypotension, angina pectoris, poor blood circulation, cholesterol and triglycerides.

TO UNLOCK THE C4: Forgive, (Forgiveness implies emotional cleansing); let go of the fact that generated the emotional impact (Transmute), set aside pride and pride.



LAYER FIVE (C5) .- SUPERIOR MENTAL: Ethereal Body. Function: Superior Will. Desicion. The Word is Energy. Light blue color, its meaning: Creativity, movement, dynamism.

SYMPTOMS OF THE C5 LOCK: Hypothyroidism (person who feels assaulted). Hyperthyroidism: (person who feels invasive)

TO UNLOCK THE C5: In the first case, review the rigid concepts in which one was created. Solve the fears derived from childhood, In the second case: Learn to respect the needs of others.

LAYER SIX C6: SUPERIOR EMOTIONAL: Celestial body. Emotions linked to the universe and God. Function: Divine Love, union with God is finally a reality. Spiritual Ecstasy Third Eye. Colors: indigo blue: poise protection, serenity, seriousness, Violet Color: Service and spirituality, Transmutation.

SYMPTOMS OF THE C6 BLOCK: The permanence of mental, rigid and prejudiced concepts and often intolerance. The blockage closes the light of the chakra generating headaches, sinusitis and chronic colds.

TO UNLOCK THE C6: Exercise mental openness, good humor and stress relief. This blockage ends completely when the person transmutes absolutely all beliefs and prejudices that separate them from others.

LAYER SEVEN (C7): SUPERIOR MENTAL: Causal Body. Function Divine mind perceived by human consciousness. Mental Contact with God and with the Universe, serenity: Color: White, Silver and gold. Meanings: White: delivery, opening. Silver: purity. Gold: Knowledge Transmission: Wisdom.

Each auric body is composed of finer substances and higher and more subtle vibrations than the body that precedes it.

In its conformation we can differentiate two types of auric bodies: the odd and even. Even or emotional bodies have the YIN energy (female energy)

They are calm and soft; Its energy is composed of substances similar to fluids, without a specific structure.

The Odd or Mental, have YANG (Male Energy) energy, constantly moving in vertical flows.

The YIN bodies adapt to provide their range of colors to the structured areas of the aura (layers), while the YANG bodies mark the direction of energy.



Communiqué No.17 by Sherhi Serrano

After all the information that they have been receiving through the communications of "APPLYING THE NEW ENERGY" we will now go, for all those who do not know how to transmute, to a transmutation exercise, but before and given the need to start with the In principle, I am going to give you a technique of liberation of energies that may be trapped in your energy field and that do not belong to it; therefore they are impeding the flow of energy that is required for healing.


Tools: Breathing, Intention and Direct Action to Our Being (Being = bodies: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).

This exercise will be done for 2 min. or more, preferably at night before retiring to sleep.

Standing, with your legs open at shoulder height, right spine (effortlessly), breathe as deeply as you can, always effortlessly, taking an even breathing rhythm with the intention of completely relaxing.

When they have achieved the required relaxation, they say out loud and feeling what they say "I AM THE POWER OF LIBERATION, RELEASING ENERGIES FROM WHICH I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE AND SENDING THEM BACK WHERE THEY BELONG." (Repeat three times, feeling that the meaning of these words, are reaching the energies that will be released and that are within your energy field or Aura).

Now they are bringing to your concrete mind (one case at a time until being released) the situations or experiences of your past that have left their mark on your life. The energy of the person or people who were involved in the experience, are still in you. and we must return them because of the spiritual need we have to be emptied or healed of the past, in order to be filled with the New Energy of Love, that the Divine Plan is finally realized and resisted change.

Now, breathe from the heart by pulling the golden-colored energy through the C7 and allow it to accumulate at the height of the Thymus C4, pause and exhale as slowly as you can by expanding the golden light throughout your energy field, forgiving, wrapping with your sense of love and releasing the energies of the person or people involved in the experience.

Do not try to direct your liberation to energy, she is wise and all you need to know where to go and what to do is the intention of you. and in this case out loud joining congruence thought, word and deed, they already made their intention known to the energy and that's enough.

After the specific release exercise, take a minute to release the energies that could be trapped, of all those people who somehow were in contact with you during this day.

This exercise and that of Transmutation, will be done every night before bedtime and although they want it, during the day, when thoughts or memories that require it come to mind.

With practice (and forgive my insistence on the same, but there is no option if you want to make your knowledge yours), he said ... with the practice of ATTENTION and INTENTION of these and in these exercises, you will find the facility to do them and This will mean that their energetic power has increased, that the reduction of the charges through liberation and forgiveness, is making them feel lighter, healthier, younger ... more ... more ... in short, there are many qualities and also they will no longer have to use reason to know the difference between concept and meaning.

The practice that they have been carrying out on the information they have been given so far, has strengthened them and if they have decided to continue practicing, they will continue to strengthen and this is absolutely necessary for the physical body and its survival at this stage of transition, where the waves of energy, are increasingly intense, increasingly high vibrational frequencies, that without the relevant preparation, our physical body, could not stand even though we are mutating, even though our body, little by little it is transforming according to the needs of change and that we are receiving a lot of help from the Higher Beings… however, we must not forget our responsibility… ”to work with love, will and discipline with ourselves according to what we are learning, that in This case is self-healing, to be ready when the time is right ”(which does not take long).

Our previous work has also been preparing us to consciously begin the path of simplicity, where synchronicity is the pavement, it is only a matter of focusing permanently on the heart and using the senses of the soul, becoming only obsevators (Remove the attachments from the vocabulary qualifiers) letting ourselves be carried by the hand of our intuition. (Voice of the Soul).

Pay attention and remember during the day, while doing your routine, breathe with your heart and transmit every time you exhale, Divine Love, Generosity, Goodness, Peace, and let the energies guided by your INTENTION (don't think about the qualities that you decide to transmit, just feel them first in your whole Being and then transmit them by expanding them throughout your energy field through exhalation) go and do what you have to do, do not interfere unless you want to be specific, although in this case It would be to forget a little that it is no longer Me, but Us.

With Love in Action

Sherhi Serrano



Communiqué No. 18 by Sherhi Serrano

Remember that Energy is not created or destroyed, it just transforms. Transmute means transform.

Of all the experiences that we choose and that we choose to live, most of them, guided by beliefs (which we create to complicate our existence) have generated in us fear, which we project through thought, word or action or of two of three or of everything together (and it is not tongue twister), the fact is that this, less and less feared fear, has contaminated more or less or less to more, our concrete mind, channeling thoughts not subtle to the emotional body that by reacting through harmful sensations, it has blocked the fluidity of energy in our physical body manifesting slight or serious discomfort in the different systems of our organism and that it has given us to call them diseases. ( But of course it can not be ).

Well, taking into account this chain of individual chaos that can also be collective… .we conclude that to really heal, we have to transmute the causes that have led us to such effects or in this case to diseases.

There is a book that Luisa L Hay wrote, called "You Can Heal Your Life", where in its last pages (163-206) you can find a list of diseases co-related to the probable causes of them. Surely if you have it for consultation, it will be of great help in your transmutation work.


Do the exercise necessarily at night before sleeping and after the mental release exercise: At this time they are already relaxed and in the same position, or if they want to sit, with their feet in contact with the earth, they will continue with the same breathing system, only now they will change the color of the golden energy to violet.

Expand now the violet flame throughout your energy field with the intention of becoming the violet flame itself in action.

Out loud and feeling the meaning of each word (The Intention in Action with Consciousness), they inspire, pause and exhale expanding throughout their being, at the same time they say:






they can also do it every time that within their daily routine, they feel that it is necessary, for example, if something suddenly happens in their day that irritates them, transmute to return to the mood of tranquility and joy; if something happens that causes them fear, transmute to return them to the feeling of Love; If they distrust whether they will do things well, transmute to feel faith and absolute confidence in you. themselves; if you are feeling impatience or intolerance, transmute to feel and be patience and tolerance itself; if they have insomnia, transmute to sleep peacefully, etc., etc., and etc.

If some of you. They are among those who are waiting for the news, do not forget to transmute before they sleep everything they heard and saw in the news or in any other television program they have seen and impressed. Although I dare to ask you again to be simply observers, do not judge what you see, nor what you hear and if there is anything left to transmute it will be faster and sweet dreams.

In these wonderful moments that we are living, it is necessary and more, for all that we are learning, to be totally responsible for our lives and to be aware that what we work with and for ourselves, we are also working for all Humanity and for mother Earth; that everything we want for others, we are decreeing for ourselves and the popular saying says it more clearly: "Do not wish for another, what you do not want for yourself. Now come because you have to work hard to be One with Intention and Attention and walk hand in hand with Common Sense?

Responsibility My Friends, practice it until you become an active part of ourselves. Scientists say: "Experiment until you make the matter yours".

We just need the Long-Distance Self-healing and Healing exercises, which by the way we will transmute in a short distance.

Keep in touch.

With Love in Action

Sherhi Serrano

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