Fully awakening your Multidimensional I ~ Arcturian transmissions to our intergalactic emissaries - part 1

  • 2015

Our Dear Intergalactic Emissaries:

We see that many of you are fully waking up to your true Multidimensional I and are looking to remember or try to live the Mission that you wrote for yourself before entering your current earthly vehicle.

We wish to remind you that in order to fulfill your mission you will have to find a way in your busy life to "create in the NOW" to focus on expanding your personal frequency of consciousness. As they create the NOW daily they will learn / remember how to live in the NOW. As NOW resonates with 5D and beyond, they will also learn / remember how to live in the ONE of 5D and beyond.

This 5D NOW is NOT something apart from your 3D / 4D life as the flow of NOW releases ALL separation and unites all frequencies of reality in the ONE. Within this NOW of the ONE you will totally remember your Mission.

Dear Mission Team Out, please remember that your 5D mission will come in the form of Light Language. Therefore, it will NOT come in the sequential order of your physical world. As its Mission resonates with 5D and beyond, it is stored in its Multidimensional Mind.

Your Multidimensional Mind resonates with 5D and beyond, and communicates with you via the Light Language. Therefore, it will NOT communicate with you via sequential words. The Light Language comes in information packages that can only be "open" when you are in a higher state of consciousness.

If the ringing of your telephone rings too low or it is off, you will not know if someone has tried to call you. However, they can leave a message. In the same way, we, your highest expressions of I, leave you our message in a Light Language package that you will know is there only if you "check your phone."

Of course they can "put their phone in" buzzer "so they can feel / hear that a message has arrived. This analogy is similar to receiving a 5D Light Package from your I. They will probably feel it, they will feel dizzy for a moment, instantly distracting themselves from their 3D work and / or suddenly they will become very sleepy.

Your Light Language will enter your physical brain through your pineal gland. Your physical brain will then inform you that you need to calibrate your consciousness to 5D and beyond, for that was your state of consciousness when you chose this mission.

We understand how difficult it is to remember your decisions of the highest dimensions while your awareness is limited by the frequency of your 3D vehicle. The physical reality of 3D demands that they focus on their lowest dimensional perceptions in order to perform their physical labors.

Therefore, your consciousness can get "trapped" in the habit of perceiving the physical world as real and the higher dimensional worlds as "simply your imagination." Of course they are your imagination because imagination is the thought of 5D. For this reason, any form of creative or meditation enterprise helps you expand your consciousness to the highest dimensional reality in which you exist forever.

When you take an earthly vehicle, you only "put your toe in the water, " so to speak. In other words, only a very small portion of your entire Multidimensional Self occupies its 3D form. Your 4D self fills your aura when you are happy or having fun and enters your dreams to remind you that you are MORE than the body you are using.

My dear settlers, we understand how addictive is the realm of great separation, which creates an innate fear. This fear confronts them repeatedly throughout their day.

Therefore, you want to "be good enough" so that "they" want to be with you. Also, this fear is like a pile of dirty dishes. Just when they think they have finished "washing, " someone gives them more "dirty dishes" to wash.

We use the analogy above because "cleaning" is one of the main tasks that our volunteers have chosen to accept. When your point of view is focused on the highest dimensions, you can see how much damage has been done to the body of the dearest Gaia. Consequently, many of you chose to assist with the cleaning of the matter of physical and astral waste.

From your highest perspective you can see the innate beauty of Gaia's waterways, the glory of His clear skies and the many wonders of His beautiful planet. You can also see that pollution, dirt, negative ways of thinking, and fear constantly diminish Gaia's immune system. Yes, Gaia has an immune system too, like all of its inhabitants.

Just as the human immune system is diminished by contamination, food poisons, germs and viruses that thrive in dirt and inadequate light, nutrition and love, and Gaia's immune system also They are not compromised. When they can perceive Gaia from the highest dimensions, they can easily observe how humanity was damaging her.

We want all of you to know how vital it is to clean Gaia through service and / or education. We appreciate all your efforts and Gaia appreciates them too. Those of you who love nature know that planet Earth is a living being that breathes, one much more advanced than humans.

Humans were destined to be the Guardians of the Earth. However, there was a brainwashing and humans forgot it. They forgot their Multidimensional I and forgot that every part of life on Earth IS Earth.

Although humans have been taught to separate themselves from their emotions, the Earth is NOT separated from HIS water. Although humans are separated from many of their thoughts, the Earth is NOT separated from its atmosphere. Just as the waters and the heavens determine the climate of the planet, your human thoughts and emotions determine the climate of your consciousness.

In fact, the combination of your thoughts and emotions are the key to your true creative strength. Yes, our dear settlers, YOU are a Creative Force. By learning a master's degree about your thoughts and emotions you can remember how to create your reality. You create your reality by combining your thoughts and emotions to create a way of thinking.

This way of thinking adheres to the 3D Matrix of your neighborhood to grow or to shut down. Fortunately, if your ways of thinking are based on fear but nobody feeds that fear, your creation goes out and disappears for lack of care. On the other hand, if you feed this way of thinking your daily ration of fear, you will prosper and call many other creations of fear to join you.

Have you noticed how people who are very fearful or who live feeling sorry for themselves, simply cannot have a rest? No can have a rest because all they send out is fear and grief for themselves. Conversely, there are others who focus on loving their self, their friends, their physical area and the world in general.

These awake beings support this love with positive thoughts of hope, tenacity and determination to create a happy life. These people are what others call lucky, successful and creativos. These people are not LUCKY.

These people are LOVING. She remembers loving her world and remembers loving her self. How can one yield what one does not possess? Therefore, these lucky ones use a great willpower and strength of intention to master their thoughts and emotions.

No, she is not always happy or inspired. These people are often tired, overwhelmed with work, and fighting the same fears that others give up and in which they live. These lucky ones know that their highest consciousness is always “online.” Therefore, just as you would not expose your child to a violent or fearful movie, they do not expose their awareness to information that creates fear.

Of course, you cannot avoid all the information that produces fear, and you also don't want to put your head in the sand; However, once they are aware that they are living their mission and doing everything they can to fulfill their reason for having incarnated, a deep sense of protection begins to fill their thoughts and emotions.

This protection reminds you to seek the source of your protection WITHIN your self! By that time in your life you will have had enough proof that "what you think is what you manifest." Therefore, you do not allow your thoughts to remain in fear and negativity. Instead, they "burn, burn, burn violet fire" and / or send unconditional love to the source of their fear.

Better yet, they use the Violet Flame of Transmutation and the great strength of unconditional love to create a path of Light and Love in a world full of darkness and fear. The beauty of this is that since this path has been blessed by Violet Fire and Unconditional Love, it has become a multidimensional path.

Ah, the glory that we, his family and friends, feel when we see that another of our volunteers realizes that he / she has created his own way Home. Furthermore, as you continue your path in your Path of Love and Light, you discover that you are living in the Unitary Consciousness with all life.

An awake human has ten times more creative power than a human who remains trapped in the dark. Then, as those who are awake join their unified power of creation with that of other awake their creative power progresses exponentially. Hence 1 and 1 is 2, 2 and 2 is 4, 4 and 4 is 8, 8 and 8 is 16…

You now see how a power ten times greater progresses to a power 20 times greater than that of darkness, 40 times more power, 80 times more power of transmutation and unconditional love. Our dear and wonderful volunteers, we see the evolution of the Light over the dark progressing in this same way.

Be aware that those who are trapped in fear may choose even more desperate measures to “hold back the continuous stream of Light and Love.” To their surprise, when and if they are overcome by this ever-expanding wave of loving transmutation, they will be instantly healed

Then, just as you once forgot your Multidimensional I, they will begin to forget why they wanted to harm others and the environment. Just as they once forgot that Gaia is a living being with whom they are intimately connected, they will begin to forget the indoctrinations of fear and violence that made them forget their true self.

The Path of Light can take much longer to create because builders need to have a degree of mastery over their thoughts and emotions to create it. But as one by one they remember how to create love and light in their world, they unite with each of those who have remembered their own innate creation abilities.

Grief, fear, anger separate, but love, laughter and positive thinking naturally unite in groups based on a “unity of purpose.” We wish they could perceive Gaia ascending from our point of view in dimensions higher. If they could do it, they would feel full of victory and joy.

In fact, go ahead and embrace our word to feel victory and joy even if you don't have the perceptual proof! FEEL that test in your heart, SEE that test in your wonderful imagination, and then SHARE!

One of the most difficult parts of 3D life is that it is considered good to contact someone and talk about their fears and sorrows. That is true, of course; However, we ask you to contact someone and talk about their love and their power of creation. There have been a few humans in each era who have talked about the power of positive thinking and love emotions.

However, most people do not dare to talk about how good their life is because the dark ones have made them believe that they would be "presumed" "unkind to those who are suffering", or would be "bad luck." But what As if you all decided NOT to listen to your voices of fear and dominion and ONLY pay attention to the voices of Love and Light?

Yes, they would still have to do their earthly labors. Yes, they would definitely have bad days in which they would fall into oblivion. That is until you return to the true Ascended Master that you are NOW. Yes, YOU came from 5D and beyond, where being an "ascended teacher" is normal.

Ah, the glorious day in which being an ascended master is normal for the inhabitants of our dear sister Gaia! In fact, Gaia is planning a big party for that day. Please attend, as ALL are invited. If someone you know and / or love is still trapped in the dark, bring it with you to enjoy 5D and beyond.

They may not be able to stay too long, but once they have proven the reality of 5D they will lose their taste for fear and dominion over others. We have NO fear in the higher worlds. If you feel any fear, we see it as a wound and we rush quickly to heal it.

Dear Intergalactic Emissaries, we constantly send you blessings and thank you eternally for your loving Service to ONE,

The Arcturians and ALL other members of their galactic / celestial family

Source in English: http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.de/

video: Opening Your Stargate: http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.de/

Arcturian transmissions to our intergalactic emissaries - part 1

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