Do you feel your money fades or does not arrive? I invite you to heal your fear of the Energy of Money with this Powerful Decree

  • 2017

To be in tune with the energy of money, you and I must overcome the fear that we sometimes profess.

I invite you to ask yourself, why does my money not yield? Despite working hard, why do I get so little salary?

I am going to show you a powerful decree that will allow you to tune in to the rhythm of the energy of money, and manage to cure any type of fear you have.

Also, be the right time for you to ask the Angels to help you dissolve in your life, all those fears and difficulties you have in relation to the fear of the energies of money, and replace it with security, confidence and prosperity.

How to heal the fear of the Energy of Money?

I invite you to decree in your mind, in your heart, and in your whole Being, the abundance, wealth and energy of money!

Before teaching you the decree and other statements that I want to share with you, I want us to do some exercises together so that you can heal all those possible fears that you hold before money .

In your life, there are two thoughts that block your flow of money, a reality that makes your money last less and does not reach you as it should be.

The first thought you must eradicate from your life so that you can heal your fear of the energy of money is " the fear of lack "; On the contrary, begin to feel that you are a person fully prepared to receive a lot of money daily.

Now, and together with the first thought, the second thought that you must eradicate are the " fears ". You should know that fears will act in you as a shield does, that is, they prevent all those opportunities that come towards you from reaching and generating economic progress in you.

I'm going to explain it to you in a shallow and simple way. When you focus permanently on what you want, that tends to grow.

So, if you dedicate your attention to all your debts and deficiencies, the result will be that they will increase. The best thing would be for you to start by changing your attitude towards the shortcomings you have.

On the other hand, a reality that you must abandon, if you possess it, is the feeling of not trust when you have money .

The vast majority of people argue that they are not ready to handle money, which causes the prodigious energy of money to leave our side.

Precisely, this is the scenario of a person who only strictly owns what is necessary, and often, less than is necessary.

I invite you to decree in your mind, in your heart, and in your whole Being, the abundance, wealth and energy of money !

For you to heal your fear of the energy of money, it is the right time for you to feel cheerful, comfortable, strengthened and hardworking with all the money at your disposal, avoid getting out of control or despair when you have money

It happens that, if moments of despair and no confidence in money occur, the energies of money will take another course, and you can only stay with the minimum.

Be very careful! If you let the fear of money govern you, the only thing you will achieve is to resemble a hungry animal that is permanently desperate to hunt for the food it needs to survive daily.

I will share with you three (3) very important exercises, so, go transforming all your fear of money into extraordinary wealth, abundance and economic progress .

First exercise When you receive your bills and are paying them, bless them with love, do not look at them with disgust or anger. Then, ask the angels to bless you with permanent prosperity and abundance . If you do so, you will begin to realize that you will achieve more production and profits.

Second exercise Ask the angels, as I told you before, to dissolve all those fears you have in the face of the energy of money and transform it into economic wealth . In this way, you will be ready for prosperity.

Please, do not be afraid to make an appeal to the angels, they are always aware of each one of us, they are very happy to bless the way for you and for me.

Third exercise Write down your fears and difficulties to money on a piece of paper, then give them to the angels in prayer, and finally break it and burn it. Perform this rite with faith, declare the following statements that I will share with you.

Thank you for diluting all my fears and fears. Thank you for helping me create new safe patterns of prosperity, well-being and economic wealth

Say it as many times as necessary, remember that the fear of the energy of money was completely healed in your heart, your mind, actions and your Being, now you are ready to receive all prosperity, wealth and well-being

I hope you do the exercises as I have shared them, you will realize the amazing powers that Angels possess and affirmations .

Powerful Decree to Heal the Fear of Money Energy

... So that you can heal your fear of the energy of money, it is the right time for you to feel cheerful, comfortable, strengthened and hardworking with all the money at your disposal, avoid getting out of control or despair when you have money.

I have already shared three exercises with you, now I want you to get ready so that, through the following decree, you formalize the definitive closure of your fear of money, and declare for you and yours, days full of prosperity, well-being and economic wealth .

“In the Name of the I Am, and in the Divine Presence in Me, I Decree, I ask and Establish from my heart and my Higher Self, be released and dissipated within me and my energy bodies, both mentally, emotionally and in the Etheric, all the memories of fear of the Energy of Money, that are completely healed and released from my interior these memories of fear and insecurities, to open to give and receive abundance, and feel a person deserving at all times, to receive money for that flows in an easy, abundant, honest and beneficial way for everyone .

I am the Abundance on Earth. Son of the Abundant and Feminine Mother Earth of which I feel a person deserving of receiving their fruits, their provision and material supplies, their love, their peace, their health, their fullness, their happiness and their happiness, since I am their son (a) and I belong to all its Realms.

In the Name of the I Am, I thank the Abundance for myself and for each of my brothers. I release and release, here and now, every old pattern engraved on my bodies of "not deserving" or "I don't deserve" or "it's not right to receive or ask." Any Denial of Abundance and any feeling of scarcity are erased from my cellular memory and from my mind .

I open myself to the current and to the Universal Law of Give and Receive . I give and I receive Blessings and Abundance . So be it and so it is because it is already done and done. Thank you thank you thank you"

... the first thought you must eradicate from your life so that you can heal your fear of the energy of money is "the fear of lack" ...

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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