John the Baptist: Prepare Your Temples for the Arrival of the Messiah

I AM John the Baptist. I was the man who predicted the advent of Christ Messiah. I AM and I have come to tell you the story of my life and offer you some orientations for your present lives.

Many things have changed on Earth since my physical incarnation. Many things have changed in the environment and in relation to family and private life and people's work. There are many new things. There are many new discoveries put at the service of the external world.

However, if we appeal to man's worldview, his vision of God and the structure of the universe, the changes in this regard have not been many. Yes, terminology has been changed and many scientific discoveries have been made that reveal the structure of the universe and the laws of the physical world.

But at the same time, the conscience of man remained anchored at that time, tied to the external manifestations of the physical world, to the warship external to God, to the external rituals - as if 2000 years had not elapsed since the time of my physical incarnation

The human uses any concept and any scientific discovery at lightning speed to apply these discoveries; not to look up to God but to separate more from Him.

You believe that you advance by using contemporary styles during the performance of ecclesiastical services; It seems contemporary to you to use scientific terminology to explain the universe.

Any scientific discovery and any advance of human consciousness are instantly used to get further away from God.

The simplicity of feeling towards God and the simplicity of life in service to God are covered up by you through countless contemporary terms and concepts.

You show a huge amount of technical terms to refer to God. If you have put so much effort into actually destroying that which separates you from God in your consciousness, then life on Earth could be reversed with the simple touch of your magic wand.

Most contemporary inventions put an insurmountable barrier between you and God.

During my physical incarnation, as you know, I lived in a desert. I fed on honey from wild bees and lobsters (akrides). To many people it seemed strange. But, only by isolating myself from the crowds and vanities, could I be able to communicate with God in the midst of my loneliness. And I would not have changed this interaction with God and I would not have changed this interaction for any human wealth or honor.

Rarely, did I communicate with people and the main doctrine I imparted was about the purification of their souls, about the preparation for the arrival of the Messiah.

People interpreted my words as the arrival of an external Messiah, the man, who would save them from their problems and misfortunes.

However, what I meant was not only directed at the arrival of an external Messiah but also at the advent of the internal Messiah, who lives within each one. And I prepare people's conscience for the arrival of the Messiah.

I think that none of the people at that time understood what I am talking about now. Although human consciousness changed a little, the arrival of Christ is expected. And He has come to fulfill his mission with honors.

My sermon cost me my life. Unlike most people, the men in charge of the church quickly understood my doctrine. If it had been understood by the common people, they would have abandoned their external worship and ritual forever and would have addressed the encounter with the royal Messiah, the real part within themselves, the encounter with the inner God.

And having achieved this internal interaction, having achieved access to this beatitude within themselves, people would never have been able to believe in any external religion or external teachers.

People who had gained access to the divine state of consciousness would have joined very quickly with similar ones to them. The divine state of consciousness is as contagious as the manifestation of the non-divine states of consciousness that most people have now.

People are much more interconnected at the level of the etheric plane. This is how a thought of happiness, a good thought, emerged from mind and heart, can spread from heart to heart in the same way that we can light a million candles from a single candle.

Obviously, I did not have the opportunity to take my doctrine to a large number of people. I only focused on those few, who ventured towards me and listened to me. People were afraid of acquiring knowledge from me because church men forbade them to ally with me. It was difficult for me to impart knowledge to people.

Notice how different time is now. I impart this dictation and at the same time I offer you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with it, even if you are on the opposite side of the globe. This is truly the time of opportunities.

We don't even have to waste efforts to congregate people, ready to listen to the doctrine in a designated place on the globe. You receive our doctrine and our vibrations thanks to the blessed gift, offered by St. Germain to humanity - I mean the Internet. And this is one of the few helpful services offered by the internet, which is of obvious benefit and, in fact, it was for this that this invention has been precipitated to the physical plane.

Blessed hearts, you have the opportunity to listen to the doctrines of the great Beings of Light, who have incarnated to teach humanity for the last thousand years.

You have the opportunity to receive an influx of Divine Energy like never before through these dictates. And this dispensation, this gift of Heaven, came true thanks to this new opportunity. Value this opportunity. Drink from the nectar of Divine Energy. And remember, not a single drop of this energy should be lost for nothing. Energy is given to you so that you can perform good deeds and not to inquire who is most important among you and who is most divine.

This cannot be measured through your human conscience. The highest among you, is the one who serves life the most, is the one who serves all living beings without asking for anything in return. Since there is nothing in this life that deserves to be changed by the gift of divine interaction, by the opportunity to serve God in all life.

Therefore, please receive the energy in accordance with this purpose. Prepare your temples for the advent of the Messiah, allow your Messiah, your Christendom to come to you, stay with you, speak through you, act through s of you.

Oh, Beloved, I rejoice because the Beloved Alpha has opened this opportunity for you in this difficult but truly blessed time for the planet.

I am pleased to meet with everyone who decides to raise their vibrations to my level and can reach you in person and talk with you through the heart.

Beloved, blessed, believe me; Everything will be as predicted. Their eyes will recover and they will be able to see us and associate with us and walk with us and talk with us.

There are no restrictions in the divine world. You yourselves generated these restrictions through your conscience and the time has finally come to free yourself from them.

I cannot contain so much happiness, I feel overwhelmed by the opportunity to ask for righteousness. And know that many, many who read these lines, are prepared to interact with me now.

Can you imagine how the world would change if everyone received the opportunity for a straight interaction with the Heavenly Hierarchy? And so it is. Sooner or later. And it will happen exactly and inevitably, just as after winter comes spring, and then summer.

I AM John the Baptist, the prophet Elijah and I offer you this prophecy. And my prophecy will certainly be fulfilled and this also you know in your hearts.

I AM Juan The Baptist.

The messenger is Tatyana Mickushina

Translated from Russian to English by Natalia Ochkovskaya

Translated from English to Spanish by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

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