Louis Cattiaux and the Truth of One

  • 2016
The germinating Vierge of Cattiaux
reproduced in illustrator by CW.

With respect I turn to the wisdom of Cattiaux to bring it closer to those interested in entering the Truth of the One, of the One, of God. So that what has been shared by him in life, will be shared again through this virtual city of the Great White Brotherhood.

Louis Cattiaux (1904-1953) is the French artist, alchemist and poet who has bequeathed us "The Message Found" and other beautiful works.

The pearls of wisdom shared by Cattiaux are so exquisite that I have not dared to touch them and mix them with my words. Just encourage me to select some of them and arrange them in 7 groups, which become one:

So I simply limit myself as a presenter: "Here with you: Louis Cattiaux ".

All in one

“The Father in the center. The Son on the periphery. The Holy Spirit between two. All in One always ”(Cattiaux: II 82 ': p.36).

"The purified creation manifests God in trinity one and triple unity " (Cattiaux: III 64 ': p.44).

"Confronting the doctrines of all the holy books you can discover the truth of the One " (Cattiaux: II 82: p.36).

"Between the two faces of God there is only the difference that exists between the stone and the stone, but one is dark and the other shines with magnificence" (Cattiaux: III 61 ': p.44).

“Our brother is this Sage or this madman, this saint or this criminal, this boss or this beggar, this child or this dead person. Oh, buried splendor! Holy water that frees our souls from the foreign land ”(Cattiaux: I 74 ': p.27).

“Who knows everything is like who knows nothing. However, one rests and the other is agitated, one is known and the other is known, one creates and the other is created ”(Cattiaux: III 38: p.42)“ Both are in one, but only one is known by inside and out, and subsists on the gratuity of the perpetual gift ”(Cattiaux: III 38 ': p.42).

“The Sage rests in the fullness of the only light . The madman is agitated in the emptiness of multiple darkness. ” (Cattiaux: III 16: p.40).

"The mixed worlds will be separated and freed from the grime of darkness and will be reunited with the luminous purity of the One Splendor."

Everything belongs to God, even death, which conceals him wisely. Those who now say: 'It is dark', will exclaim on the day of judgment: 'It was dazzling and we have not seen anything' ”(Cattiaux: III 103 ': p.48).

Search for the Unique

“We do not go astray in the dispersion of our hearts or in the agitation of our spirits or in the works of our hands. We will persevere rather in the search for the One, which will fill us beyond our desires ”(Cattiaux: XX 57 ': p.208).

Join Opposites

“The ignorant despise the earth and the sky that have made them born and that nourish them. Wise men strive to unite what is low with what is high to do only one thing ”(Cattiaux: II 60: p. 34).

"The natural and the supernatural are mixed so intimately that only God can separate and gather them" (Cattiaux: II 69: p.35).

"Who knows how to unite opposites of the same nature has science" (Cattiaux: III 34 ': p.42).

"The admiration and knowledge of natural works lead to the love and knowledge of God" (Cattiaux: IV 1: p.49).

"The greatest among men is who can agree the teaching of nature with that of the holy books to do only one thing " (Cattiaux: III 101: p.48).

Salvation of the One

“Will all the science of men have made them grow a hair again? Deleted a wrinkle? The youth back? Have you saved them from death as the One does for his secret friends? ”(Cattiaux: III 4: p.39).

“Country Mercury” by Cattiaux
Reproduced in illustrator by CW.


" Union with God is the true reward of the perfect" (Cattiaux: I 26: p.23).

"Let us give and receive everything with detachment, in order to know the unity of men in God " (Cattiaux: IV 3 ': p. 49).

“The Wise man who loses a friend is not surprised or saddened because he is, for a long time, only with God . True friends always remain united in the golden lord ”(Cattiaux: IV 4: p.49).

"Love frees us from loneliness, making us one with men on earth and leading us to knowledge, making us one with God in heaven" (Cattiaux: IV 4 ': p.49).

"Hate is the extreme point of weakness in separation, just as love is the climax of potency in union " (Cattiaux: III 32: p.42).

In God

"The greatest joy that man can experience is the perfect manifestation of his strength in God " (Cattiaux: II 65: p.34).

"Prayer is the most perfect means of developing the will in God " (Cattiaux: III 1: p.39).

"You can only overcome the madness of death in the world by practicing the wisdom of life in God " (Cattiaux: III 31 ': p.42).

“The prayer that arises from the whole being is the one that breaks the boundaries of the body and makes us one with God” (Cattiaux: III 46 ': p.43).

The Sage is alone with God, as God is alone with himself (Cattiaux: I 9: p. 22).

Crazy in the world, Wise in God . Such is the currency of the living (Cattiaux: I 15: p.22).

There is no greater punishment than to ignore God in the world and there is no greater joy than to know him in the heart (Cattiaux: I 67: p. 26).

The straight and simple spirit easily penetrates to the center of the earth where the living gold rests. What we must achieve is the absolute poverty of total emptiness in order to be filled with God exactly (Cattiaux: II 4 : p.29).

The Sages proclaim their ignorance before God (Cattiaux: II 30 : p.31).


The direct way is to listen and look in oneself to know God in the Universe (Cattiaux: II 90 : p.37).

The mysteries of God are contained in the center of the Universe and in the heart of man . Who will deepen the abyss? Who will manifest the life of the earth? And who will consolidate the dew of the sky? (Cattiaux: III 17 : p.40).

To only apply our will to find God in ourselves is to shorten the time of our exile to the fullest. Let us strive to do nothing, so that God can speak to us and that his angels can serve us without hindrance (Cattiaux: III 59: p.44).

The perfect joy is to worship God. The highest science is to imitate his work. The greatest treasure is to discover it and keep it in itself (Cattiaux: III 62: p.44).

`` Acquiring the generosity of heart towards all beings discovering God in oneself is the greatest battle and the greatest victory '' (Cattiaux: II 25: p.31).

More Cattiaux

I highly recommend delving into the wisdom shared by Louis, of which I have shown some sparkles.

You can do it by reading your book The Rediscovered Message or by entering the following websites:

Louis Cattiaux. Art and hermetic tradition. http://www.louiscattiaux.es/

The Founding Message of Louis Cattiaux. http://elmensajereencontrado.info/


CATTIAUX, LOUIS. The Rediscovered Message or the clock of the night and the day of God. M laga: Editorial Sirio, 1987.

Editor: Cecilia Wechsler, member of the Great White Brotherhood www.hermandadblanca.org

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