A new step to address together. Homo Amans, The Man-Love.

  • 2016

Homo Amans, Man Love.

If your routines prevent you from meditating, religing, studying and constantly evolving, they are chains that will prevent your integral development, sacrifice and peace. However, the fear will try to make you seem that this mode of divine elevation is vertiginous and that it is unacceptable to stop contributing to the Status Quo, being necessarily obedient, becoming you who the system asks you to be, living to please others in fields that do not inspire the mind and that prevent the heart from expanding.

If the rituals you carry out sacrifice more than you need to fly, it will always be wise to evaluate everything, and leave absolutely every practice that offends the greatness that hides behind the version. Simplistic of the individual and individual human being proposed by the canons of postmodernism, which is what we must accept as doctrine.

"Know yourself, Accept yourself, Get over it"

Augustine of Hippo

Religion, study, meditate, contemplate.

Study, meditate, religa with your spirit, return to yourself the divine grace, transform yourself into the freedom that many speak while chaining themselves with false gold. Always remember, that the enslaving routines pay, but nobody can pay except for yourself through your own elevated passion, what is really essential, that is, they pay with plastic, but you take all your true treasures.

The deception lies in these rituals, in biased practices that prevent being connected with their consciousness, and the price to pay for it is not being able to love, that is, clouding the chance to really love, it makes us unsatisfactory to the unpredictable changes of life and evolution itself as a species.

The ideals and procedures should not stand on social acceptance, nor the standards of the media, but in a higher-order consciousness polished as the sculptor who falls in love with the process so much that it seduces the marble so that it transmutes with it in a state highly subtle.

Freud, Jung, Maslow.

Maslow as much as Jung, talked deeply about the constant reinvention, and how it went hand in hand with self-realization, and the latter with which man could surrender to the world through what makes him unique, and thus generate a collective in that the transcendental takes precedence with it.

From Homo Noéticus to Homo Amans

He was not a mystic or a metaphysician, but he was a brilliant Gnostic scientist, Teilhard de Chardin, who argued that the transcendental evolutionary change of the human species would lead us to the "Homo Noéticus", to the "Conscious Man" and that without it I could advance to the ultimate state of "Higher Order Consciousness" by Lawrence Kohlberg . And by sustaining, polishing, working, studying and creating through this consciousness, we can be in the state of grace and likeness to high energy, the step we need to communicate with each being in the universe, the light called Homo Amans”, the "Love Man" beautifully conceptualized by Colin Bloy.

Dissolving chains implies dissolving elements that the ego treasures, always.

Go back to your true being, dissolve the bonds that take you away from it, that is the clearest and most sincere manifestation of love, the mission of religion with the Holy Grail is crucial to understand what you came to do, in Socratic words you must return to you and set aside everything that prevents you from dissolving in the intimacy of the universal self.

Awareness vectors, leads to executors of love.

Become a vector of consciousness. The exit of the Labyrinth to return to the heart of Itaca is in religion with your sacred side through the elevation of your natural talents. It is in recovering the connection with the deepest part of the self, from oneself, awakening the transcendental consciousness and transmuting itself towards the Holy Grail, towards the divine state of Homo Amans. The divine vibratory place to which we all deserve to go.

"Man ... Know yourself, only then will you meet the Gods" Socrates

From heart to heart ... your servant and brother.

Roberto García Fuentealba

Author: Roberto García Fuentealba, editor of the big family at hermandadblanca.org

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