Signs in the Sky of August Tuning in with Gaia by Abjini Arráiz / Day by day by Eduardo D Ascoli

  • 2011
Hello my boys and girls

Very happy to be with you again by this means, I know that everyone who reads these words can feel the wave of love that is generated when I address you. Beautiful changes in my future are making the transformation take place within the divine laws. Transformations that are the call to attention of where they are now.

The multiple events in the astrological clock that closed these times are the door to greater awareness and understanding that everything is connected by that subtle network of union between the parties. The Moon, the Sun playing in their harmonic dance are orchestrated to support me in this era of light, in this new land.

The person who speaks for me (refers to Abjini) tells me that many ask him what is that about Gaia? Who is Gaia? And I answer that Gaia is just an old name that means the spirit of the earth, I am a spirit that encompasses many kingdoms, many dimensions and areas. I live everything, including you my beloved humans.

Before everyone knew me, they knew that my spirit was one with you, they knew that we are united by that subtle and invisible network that connects life, everything that exists. But this was forgotten, only some of the natives have kept this memory alive. This knowledge that everything is united, connected.

The time has come to remember your connection with me, many already have it, they already listen to me, they already feel my throbbing. But if you feel that you have not yet achieved it, I will dare to give you an exercise to start feeling that beneficial union.

Nature is available to you in all its manifestations and that is the most immediate and direct way to feel me, to tune into me. This exercise is nothing new and it is likely that you have already done it, I just remind you.

Tuning in with Gaia

First look for a space in your life to tune in to me, to feel my energy on a regular basis. Then look for a place that you can visit frequently, a park or some natural place where you can walk, make contact with your feet in awareness on my surface. Seek to sit under a tree, rest your back against its trunk and close your eyes, relax under its shadow. Breathe deeply gently, perceiving the smells, listening to the sounds around you. Feel how you connect with the trunk and roots of the tree, let your energy recharge your batteries.

You can also talk to me internally and be sure that I will answer you, I will be very attentive when you do this little exercise or ritual to send you my healing energy, when you do I will know that you are restoring your tune with me.

Another of the questions I hear is: What is going on with you Gaia? Why so many changes so often? I answer: Nothing that is not happening in you. All telluric, climatic events and even fires are part of you and mine. You also knew this and forgot it, it's okay to remember now.

The ancient Atlanteans were the masters in stabilizing the weather and telluric movements with their prayers and immense crystals that vibrated at the frequency of my inner crystals and restored the global harmony of the telluric network, of the atmospheric network. Together we resonated a frequency of love, relaxation and tranquility.

That is something that I would like to teach you to remember the tranquility of love, and I allow myself again to propose an exercise to reach that tranquility, it is called:

Observe, forgive, trust, thank

I remind you of my that I am with you, that I am accompanying you in this process of observing, forgiving, trusting and thanking, I am your guide.

To observe you need to be in a meditative state, so look for a comfortable place, you can lie down or sit, now breathe, observe your breathing first, observe how the air enters, how it feels when it reaches your lungs, your abdomen, everything your body, enjoy the breath, of life. Let your breath bring you what you have to observe, a feeling, a feeling, an image, a memory. If it is something painful or that bothers you, let it be, observe that it moves you, feel how you choose a new more convenient situation that frees you, remember to ask your quantum self, your luminous self to support you, to help you in your decision. See how you forgive yourself for creating this situation and release it, give yourself in confidence, with gratitude. In the end gratitude.

On other occasions I have spoken to thank you for the small, the inconsequential as to thank the breeze, the light of the day, the tranquility of the night, the heat of the fire when, is to practice selfless gratitude.

Now I say goodbye with much reverence and love to those who have read these words.

I am Gaia and I am with you.

Day by day month of July 2011 by Eduardo D Ascoli

Friday, July 1

The light is always present in your life, if some problems make you lose hope it is good that you allow yourself to see everywhere, when you find the light in some corner, fill it with thanks. It is surely a thank you that allowed you to see it clearly.

Saturday, July 2

Today recognize in you the source of wisdom that springs from your heart and has always accompanied you. May your reflection be to get closer and closer to her until it is impossible for you not to be in her contact and on her route permanently.

Sunday, July 3

Observe today all the possibilities that life offers you to fulfill the wishes of others. Do not be afraid to accept that what you do for others is also your true reality, to be One.

Monday, July 4

I know that great changes have occurred in your life, changes that shake your daily life. Your best option will be to shelter you from peace even if you feel great anguish, persist and peace will come. That state of calm in the face of awkward or extreme situations is the manifestation of your wisdom.

Tuesday, July 5

You have at hand the maximum expression of value that your heart can give: love without conditions. To love without waiting, to love against all judgment of your mental part, to love heals everything and vanishes all conflict.

Wednesday, July 6

If today you find yourself in a lonely place, lamenting yourself for anything, use the medicine of sharing. While your moments of solitude are good, remember that the happiness and spirituality of these times is in company. Find your family, your friends, your neighbors, whoever. Looking to share a few words, a dream, a tea rate. You will be a better being after that contact.

Thursday July 7

Always remember that the universe is not linear, that things happen permanently in a way that is difficult to understand. What I want to tell you is that what you believe now happens to you, it has many more faces than you can see, many more edges, many more seeds. Surely you will not see them all, but remember that there are also many forces that act for your good which you do not recognize.

Friday, July 8

Today you make a special effort not to resist and allow yourself to accept what happens to you. Accept it for what it is: the result of your actions in this or other lives. In order not to repress, you must let go, let go means that you keep calm in different situations and keep the judgments that your mind wants to give you away.

Saturday, July 9

I am this, I am that, I am, I am ... Start by reviewing your language and remember to differentiate the things you do from the things you are. You will see how powerful this practice can be.

Sunday July 10

You will have something today that you will recognize as a success, success understood as a sign of your state of peace, stability, harmony and inner satisfaction. Who in your life contributed to your accomplishment?, give recognition to all those who accompany you, support you and help you with these actions in these achievements for your happiness.

Monday July 11

The natural is always the change, the movement. If your life is not moving, but nothing happens, it is likely that you are not putting enough energy into your purposes. Energy is not distressing and filling you with caffeine, energy is intention and is acting. If you observe that there is no movement, it is you who must order in a clear voice: We are going to move, we are going in the direction of permanent change!

Tuesday July 12

Immerse yourself in the power of small things today. Many times we believe that great results depend only on great actions and this is not always the case. The sum of small and seemingly insignificant tasks may be working your future now. Dedicate yourself today, with all your heart, to attend to your “little actions”.

Wednesday, July 13

Recognize yourself with love in your divinity and in your human presence. Recognize that you are sacred and that this condition includes your cosmic connected part, also your areas that seem more basic, those that are in "elementary" feelings. You are that, always looking for light and creation loves you.

Thursday July 14

Accept this day as it comes, there is no obstacle and everything comes in your support. Each action is not accidental, if you look closely you can recognize that each and every one of these teachings was created especially for you, to give you what you need in your growth. There is no "outside", everything happens inside.

Friday July 15

Trials to you or judgments to your environment? Is this familiar? When you let your mind continue with your exercises and don't stop it in time, stop finding solutions to become a problem. Turn off your thoughts and breathe, project from your calm the life you appreciate.

Saturday, July 16

You wait for something, you wait for someone. The ultimate creator lives in you and it is a truth that you know perfectly. You have no reason to expect anything from anyone, no response superior or alien to you. They, the answers, may be, no doubt, but they are born of your own certainty.

Sunday, July 17

Days are outlined for you where smiles, especially yours, will create an environment capable of making you make decisions that may seem unconventional but that will open opportunities that you had not even dreamed of.

Monday July 18

If you want to improve a state, a result, a situation, I ask you to do everything always accompanied. Look for the presence of people who love and love you. Or invoke your ancestors to support you. Life is born of two is the great and permanent lesson of nature.

Tuesday, July 19

May the trust in your destiny and in the creator be yours. Do not force others to believe in what you believe, everyone has their own rhythm and their own learning. Take care of yourself and give a word to the one who shows his interest in hearing it.

Wednesday, July 20

Discover the stars today, watch them. Do not ask him to decipher your destiny, rather, recognize that this is your final destination: energy, cosmic light. What you see will be your home but your physical experience is happening now and deserves your attention so that this time, here on earth, is more beneficial for you.

Thursday, July 21

It is a pleasure to love your partner and have common plans and goals, but each one will have stages and areas where they will not be together. Thank them also because those are the ways that life gives you to understand how to expand your level of appreciation of things. The truth will always be greater to our words, to our thoughts.

Friday, July 22

In your life there are many beautiful things that produce subtle changes and allow you to see your growth. If you don't watch yourself grow, it is possible that you are not taking enough transformative actions or that you may not immerse yourself in them altogether. Every act that you do from your heart in relation to you and your environment has a permanent and powerful change action.

Saturday, July 23

When life presents you with changes that can be very dramatic, you must remember that this apparent chaos is the natural source for new and extraordinary things to happen in your life. Do not fear them, accept it and thank it. From your own calm in that situation, new paths will be born.

Sunday, July 24

Your life is perfect, you can realize the things you should improve, but it is perfect. It is born from your own creation and transformed by your own action. All miracles live in you.

Monday, July 25

The thing is when you name them, that is a reality so close and powerful that we must always keep in mind. Name the things you want in your life, name your blessings. If you name God, in any of their names, you will feel his presence.

Tuesday, July 26

If you recognize that your life is full of many things you do "without thinking", from drinking coffee to greeting your neighbor, it's time for you to pay more attention. Every action in your life must have you there, it must connect you to that presence, because your active presence is what allows your life to flourish from the depths of your heart.

Wednesday, July 27

Tenderness is a kind of sympathy that resonates with the heart, do not be intimidated by the judgments of whether you are cheesy, or dreamer. Everyone must be aware of their own emotions. Today spend your day near tenderness and enjoy that sweetness completely.

Thursday, July 28

Your prayers always have a power but sometimes, always repeating the same words makes you turn them into an empty song. Try to express it in the most spontaneous way possible, it will help you give a luminous intention to your prayer.

Friday, July 29

Humility always keeps you in your wonderful state, no matter how intelligent, successful, or enterprising you are, be humble. That condition makes you invulnerable to changes, judgments and acknowledgments. To be humble is to connect with what you are and not with what you do.

Saturday, July 30

When you express your desires to your inner God, do so from gratitude to the presence of that wish fulfilled. If you only park on the request of desire, you will be waiting forever if it is fulfilled. Thank all the wisdom you have, all the love you have, all the abundance ..

Sunday July 31

When my children got on a roller coaster for the first time and asked me how to overcome fear, I would tell them: The roller coaster is like life, if you resist its speed, you will suffer. If you accept its speed, you will enjoy it.

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