7 spring rituals to attract good luck and energy

  • 2017

After the cold winter, we all feel more cheerful and vital. And fortunately, we can still reach higher levels of satisfaction. How to achieve it? It's very easy, put into practice these spring rituals to attract good luck and energy and let yourself go .

Spring rituals to attract good luck and energy

These spring rituals to attract good luck and energy have been carried out since very early times . Ancient civilizations of Mediterranean Europe, Egypt and Asia Minor practiced them especially in seasonal changes. Being very dependent on natural rhythms, we are now in a fantastic time to put them into practice.

Wiccan ritual to attract good luck in the future

We begin with a very simple wiccan ritual to attract a prosperous future. To do this you have to plant a rosemary seed in each pot for health, one for verbena to have money and another for clove to tempt love .

You have to visualize how the plants will grow. Then, put them outdoors and laugh once a week focusing on each objective. You will make the cosmic forces of the Universe collude in your favor .

Ritual to neutralize negative energy

Many people, even unintentionally, can radiate us from negative energy. Like us, he could dump it on our clothes, our home, our possessions or even loved ones. This is why this ritual leads you to make music throughout your home with an instrument or even a glass with a spoon. At the same time, spray the place with a mixture of rue, thyme and marjoram . And if you want a total cleaning, take a bath with these essences mixed in the water.

Ritual so you don't lack love

Do you have love but feel insecure? This ancient Indian ritual consists of gathering your group of friends while drawing an imaginary circle on the ground inside which plates are placed with flower petals and portraits of Shiva and Parvati. Then, join your hands and sing a song of love while dancing around the offering. Then, ask for love while throwing the paint on the deities, which symbolize the masculine and feminine energy .

Ritual to fulfill your wishes

Sugawara is a hero of medieval Japan who was unjustly accused of conspiring against the emperor . Today this mythical figure listens to the requests of the young Japanese students. To make themselves heard, they make wooden tablets, draw the Chinese horoscope of the year and write what they want before taking them to the monasteries. In your case it will be worth it if you hang it on a cork to always keep in mind the objective.

Ritual to bring good luck

Actually, in this case you need an amulet that always goes with you. You need to get a beetle like those carried by the ancient Egyptians. This is a symbol of the god Kheper, the force of creation that causes the Sun to spin. When you have it, preferably in gold and turquoise, wear it hung and impregnated with sandalwood essence to ward off diseases and curses and attract good fortune .

Ritual to attract prosperity

Do you want to attract prosperity? It's actually very simple. According to the Mayans, during these days that occupy the month of flowers or tozoztontli, you have to fast, meditate, dance, chant, burn incense, drink sweetened drinks and make music so that the light of the mother goddess Coatlicue attracts goodness to your life .

Ritual to attract fertility

Finally, the seventh ritual involves bringing the prosperous rain according to the Maya. To do this you will make offerings to the corresponding god, Chaak, and deposit at a table where you will sit next to your friends. It can be corn, cocoa, cigarettes ... Then you invoke their help while burning incense or copal and ask in unison for prosperity to enter your lives. Then, consume the offerings so that the ritual is closed .

As you can see, these spring rituals are really simple . If you really believe, be sure that by putting them into practice you will live a wonderful time in these days of color, light and flowering.

Seen in Clarín, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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