On harmony and music, by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

May 25, 2007. When you have learned to create a purified atmosphere of every disharmonious element, you will feel that your soul is visited by invisible beings who come to help you, protect you, transform you. It is in the bosom of love, of beauty, of purity, of light, that great changes can occur in you. When you are in a forest, near a fountain, on the edge of a lake, remain immobile, let yourself be penetrated by silence, freshness, transparency When you hear the water sing, the birds, the murmur of the foliage, when you look at the stars, the night, abandon yourselves to this peace and to this harmony and you can They also learn to feel humans as nature feels. When you are in front of a being that expands perfumes like a flowery garden, music like a fountain, open to him, because this being can enlighten you, guide you, save you.

Every thought, every feeling, reaches the regions and the corresponding beings in space. This is how our joys and our sufferings are explained. He who lets himself be led by an animal and rude life enters, inadvertently, in relation to the entities of the lower, dark, unhealthy regions that begin to torment him. To get out of these regions, you must introduce other vibrations into it: with prayer, meditation, or other spiritual activities, singing, music, etc., you have the possibility of joining to luminous entities that will only bring blessings. This link with the divine world must become your first concern. Therefore, during the day, think about repeating this formula often: Lord, may your Holy Name be blessed for ever and ever, your concerns and your torments will disappear.

Meditating on light is one of the best spiritual exercises. But at this moment, put aside all other worries, concentrate on the light as if your whole life depended on it. This light, you can imagine it colored, but it is preferable to imagine it white, because the color white is the synthesis of all other colors: it brings together the almighty of violet, peace and truth of the blue, the wealth and the eternal rejuvenation of green, wisdom and knowledge of yellow, the health and vigor of orange, the strength and dynamism of red. When you really know how to concentrate on the light, when you feel it as an existence that vibrates, that beats, where everything is peace and fullness, you will begin to perceive that it is also a me music, this cosmic music called the music of the spheres, the song of everything that exists in the universe; and at the same time you will breathe the scented effluvium emanating from it. There is no work as dignified and as powerful as work on light. »

«Listening to how an orchestra plays or how a choir sings could encourage humans to reflect on the harmony that should reign between them. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Even leaving the most extraordinary concert, they won't think they have anything to do to continue living in this harmony, this beauty.

Disharmony is the most widespread state in the world, so widespread, that even today, even among religions and spiritual movements is where all confrontations occur. Not only do some oppose others, but even within each religion, each spiritual movement, the same misunderstandings, the same conflicts occur.

And the Lord scratches his head looking at the mess that is created in his name. So, why from now on we do not consider the Lord as a conductor who is there to make harmony reign? He is the true tuning fork, and when everyone is tuned, they will be like harps through which the wind, the divine breath, brushing them, will emit wonderful music. »

«A certain number of musics are not advisable, since they can have harmful and undesirable effects, likely to disturb a harmonious development of the human being. For example they have as consequences, unleashing passions, awakening sensuality or violence, liberating hellish forces, stimulating instincts, animality and saving, etc. Among them are for example: jazz, rock, rap, techno music, etc ... as well as intellectual music such as "modern" calls that are lacking in melodies or that are too dissonant (they are often intellectual constructions they don't touch the heart, they don't make the soul vibrate). There are also music that immerse us in times of the past, which are not ours, etc ...

The best music is the music called “classical”, that which has been transmitted to us by composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Rossini, Verdi, Vivaldi, Brahams, Mendelssohn, Berlioz, Haendel, Schubert, Chopin, Gounod, Diabelli, Dvorjak, Liszt, etc ... and for a change, there are also excellent folkloric airs (Corsican polyphonies, youtzes and yodels, Horn of the Alps, corals, Abbe Bovet songs, Tyrolean songs, Irish folklore or escoses, Romanian Pan flute, melodies for violin, zither, harps and other folk instruments or some orthodox liturgies, etc ...). There are also mystical songs of Peter Deunov.
There is a rich and varied range: of masses, requiems, symphonies, concerts, waltzes, dances, operas, oratories, lieders, songs, etc.
Silence is another form of music ... it allows you to prolong the harmonious environment, allows you to better appreciate the different music and ensure a transition between different movements.
In spring, there are also the songs of the birds at dawn the day, or in the walks through the woods ... »

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