The Age of Light has Arrived

  • 2010

Channeled by Marisa Ordo ez

Oh, Beloved sister in the service of Love, on this planet of dark past experiences, how much sadness your soul frees today by recognizing the game of the old consciences that have created the veils and bonds in every tiny space of the human garments, which are called today to merge into the sweet nectar of the diamond hearts, jewels of the authentic royalty of the Rising Man.

The consciousness in you now recognizes the awakening of a new land of Light, Truth, Power and Divinity that begins to show itself from the vast expanses in the heart of every human.

The old man's mind discovers and fully understands the sense of being a galactic human, in full connection with his origins of perfection and completeness. With full right to expand without limits and manifest the infinity of the Eternal.

Today it is revealed to the soul, tireless traveler of time, the consecration to her true family, belonging to her legitimate lands.

Proclaim with kind and fervent devotion the Good News, so that everyone hears and knows of all the blessings that are waiting for you while they are encouraged to travel with faith, firmness and full Christ vocation the last stretch of this world that today dissolves before their eyes and because of their own merits of Ascension.

The call is for everyone. Do not fear and always trust. Just remember what we are asking you compassionately for today: "trust ... trust ... trust ..." because everything is happening as requested by holiness from your golden hearts.

The era of suffering, evil and the cold experimentation of bodies, governed only by the mentality of the separation of essence, is finally ending on this planet.

The time has come to look face to face, in the world of surface, with its own shadows and fight the last battle with all the demons that you have created, from your inner power for the desire to transcend the borders of the Divine First.

And at this time you are understanding that there is nothing outside the Great and Glowing Creative Primal Essence.

Their human minds, asleep for such a long time and by virtue of this complex experiment, now recognize that even Imperfection is part of the Original Perfection.

Your hearts today may feel that the imperfect human mind as well as the limited experience of the ego will dissolve in the powerful and most powerful embrace of the Light that you choose to activate in your own energy fields responding to the command of your free will. And then Light and Darkness will be the gloriously Integrated One in the existential expression of his most righteous mandate.

Live stripped of history this new and glorious beginning.

Vibrate in the symphony that the Earth expresses today in the thresholds of its long-awaited Enlightenment towards the greater planes of Order, Beauty and Immaculate Purity.

Allow the unfathomable Ocean of Life to reach you in your universes of microcosmic existence and experience each of your cells and particles dancing in the brand new frequency of Perfect Harmonic Resonance.

Listen, feel, experiment, trust ... always trust because there is abundant company in this task of transforming and leading the entire planet to the next destination that is already part of now.

The future resonates in the present because of that they transit the definitive closure of their pending karmic balances and they begin to be you who are ready to sustain the new vibration of Gaia, the Ascended Earth of the Soul-Heart-Solar-Diamond with the purity of the Soul-Heart-Solar-Diamond. supragalactic radiance.

Listen, feel, experiment with the renewed and expanded senses ... and keep trusting. This is his most spectacular leap of Faith ever created in the history of all his incarnations.

Knock and all the doors will be open to you.

Ask and the entire Universal Body will manifest your desires and intentions. Remember the place you have committed to occupy for the realization of this great project of Love and Liberation.

Offer your individual bodies as vibrant and powerful anchors of the bright Central Presence and manifest all the clarity, softness, strength and balance of the Unified Heart.

Recognize that they are the true network of Light that the planet needs to be reborn.

Cradle the blessed mother earth so that she can die sweetly to all the old energy that has already served her here and sing the best mantra for her elevation. And immediately you will see exultant standing in its natural glow and within you to the much desired Gaia.

And then, they will know that they have already arrived. That all are the new earth; the planet of the dimension where there is only Sacred Love; where only the divine will and the deep consecration of hearts to life are expressed in eternal spectral harmony.

Very dear sister on this path of inexhaustible magic, we wish to express through you the infinite gratitude that the entire Brotherhood feels for the task that all incarnate workers have been carrying out in all the ages of humanity.

We celebrate with deep emotion your victorious awakening because through it we are given to strengthen our mutual exchange of solidarity with all the Sons of Light on Earth and, at the expense of your favors, begin a new ascent in the endless escalation of evolution towards most sacred and faithful manifestation of Being.

We await you radiating the full Light of Ascended Love in our hearts, which will be yours at the same moment that you have crossed the Great Portal of the New Inner World and resonate all with the sublime music of the Great Central Sun to stay awake and aligned with the powerful galactic core.

Peace is always with all of us. We bless you in the wonderful and most resplendent Presence of the Most High that dwells in each and every one and from all Eternity.

And we leave, meanwhile, resonating in your ears, minds and hearts our sweetest request: “Trust… trust… trust….

And always trust because the Age of Light has already reached you.

Trust because you are truly saved in the Great and Sovereign LOVE of all time.

Feel that they are the true Heir Pillars of Light that nourishes the entire planet. Celebrate for being Kings of this new co-creation.

And just trust again because you have definitely returned home. Amen, Hallelujah".

We are the White Female Brotherhood and the White Male Brotherhood irradiating the Love that you themselves have created in this legitimate Ascension.

Spokesmen: Master Jesus and his ascended twin flame.

Marisa and Co.

May the Light be your Guide and your Heart the force in your action, every moment, every day.

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