Between genetic engineering and artificial intelligence.

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 THE GENETIC ENGINEERING 2 Illuminated path: the three sequences. 3 THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 4 Cognitive science: The three minds. 5 TRANSFIGURATION 6 Print science: the three processes. 7 REFERENCES

Geneticists call an individual's genetic information genotype, while referring to a phenotype to describe the manifestation of that information. So, to some extent, the energy frequency that passes through the genotype determines the manifestations of the phenotype. This means that the environment greatly affects the field of feelings and behaviors and, more importantly, influences who we think we are.

On the most subtle level, the environment is the vibration of the subatomic world. Actually, the frequency with which we are tuned is what determines the environment, regardless of the geographical point in which we live. The shadow is the great collective phenotype of humanity that is established thanks to fear, which consequently creates an environment that places the physical body under enormous stress.

We have to somehow raise the energy frequency by traveling beyond the genotype. When this happens, the phenotype - the way it is expressed and experienced in our nature - will also change. Each of the thoughts, of the feelings, each word that we pronounce and each action that we carry out has the effect of directly programming the genes and, therefore, the reality. On a quantum level, we create the environment that programs genes.


Human genetic engineering is an alteration of the genotype of an individual with the purpose of choosing the phenotype before conception, or changing the existing phenotype in a child or an adult. This engineering promises to cure genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, and increase people's resistance to infectious diseases. It is also speculated that genetic engineering could also be used to change physical appearance, metabolism, and even improve mental faculties such as memory and intelligence; although for now, these uses are limited to science fiction.

Epigenetics, meanwhile, is defined as the study of the mechanisms that regulate the expression of genes without a modification in the DNA sequence. It establishes the relationship between the genetic and environmental influences that determine a phenotype. In epigenetics, the idea of ​​environmental impact extends to the electromagnetic world of quantum physics so as to include the human attitude. On a quantum level, the environment is our attitude.

DNA cannot act alone, and it uses RNA to transfer this vital information during protein synthesis. The genes of the cells have the function of synthesizing and combining several amino acids to produce proteins, which are the basic component of life.

The main amino acids are also grouped into genetic families, the 21 codonic rings. Each of these codonic rings has a specific name and acts as a collective programming body of the upper body of humanity. Much of our human mythology emerged from these chemical sets, and each ring contains great mysteries. They have direct connections with many of the first sacred alphabets, such as the Hebrew alphabet, and maintain a relationship with the complex symbolism of the tarot, which are part of archetypal intelligence.

Illuminated path: the three sequences.

The path is divided into three stages or sequences. Each of them is represented by a path of contemplation and potential transformation in our lives. DNA, as a quintessence of life, is programmed to eventually become self-conscious. Directed by the sacred wound, he constantly seeks his own superior nature.

The sequence of attraction: sequence to release the deep emotional patterns of life. The wound is the cause of all human suffering, so with this Sequence of Venus, we will make an in-depth journey through the aspects of our life in which we feel a good dose of discomfort. The Sequence of Venus offers us a safe and friendly path to reach the core of the Sacred Wound, a path that we can address in different stages. It is a journey of love towards the reasons why we do not continually feel love.

In our first seven-year cycle the sacred wound manifests as a physical reflex of contraction. In the second seven-year cycle, from 7 to 14, it manifests as an emotional-strategic defense mechanism and in the third 7-year cycle the wound manifests itself as a particular mental belief of our own lack of merit. . The internal moments of realization are the leaps of consciousness known as Dharma, Karma, Intelligence, Understanding and Love. The shadow is the total sum of the psychic and mental forces, which are expressed in the personality. It is the basis of intelligence, which in due course will face the Presence.

The activation sequence: describes a series of three leaps of consciousness that unfold in life when the purpose is activated. Our superior purpose is none other than to heal the Sacred Wound and return to the perfect point of integrity, the wonderful Quiescence that has existed before the beginning of time and is still imprinted within us. This frequency is defined by the Incarnation Cross, which in turn determines the horizontal and vertical lives of the human being. The gifts are the virtues and qualities contributed by the divine Spirit.

The sequence of the service: contemplative journey whose objective is to open the mind to a vision of the transcendent universe. Once our heart begins to open we also begin to witness the organic flourishing of our prosperity. The themes of purpose, love and prosperity flow naturally from one another as a sequence: Illuminated Path of Integration.

The jewel refers to the birth of a collective intelligence. Once our hearts have opened, the true meaning of prosperity in our lives will change completely. Instead of being a personal achievement, prosperity is seen as a need to put ourselves at the service of something bigger than ourselves. Powers are the skills developed by the human being by putting his intelligence into action.

Before we can reach the level of the Almighty we must purge the DNA of all this genetic memory. This also means that, as we increase the frequency, we will have to process increasingly deeper Shadow patterns that originated in our collective ancestral past.

It is that ability of DNA to weave light around it that reveals its true and secret function within our organism: to act as a superconductor, whose sole purpose is to exponentially increase the frequency that enters and leaves our body. This, in turn, leads to a complete transmutation of the fabric of our being, becoming weavers of light.


Artificial intelligence is a concept that emerged from a research program that included previously disparate fields such as operational research, cybernetics, logic and computer science. The point in common was an attempt to capture or imitate human skills using machines. Currently, if a molecule has a memory that can record what happens inside the cell, is it about nanotechnology or computing?

True intelligence is activated by the hand of patience and the appeasement of the heart, which only later will confirm the mind. Precision is what happens when natural intelligence reaches a balance between the heart and the mind, but with one caveat: that the heart, the feminine principle, is the one who takes control over life. The masculine principle, the intellect, must be placed at the service of the feminine principle, which is the sphere of intuition, listening and receiving, and not that of thought, which is expression and transmission.

Cognitive science: The three minds .

Cognitive science focuses on the scientific study of the mind and its processes. Cognitive scientists study intelligence and behavior, focusing on the way in which nervous systems represent, process and transform information. Among the mental faculties that these scientists deal with are attention, perception, memory, as well as language, reasoning and emotion. The field of analysis to which this scientific discipline is dedicated covers many levels of organization: from learning and decision making to logic and planning; from the neural circuits to the modular organization of the brain.

There are three classic routes that lead to a higher consciousness: concentration, meditation and contemplation. Although each route is very different, all three are part of the general process of meditation and all lead to the same final goal, absorption.

The concrete mind performs the basic processes of thought, consisting of six elementary operations (observation, comparison, relationship, simple classification, hierarchical ordering and classification) and three integrative processes (analysis, synthesis and evaluation). Concentration is the route of effort. Through concentration, the effort is with the heart, mind and soul to congregate the inner being with the true and highest essence. Most mystical systems and all types of yoga are based on the route of concentration. The concentration has its roots in the left hemisphere of the brain. Through a gradual process of continuous improvement, this path also leads to an enlightened vision of the nature of reality.

The practical mind performs the executive processes of thought. Complex procedural structures of high level of abstraction such as managerial processes (planning, supervision, evaluation and feedback), executives, knowledge acquisition, and discernment. Learning becomes a metacognitive process that includes two basic types of change: Assimilation or analysis and accommodation or synthesis, formation of complex concepts from the simplest. Meditation is the great passive art, in which simply all forms, thoughts and feelings are observed exactly as they are. With the passage of time, this continuous observation favors that a great inner clarity arises naturally, culminating in an illuminated vision of the foundations of reality. Meditation has its roots in the right, holistic, hemisphere of the brain.

The abstract mind effects the main process of acquiring knowledge, conceptualization, where they are transformed through intermediate concepts, into positive thinking, thanks to the active dynamic circuit also known as the "self" or I am. Contemplation uses aspects of both meditation and concentration. It has its roots in the corpus callosum, the part of the brain that joins the left and right hemispheres.


During the learning process that precedes the third graduation, the mind works in a new way. His transmutator work on the physical plane has been accomplished; his transformative work in the emotional nature has been successful, and now his transfigurative work in the personality as a whole, is carried out, making possible the achievements of the Transfiguration. The transmutating agent, in the first case, is the concrete mind; the transforming agent is the soul, while the transfiguring agent is the spiritual Triad, acting through the abstract mind.

While our cells learn to capture the light, our digestive system will gradually die, since the light contains the necessary nutrients to nourish the subtle body. With regard to the pH of the body, this spiritualization of the physical form will gradually weaken the extremes of the pH scale and, therefore, reduce the acidity and alkalinity of the body. Finally, when all the body's solutions become neutral, the hydrogen ions that form the same bases of the pH scale will evaporate and the physical body will disappear simultaneously.

Print science : the three processes.

Impression Science is the name given to the process by which the necessary relationship between the three units of life is established: the will, wisdom and activity. It is the power to use the energies of the rays to constantly attract and print progressive revelation. It involves the continuous opening of a new environment that encompasses all the kingdoms of nature, from the eukaryotic cell to the neurons, the disciples becoming susceptible to spiritual impression. Print sensitivity is the ability to generate a magnetic aura on which the highest impressions can act.

Impression Science could ultimately be considered as the fundamental science of consciousness itself, because the result of contact and impact leads to awakening and the development of consciousness. Contact is the recognition of an environment. Impact is the conscious interaction with that environment that favors the transmission of revealing information.

A well-trained mind will capture the fleeting impression, subject it to the effect of mental activity, which will make it concrete, will produce the required form and, when it has been correctly created and oriented, will eventually lead to the exteriorization of the recorded impression, which took shape. as intuition and opportunely found its place in the mental plane.

During the learning process that precedes the third graduation, the mind works in a new way. His transmutator work on the physical plane has been accomplished; his transformative work in the emotional nature has been successful, and now his transfigurative work in the personality as a whole, is carried out, making possible the achievements of the Transfiguration. The transmutating agent, in the first case, is the concrete mind; the transforming agent is the soul, while the transfiguring agent is the spiritual Triad, acting through the abstract mind.

Transmutation is the process by which energies tend upwards. From the sacral center to the laryngeal center. Physical creation is transmuted into artistic creation. From the solar plexus center to the heart center. Individual and emotional consciousness is transmuted into group consciousness. From the base center to the coronary center. Material force is transmuted into spiritual energy. From any of the five centers that are in the spine, to the ajna center. Life without coordination is transmuted into personality integration. Of the six centers, related to each other, to the highest center of the head. Personality activity is transmuted into spiritual life.

Transformation is the process by which energies tend downward in three stages. The energizing stage of creative life, sees the largenesis center, thus placing the coronary and laryngeal centers, both and the sacral center, and all three, simultaneously. Online and consciously, in conscious relationship. The energizing stage of the relationship-conscious life, sees the heart center, putting the coronary and heart centers, both and the solar plexus center, and the three, simultaneously and consciously, in close collaboration. The energization stage of the whole man, sees the basic center, putting the coronary and basic centers, both and the ajna center.

Transfiguration is the process by which energies tend towards the center, putting the coronary, basic and ajna centers simultaneously and consciously, in dynamic and coordinated expression. The three types of energy expressed through the spiritual Triad can begin to flow through the reflection of itself in the third dimension: intelligence, intuition and intention. n.


Alice Bailey Telepath and the ethereal vehicle.

Raymond Kurzweil. The era of spiritual machines.

Richard Rudd The genetic keys.

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