Message of the Archangel JOFIEL You are the Key to your Own Illumination

  • 2011

November 25, 2011

Channeled by: Julie Miller

Translation: Alicia Virelli

Many blessings dear children of the Light. I am glad to come back and talk through this beloved vehicle once more all of you today.

Many of you are looking for Enlightenment while you are on your spiritual journey that leads to personal and spiritual development and growth. This Illumination that you are looking for, you already have it. It is in your heart dear beings. It has never deviated. The Golden Flame of Illumination is shared equally among all of you. You just need to discover it and you will do it as you learn more about yourself and become ONE with who you are. When you reach this UNIT with yourself, you will find PEACE. But this is not a quick solution or a nightly achievement, although it can be perceived as such. It requires PATIENCE.

The journey of life in which it is and the awakening to its own spiritual journey is underway and has no end, with knowledge to be acquired and wisdom to be shared. By finding the flame that illuminates your heart, then you are truly capable of acquiring and sharing wisdom. The wisdom you will get is found from the Illumination that resides within all of you. While performing your daily tasks, think about what you will say, monitor your judgments and opinions of others; Speak from the heart and with love. Resonate with the words and actions you are about to use.

I understand how difficult it is sometimes when we deal with different people and their patience can be tested. Remember this light and know that you are a child of God, who loves you completely and unconditionally. Those who test their patience justly require; as much love and light as you can gather and maybe a little more. They cross their path to challenge them and prepare them for the next phase of their journey. Welcome the challenge as an opportunity to grow, love and shine your beautiful Light.

The best thing, dear children of light, is that all of you are intelligent. You may not see this wisdom at times and that is due to many reasons, but for someone who knows less than you, you are their source of information and you are attracted to others for better information as well. Knowledge and wisdom is shared among Lightworkers, friends, family and acquaintances. It is beautiful to share, while you are giving a piece of yourself, you are giving your heart, a heart that is full of the love of God and is unconditional in its action always.

As you move towards a higher consciousness and advance in your spiritual journey you, at one point, will realize how far you have come. Astonishment will enter your precious minds and love for yourselves into your heart; That is also full of compassion. As you focus inside to see the wisdom you have learned and discover more about yourself, the TRUTH of who you really are. You will find new strengths and abilities that you may not have realized existed, or confirm what you thought was possible. There is so much to learn about oneself all the time. You never stop learning and you never stop growing in all aspects of what makes you, YOU.

The light that fills each heart is shared from the Divine Source and this strong and wonderful light will banish any darkness and any fear if it is invoked to be put into action. Do not allow yourself to wander for longer than is just necessary in the dark, if you have the light to illuminate your way out. Believe dear ones, believe in the power of yourselves and in the power of your intention that is full of unconditional love.

Stay true to your heart Illuminating always. Through the dark corridors of the path of life you can find yourself, remain in your truth, dear ones, to your Divine self. I will not abandon you, my love for you is eternal. Remember to call your guides, God, or me, we will arrive and comfort you.

We know that they will encounter doubt along the path, with proof of their integrity and self-esteem. Our closeness and other angels who work with me and their guides will help you to rise with higher energies of light that will encourage a positive attitude. Maintaining this positive attitude is a great challenge and it is good to ask for help. You will not be a burden, we love to help you while we assist you in your spiritual and personal growth. Allowing help from us or even from light-working colleagues is a growth in themselves.

Accept that we cannot always do it alone, it is infinitely large. We are going through a time when working together is necessary for everyone involved with spiritual development. They will gain more confidence by asking for guidance that is not spiritual. You will find that there are people who sincerely want to help you. As they help them, they are also growing.

Dear children of the Light, I trust your abilities and see so much strength and courage every day. You fill my heart with such overflowing joy. I share that joy with all of you while I leave today dear children; until I come back again. May love and light always guide you dear ones.

And so it is,

Archangel Jophiel

Through Julie Miller

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Spanish translation sharing the light: Alicia Virelli

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