The Work of Workers in Religions. Message Channeled on 10/30/1987

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 The conquest of freedom is one of the important principles. 2 The truth is not static, unique, or monopoly of any religion or group of people. 3 Much progress was made in the field of esoteric wisdom. 4 As humanity's potential increased and individual liberties restored, it was possible that older, higher and, therefore, more experienced and wisdom souls reincarnated and brought about the necessary revolutions and modifications. 5 We will enter the new century with two principles developed in the human being, which represents a great advance. 6 If resistance to these changes arises, they can become violent. 7 A good religion has the task of always helping all who seek it, spontaneously and freely.

Channeled Message from the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

In the religious field, in recent years, huge modifications have emerged and the same seven objectives or goals, set forth in the previous chapter, serve this area of ​​human life.

The conquest of freedom is one of the important principles.

Today, everyone can freely follow their religion, belief, sect or mystical-spiritualist-esoteric organization, can read and practice what they want .

Gradually mankind walks to reach this goal .

Over time, the principle of real freedom will be a fundamental factor and respected by all.

Today's religions have positive and negative points (like everything else), but mainly the great religions have contributed a lot to the chaos in which humanity finds itself and they are also responsible for the low spiritual level that the human being arrived, attached to dogmas, dead ideals and surpassed, which translates into a humanity without a real peace, without an authentic human fraternity, without a true spirituality.

Religion should contribute to leading the human being to find God (the Divine Principle) within himself, to manifest him around him, and not to seek God-Father where he never was.

The truth is not static, unique, or monopoly of any religion or group of people.

However great the truth may be, it is always partial and, as the cycle of time progresses, new experiences, new conquests and the horizons of truth will expand, bringing new interpretations that They may be different and even opposed to the previous ones.

Dogmas only contribute to the crystallization of truth and of the human being, leading him to stagnate in his individual and collective evolutions .

Mankind has never had so much freedom, religions, books and knowledge of all kinds of his choice, even though he is still learning to live in freedom, to respect others, to Be responsible for what you do and say .

Eastern esotericism invaded the West bringing new knowledge, allowing many human beings to extend the limits of their mind, their internal feeling and their conscience, providing the awakening of many mental and mental centers that are inherent in each one .

Much progress was made in the field of esoteric wisdom.

Western religions were forced to abandon certain dogmas, certain practices, to enter into dialogue with certain beliefs and to give explanations about their cults more openly and more freely .

As religions have lost the power to manipulate large masses, they have reached an inner freedom to think and follow, not what religious leaders want, but what they feel and that their souls advise.

When the masses allow themselves to be manipulated by leaders who are blind by personal power, they are taken to situations that only bring suffering, bitterness and even death.

Today we have an example in Iran, where religious fanaticism and the power of a single man manage to manipulate a people leading to destruction and in the name of a god: Allah .

In the past, the great religions exercised almost absolute control over the peoples, even controlling the economic policy of the nations, and this was one of the reasons that caused the stagnation of humanity, leading it to remain in ignorance, with almost total absence of freedom.

As she herself had no strength to leave slavery, where she allowed herself to be cornered, the Workers, coordinated by the Hidden Masters, began to reincarnate and provoke revolutions in all fields of human life, opening their minds, their hearts, new knowledge. .

As humanity's potential rose and individual liberties restored, it was possible that older, higher and, therefore, more experienced and wisdom souls reincarnated and brought about the necessary revolutions and modifications.

It was at the beginning of the last century that "The Supreme Council of the Hidden Masters" created a new plan for this humanity and established seven goals, seven stages which we call the seven principles .

As we said, freedom is one of them . And it has already reached the required minimum level, which allowed the second stage to begin to develop, the equilibrium.

As several revolutions arise at each stage that bring down the crystallized forms of ideas, concepts and orthodox methods, in the same way several revolutions are emerging that will reach not only political-economic fields, but also religious and social .

Until the end of this century, probably, many of these new revolutions will already be established and implemented in the bosom of humanity, it depends a lot on the action of man.

We will enter the new century with two principles developed in the human being, which represents a great advance.

In the next century, we will surely undertake more speed and the principles of harmony, peace and love will be dispersed in humanity with ample freedom and balance.

In the following century the two remaining principles, or the goals of wisdom and fraternity, will also be implanted in humanity . And then the New Plan will be completed and a new Great Avatar will emerge as Earth never saw.

Revolutions arise in each stage and despite having emerged several in the first stage, it is not yet complete ; Therefore, there will still be several within the political-economic field, which shake the corroded structures of the orthodox systems of politics and of the world economic systems.

As the second stage is beginning, the extension of the first will occur and then the actions, in addition to the political-economic field, will also cause alterations in the religious and social fields .

One of the proofs of this is the agglutination of the crystallizing forces of manipulation and subjugation of the masses emerging with all the force, as in the case of Iran, South Africa and the United States, which will cause a great crisis, since their systems are corroded, crystallized and controlled by personal and selfish interests.

Violent modifications will occur in the region of India and adjacencies, because the greater the resistance of the oppression forces, both political and economic, religious and social, the greater the clash between opposing forces and that can generate violence.

In other countries such as Russia, China, France, England, Brazil, Argentina and others, they are in the process of peaceful and gradual changes, as is more advisable, safer, assimilating and putting into practice the new energies and ideals that are descending from the higher planes and manifesting in the midst of humanity.

If resistance to these changes arise, they can become violent.

More open, more sensitive mentalities began to emerge in humanity , with a greater, more lucid consciousness, which only follow the inner voice that coordinates their human lives .

The personality, in this case, stopped being the only boss of their lives, because in them an older manager emerged who is the strength of their souls, who went on to command their personalities and their concrete minds.

This means a radical change, a turn of one hundred and eighty degrees, which is already causing huge changes, which can cause an acceleration of the Great Plan of the Hidden Masters . A new mystique is emerging and we will talk about this new force later.

A good religion should not be static and get caught in theories and dogmas, limited to the teachings of its founders .

She must and needs to be dynamic, incorporating new knowledge, always provoking new experiences so that all of them become wisdom in the human being.

A good religion has the task of always helping all who seek it, spontaneously and freely.

Everyone who wants to find their own inner path - this path that is independent of religion - needs to know that one thing is the path that a religion has traced so that a number of people can follow it (the outer path), another thing is the inner path, that which the soul has been following many lives and that may be completely different from that. It usually is.

As soon as everyone finds their Inner God, their own Divine Presence, they may need to follow another external path. The only authority that must be followed is that of the Spirit, the Divine Cell that, through the vehicles of the soul, seeks to lead each individuality to its own realization. Ethics, to your spiritual enlightenment.

In the next message we will talk about science.

Maestro Zanon (Also known as Maestro J piter) 10/30/1987

Spiritual Channel: Henrique Rosa.

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: Book “O Hidden Government of the World. O Trabalho da Hierarquia Oculta ”, Editorial Portal. Second edition. Author Henrique Rosa.

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