Kwan Yin: The Connection with the Higher Self

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 This is the meditation to find and merge with your Higher Self: 2 Alignment of the Divine Axis with your Higher Self 3 Then follow the meditation to achieve the Alignment of the Divine Axis. 4 Energy and perception

The Higher Self is the aspect of your individual conscious spirit. What you call the Higher Self is the part of you that lives in the fifth dimension and still maintains human form even if it is no longer physical.

Being connected with your Higher Self is a form of connection with God, as well as the release of dense energies . Attracting the consciousness of your Higher Self instead of leaving the physical body to access this consciousness is a way to connect the human self to your divinity.

As you approach enlightenment and ascension, the initial aspects of your Higher Self with which you connect will be assimilated into your body until they dwell there in a state of permanent fusion. Finally, you will experience your Higher Self as a ball of light, a star, a spiral of light or another essential form that will no longer have a human appearance. This will indicate that you are reaching higher dimensional areas of yourself. First, you will establish contact with the part of your Higher Self whose vibration and dimension are closer to your body.

In illustrations 14a and 14b on the following pages, you will see the Higher Self joining you by connecting the palms of your hands with yours. Then the chakras are connected when the front part of the body of your Higher Self is connected with the back of yours. In the first stage, while the palms of your hands touch each other, a flow of energy is established from the Higher Self to your body.


The hands of the Higher Self and the human self make contact with the purpose of exchanging energy.


The Higher Self is placed behind the human self, sending you cords of light from each of its chakras to the back of the chakras of the human body.

The Higher Self will be placed behind you. The reason is that the subconscious part of the chakras is located on the back, behind the conscious part of the chakras, which are in front. For example, ahead the heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, and behind between the shoulder blades in the area of ​​the fourth to the seventh vertebra tor Toxic.

When your Higher Self connects with the seven chakras, you will feel a stream of energy from behind and the shape of your Higher Self, merging fully with the physical body. Once the merger is over, you will exchange gifts with your Higher Self. Then you will have to give your Higher Self something that asks you. Take some time to feel the gift energetically . If you are not sure of the meaning and purpose of the gift, ask. Then you will place that gift inside your aura or your body, where you think it is your place. It will always be there, creating a bond or union between the two.

This is the meditation to meet and merge with your Higher Self:

1. Close your eyes and connect to the earth.

2. Retract the aura or extend it up to 60 to 90 centimeters around the body in all directions. Check the roses and border colors, making the precise changes.

3. Ask your Higher Self to come, stand in front of you and help you see or feel your human form.

4. When the Higher Self is in front of you, extend your hands with your palms out and invite your Higher Self to connect with you palm to palm.

5. Allow the energy of the hands of the Higher Self to enter your body through the arms and hands and fill the heart. Then let it flood your heart and also fill your body. This takes two to three minutes.

6. When you feel the energy run through you, ask the Higher Self if it responds to any name . Keep listening in the most relaxed way possible. If after a minute he doesn't give you a name, go to the next step.

7. Cut the connection of hands and ask your Higher Self to be placed behind to link the chakras.

8. Inspire through the crown chakra and ask your Higher Self for a cord of light from its crown to yours. When you feel the connection, move on.

9. Inspire through the center of the back of the head and ask your Higher Self for a light cord from your third eye or sixth chakra to the back of your third eye. When you feel the connection, continue with the next step.

10. Inspire through the back of your neck and ask your Higher Self to send you a string of light from your throat chakra to the back of that chakra. When you feel the connection, continue.

11. Inspire through the back of your heart chakra between the shoulder blades and ask your Higher Self to send a bead of light from your heart chakra or fourth chakra to the back of your heart chakra . When you feel the connection, continue.

12. Inspire through the area of ​​the ribs directly opposite the solar plexus and ask the Higher Self to send a cord of light from the front of its solar plexus, or third chakra, to the back of your solar plexus. When you feel the connection, continue.

13. Inspire through the sacrum and ask the Higher Self to send you a cord of light from its sacral chakra or second chakra to the back of your sacral chakra. When the connection occurs, continue.

14. Inspire through the tailbone and ask your Higher Self to send a bead of light from its root chakra or first chakra to your root chakra. Now feel the soft stream or wave of energy moving through your body from behind to the front. It is your Higher Self merging fully with your body. You may feel more open, light, peaceful, cheerful, full of love or simply with a general feeling of well-being. Relax in this space as long as you want, before moving on to the next step. If there is any part of the body in which the fusion seems not to occur, breathe in that area and relax it until you feel the change in energy that occurs when the Higher Self is able to merge with you at that point.

15. Ask your Higher Self what gift he would like to receive from you. Then give it to him. If you want an explanation about the significance of the gift, ask for it now.

16. Then spread your hands in front of you and receive a gift from your Y or Superior . Hold the gift, feeling the energy and look at it. If you want to ask your Higher Self what the gift means, do it.

17. When you are ready, place the gift on your body or your aura, where you think it is your place.

18. Ask the Higher Self if he has something to communicate to you at this time. Stay relaxed and receptive, feel the connection while you wait for the answer. You may receive a message or maybe not.

19. When you feel it is over, tell your Higher Self that you want to be permanently attached to it. Ask him to help you in some way in achieving this goal. Tell him that you will reconnect with him soon and ask him to stay together with you as much as possible, even when you are not meditating.

20. Be aware of the air in the room that enters and exits through the nostrils. Then slowly become aware of your physical environment and slowly open your eyes. For a few moments, feel the energetic connection with your Higher Self with your eyes open before returning to your daily activity. Look at how focused and serene you are. Stay present in your activity by moving from one moment to another to help you maintain the connection.

Alignment of the Divine Axis with your Higher Self

The tubular area of ​​five to six centimeters extends from the upper end of the aura crossing through the crown, descending and surrounding the spine, going down between the legs to the lower end of the aura. This "tube of light" is the divine axis. It also continues above the aura through the center of all aspects of your Higher Self from the fifth to the ninth dimensions.

It is what unites you with all the aspects that your personal hologram contains. Through this link passes the light of higher dimensions that descends through the "light tube" of your body and aura and is the key to attracting the higher consciousness to the body permanently.

When the alignment of the Divine Axis is combined with the opening and clearing of the divine Ka and you also live in spiritual integrity, you will be prepared for your Christ Self to descend step by step towards your physical form preparing for its rise in due time.

15. Alignment with the Divine Axis, through the light tube and the silver cord of the Higher Self and the higher dimensions entering the human aura and body .

The continuous lines on the upper part of the human head represent the silver cord. The tube of light is represented by the narrow tube that starts from the portion of the aura under the body, crosses it, emerges from the upper part of the aura, crosses the Higher Self and ascends through the higher dimensions.

Once you have reached the connection with the Higher Self, and the energies flow along the light tube, you can relax and enter a state of more passive and receptive meditation .

Before opening the light tube, it is important to connect with the silver and and Silver has a diameter of fifteen to twenty centimeters and draws a circle above the head in the area of ​​the hairline, on the forehead. When you anchor the silver cord there, the first step of the Alignment of the Divine Axis is closed .

This is achieved simply by invoking your Higher Self, asking that its silver cord be joined to the top of the head while you commit to being one with your divinity. Physically raise your arms above your head to where they reach naturally, and with open hands feel the silver cord that your Higher Self places you in the aura.

Then you will hold the silver cord with your hands and help your Higher Self slowly lower it towards the top of the head until you feel it firmly anchored and remain there when you remove your hands . After this you will open the tube of light asking your Higher Self to fill it with your own divine light and love. Breathe through the crown and exhale down the spine until it comes out between the legs to help the Higher Self to clear and fill the tube of light.

Then follow the meditation to achieve the Alignment of the Divine Axis.

1. Sit keeping your spine as straight as possible and without crossing your arms, with your body in a comfortable position. It doesn't matter if you cross your legs if it's more comfortable for you. If not, sit in a chair where you can rest your back.

2. Connect to the earth.

3. Retract the aura or extend it to about sixty to ninety centimeters in all directions, even under the feet. Adjust the border colors and roses as you want.

4. Call the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Ascended Master Jesus Christ .

5. Ask the Pleiadians and Christ to surround you with the upper end of the aura with the Inter-dimensional Cone of Light to clear and achieve divine alignment.

6. Tell the Pleiadians and the Christ, that you are going to bring the silver cord and activate the light tube with your Higher Self. Ask them for help if you need to clear the way.

7. Raise your arms above your head and invoke your Higher Self as you declare: «I ask my beloved Higher Self to place the silver cord of light in my aura. I am willing to fully attract my divinity to this body, cultivate the relationship between body and spirit, receive enlightenment and prepare now for ascension. I wish to work with you, beloved Higher Self, so that the union of the silver cord with my body is permanent ». Of course, you can use your own words; Use this prepared statement as a guide or invocation, as you prefer.

8. When you feel that the energy of the silver cord touches your hands above your head, surround the cord of light with them and gently pull it towards your head. Keep it there until you feel it firmly anchored and do not move when you remove your hands. Take a deep breath to facilitate the process.

9. Once the silver cord is connected, ask your Higher Self to fill the tube of light with your own divine light and love from the upper end of the aura, through the body and out through the lower end of the aura. Breathe through the crown to absorb the light and love of your Higher Self through the tube. When you breathe gently push your breath down the spine and out between the legs to the end of the light tube. Continue with this respiratory pattern, visualization and intention until you feel, see or perceive that the light tube is filled with light completely to the lower end of the aura. It will probably take a few minutes. Join the fingertips of the thumb and heart, palms up and hands on the lap so that the energies can be anchored inside the light tube. This hand position is a mudra.

10. Tell your Higher Self to continue filling the tube of light and help you maintain the alignment of the divine axis at all times and above all to keep the energy flowing for the duration of the meditation.

11. Stay meditating for as long as you want, but if it is the first time you do this meditation, let it be at least ten minutes.

12. Tell your Higher Self when you plan to repeat the meditation and ask him to keep the connection up until then.

13. Open your eyes slowly, maintaining the connection with the Higher Self as you regain normal waking consciousness .

Then you can ask your Higher Self to flow its energy and light out of the tube to one or all of the chakras. This does not replace the flow of golden cosmic energy through the channels and chakras of the body.

This process heals and clears more deeply than meditation with the Higher Self. When the energy of the Higher Self flows through the body and the chakras, it activates a certain clearing, but its primary function is to bring the Higher Self into your body and gradually help you reach a state of identification with your own divinity, in instead of with ego based personality.

The energy flow of your Higher Self within and through the chakras accelerates this process by aligning and generating affinity between the chakras and your higher objective, as well as raising the vibrational frequency. Nor is this meditation intended to replace the first meditation in which you and your Higher Self unite the chakras and merge into each other. That first meditation generates greater intimacy and union with your Higher Self, while the second meditation specifically serves to align yourself with the divine axis within your hologram. You must decide what meditation you need at each moment although, as I have already mentioned, it is recommended that you perform the Alignment of the Divine Axis daily whenever possible. This accelerates the vertical alignment process of your divine axis at all times. When the time comes when the silver cord is already placed at the beginning of the meditation, go directly to the part related to the light tube. In the end, the silver cord and the light tube will be permanently activated, flowing in your body and aura. The time will come when your different consciences merge and become one again.

Energy and perception

When we focus our attention on the human brain, we will observe that your thoughts are drastically colored by the emotions generated in the area of ​​the heart; this area is in turn dominated by the cardiac chakra who is continually bombarding it with energy characteristic of its manifestation; It is necessary then to work with that energy that the cardiac chakra continuously sends to the heart, that energy is coming from the astral body and it is there where all the experiences that a person goes through are accumulating throughout life. Now, in turn, the accumulated experience filters people's perception of the things they are going through, and filters it in such a way that the individual observes only positive things or only negative things, the human being loses the ability to discern and the ability to see things impartially as they are; the human being colors them, and in that leak, the facts are perceived as a confirmation of what his beliefs are forcing him to see. We could say then, that the same defects of man feed themselves, thanks to the role they play within the human mind.

To find an immediate answer to the question of how it is possible to apply this to the theories, we will say that the human being must develop a new perception of life and this will only be possible. through the continuous and conscious work of the person; Self-observation and mental and behavioral self-control are key pieces in all therapy.

Immersing yourself in the world of the heart is like penetrating an intricate labyrinth of complex sensations that distort so much what man really feels in his innermost self, as the emotions he is perceiving from the world that surrounds him. The heart is educated with emotions. The heart functions as an autonomous organ, which, regardless of the individual's will, of his understanding of the things that happen to him, generates a series of feelings according to his own mechanisms of functioning. The heart cannot be asked to reason, in the same way as it cannot be asked to feel the brain. The heart is educated not with concepts but with emotions; a heart that has grown in the midst of the gentle effluviums of love, will learn to emanate these same emotions without measure and without rest, but a heart forged in the cold indifference will not be able to speak the language of love and caresses.

The heart is like a delicate flower that when it feels the winter it closes its petals and takes refuge in the innermost part of its being, but when it feels the warm solar rays embodied in the soft caresses of love, he opens his corolla and lets out the perfume of the sublime loves that human beings can emanate ; and each heart has a different history, each heart has been forged under different living conditions, each heart, we could say, is like a flower with a different color and perfume. We said in the previous session that the thoughts of human beings color the perception they have of everything that surrounds them, let me add, that the heart is one of the Organs that most influence the coloration of external perceptions.

One of the foundations of the family; It is to understand that the mother has, as one of her main obligations, to provide the child with that language of love through her care and caresses, while the father has the primary function of forming the intellectual part of the child; I do not want to say that their obligations are limited exclusively to these aspects, but from a spiritual psychological point of view, each one of them is better qualified for these functions, thus the child, in his process formative, receives a balanced development in both its emotional and intellectual aspects.

As we grow, the perception of the world begins to be more and more particular, more typical of us, it is colored with our own aroma, with our own personality, and thus, the Happiness is written, whether it is limited or abundant, in our lives. The same afternoon can be beautiful for a happy and open heart, or it can be depressing and sad for a heart lacking that freedom. What determines that a person sees it in one way or another? What determines it? its past, its experience, its particular way of seeing the world.

AUTHOR: Susannah

SEEN IN: Pleiadian Library

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