If only it could be like my cells ... Dr. Deepak Chopra, MD

  • 2016

What does it mean to live a spiritual life? Who can teach me the essential principles of spirituality? Although it seems strange enough but my own body can teach me everything I need to know. The cells of my body are already doing what I need to learn. My body does everything better, with more passion and commitment than me. The cells of my body have no problem with the complete participation in life. About a hundred billion of them formed the same silent agreement, which can be described through qualities that the most spiritual person would envy - but that at the same time the most practical person would envy as well. These shared qualities speak eloquently of what a cell agrees not to do as much as it does. High Purpose: A cell agrees first to work for the well-being of the whole body and secondly for its individual well-being. If necessary, it will die to protect the body — the life span of any given cell is a fraction of our own life span. The skin cells perish per thousand every hour, as do the immune cells fighting the invading microbes. Selfishness is not an option, even if the survival of the cell is reached.

Communion: A cell keeps in contact with each of the other cells. Messenger molecules go to the race everywhere to notify the farthest positions of any desire or intention, even when light. The withdrawal or rejection of communication is not an option.

Awareness: The cells adapt from moment to moment. They remain flexible to respond to immediate situations. Getting stuck in rigid habits is not an option.
Acceptance: Cells recognize each other as equally important. Each function in the body is interdependent with each other. Going alone is not an option.

Creativity: However, each cell has a set of unique functions (liver cells, for example, can perform fifty separate functions), these are combined in creative ways. A person can digest food never before food, think thoughts that were never thought before, dance in a way never seen before. Holding on to old behavior is not an option.

The Self: The cells obey the universal cycle of rest and activity. Although this cycle is expressed in many ways such as fluctuating hormone levels, blood pressures, and digestive rhythms, the most obvious expression is sleep. Why we need sleep remains a medical mystery, however a complete dysfunction develops if we do not. In the silence of inactivity the future of the body is incubating. Being obsessively active is not an option.

Efficiency: The cells work with the lowest energy expenditure. Typically a cell only stores three seconds of food and oxygen within the cell wall. Totally trust to be supplied. Excessive consumption of food, air, or water is not an option, nor is stacking.

Link: Due to their common genetic inheritance, cells know that they are fundamentally the same. The fact that liver cells are different from heart cells, and muscle cells different from brain cells does not deny their common identity, which does not change. In the laboratory a muscle cell can be genetically transformed into a heart cell by going back to its common source. The cells remain tied to their source no matter how many times they divide. Being an outlaw is not an option.

Giving: The primary activity of cells is giving, which maintains the integrity of all other cells. Total commitment to giving makes receiving automatic — it is the other half of a natural cycle. Treasure is not an option.

Immortality: The cells reproduce to pass their knowledge, experience, and talents, without denying anything to their progeny. This is a type of practical immortality, submitting to death on the physical plane but defeating it on the non-physical. The generation gap is not an option.

When I look at what the cells have agreed, isn't it a spiritual covenant in every sense of the word? Other labels also work for any of these qualities. The first, high purpose could be changed to delivery or disinterest. Awareness includes both alertness and adaptability. But my body is not interested in labels. For him, these qualities are interwoven into daily existence.

The shared qualities of cells: High Purpose, Communion, Consciousness, Acceptance, Creativity, Being, Efficiency, Link, Giving, Immortality .

They are the result of the inner intelligence of life evolving as biology for millions of years. If you examine the structure of a single cell, nothing like surrender, awareness, or communion would be evident. These qualities are not present in single-cell organisms such as bacteria, yeast, and amoebas. The mystery of life was patient and careful to allow its full potential to emerge. Single-cell creatures continue to grow - thousands live in their intestines, which could not digest food without them. Evolution moves forward, but remember where it has been, and nothing is lost.

Even now the silent agreement that holds my body together feels like a secret, because to all appearances it does not exist. More than two hundred and fifty types of cells go through their daily affairs - the fifty functions that a liver cell performs are totally unique, without overlapping with the tasks of the m Muscle, kidney, heart, or brain cells, however, would be a catastrophe if a function were compromised n. As it is divided into billions of progeny, the first fertilized cell in my mother's uterus maintained its link to the source. At the level of memory, I am still that first cell. If I possess a soul, anything I could know about this was first said to my body.

The mystery of life has found a way to express itself through me. In fact, that is the purpose of being here. Am I fulfilling that purpose? If you read the list again and take note of each marked thing not an option, you would confront a complete fact: The very behavior that would kill our bodies in one day He has not been repudiated by us as people. We are selfish and greedy. We refuse to cooperate; we behave as if there is no greater purpose than the demands of me, me, and mine. In our fragmentation and confusion we have been ignoring the same model of a perfect spiritual life within us.

As the cells evolved they learned what really works for survival. Your body cannot afford to pay lip service to lead a spiritual life unless it wants to throw away eons of wisdom. However, the vast majority of suffering in our personal lives occurs because we consciously choose to behave contrary to the treatment of the soul that keeps our bodies alive.

SEEN AT: https://www.luisprada.com/si_solo_pudiera_ser_como_mis_celulas/

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