Archangel Michael: Message for August 2017 channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff

  • 2017

August 1, 2017.


I am in the wings of Love! Many are worried that the collective of Humanity will be left behind while those who are awake take advantage of the opportunities that arise through events solar, cosmic and planetary that take place during these times; You are concerned that your Beloved Ones disappear from your sight when certain cosmic events take place. There is no doubt that the events that take place during these times are opportunities for those who are ready to go through the portals that at this time open towards a greater integration of your Divine aspects and potentials, because this is what is really happening instead of leaving this Planet of the Physical Kingdom to your Higher Vehicles of Light.

This can happen to many if they choose so; however, most of those who have reached this stage of evolution have already made the choice to continue helping the collective of Humanity that is waking up. What these portals do is introduce more higher energies, which are thus made available to everyone on the Planet. Those who take advantage of this opportunity do so for the greatest good of all; they become carriers and living examples for others to observe; and they are expected to emulate them, which will put them on the path of their own Almic evolution and their spiritual growth.

Dear ones, have the certainty that this situation is not to 'make die ' ... Far from it! ... Those who go through these and other successive portals in the days to come, you will become bearers of a greater brilliance and intensity of Light Divine, because you are the pioneers, the template if you want, the New Human who will live on the Planet as he advances to his rightful place as a beautiful shining star of the Galaxy ... The pioneers, the Light Bearers, you have done your work before and you are evolved Beings that work in your Galactic Ascension.

Humanity is not alone on the Planet in this auspicious time, because there are many loving and capable Masters of Light who walk on this Earth. As they continue to pass through these spiritual portals as they open, the Light that they increasingly incorporate will become more discernible as an emanation around their aural field. This emanation will become a sign that the Divine is being incorporated and anchored in those who serve the Major Plan, the Divine Plan for Earth. They are Beings that have gone through all the temptations and tests that are presented to the Human species; and they are surpassing them for the benefit of Humanity, so that they establish a way forward for those who follow them.

In no beginning of a New Era has Humanity been left alone on this Planet to go through itself through the Ascension process; This has been so; He always receives this assistance and support ... But these are more prevalent during this particular new beginning called the Age of Aquarius. The Divine Creator wanted to make sure that everyone had the understanding and awareness of the opportunity they now have before themselves; This has always been the case; and we say that among you there are many of this category; and many who, with sincere intention and desire, can also be in it ... There is still time for this to happen in the collective of Humanity ... Stay in peace and continue your path!

Blessings of Light for all!

I AM Archangel Michael.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting

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