Pallas Athena - Ascended Based on God

  • 2013

Through Vincent Francis

May 25, 2013

All walk among flowers, however, some choose to focus their steps on the prickle of the thorns and others choose to focus their steps on the beauty of the petals.

Ascend your love to the heavens and love without limits.

For the vibration of Love is the best and most powerful that you can cultivate in you.

It has been a year of great changes for everyone and we know that many feel that quite bluntly. In fact, there is a great alteration of energy, or better, of the energy pattern of the Earth and those who are sensitive, read these changes better.

But, who is not sensitive, in the sense of knowing how to discern vibrations, sometimes feels uncomfortably such transformations. Many are those who approach you, friends, coming from other spheres and dimensions. Many are those who come from other worlds at this time and are reborn on the earth's soil bringing with it a new energy, a baggage of many good things.

And I, in particular, do not wish to be left behind, you who are reading my message. The vibrations are accelerating greatly, you are already on the ground of a new Earth that is free of many of the hostile energies that previously sailed there.

There is help coming from very close! Yes, there is a planetary neighbor of yours at this time extending the “hand” for you and supporting you in your awakening and in following it.

But, although the help is much and quite powerful, I cannot forget how much you still need support in the sense of knowing how to "identify" in the world. The greatest difficulty that you still have refers to your Being. You are not, for the most part, getting to live in the clear nature of who you are.

I am seeing you doubting your divine potential. I'm seeing them claiming a lot and that, in fact, is not good. For Earth's energy currently gives you acceleration, and so give that to yourself.

The feeling, when they choose to go the path of resistance, can it be more painful and why that? Because the globe vibrates in a purer pattern and all negative emotion is clearer and more evident in front of this new energy pattern and, being so, you feel that contrast more intensely.

In more tangible words, it hurts more. And I don't want it to hurt.

In the meantime, you need to choose as I choose for you.

You need to choose to go the softest path and that path is the path of Love and Faith.


Love without measures, without attachments, without possession.

What you say you feel is not love.

A love that hurts is not Love, it is possession and attachment.

You are loving others and in the wrong way.

I do not mean only "love from human to human", but all kinds of love.

Detach yourself!

Release that feeling of possession that you have over material things.

Detach yourself from your homes, your cars and your clothes.

All these things, as well as your corporeal meat wrapping, are not yours. They are borrowed!

Amen, take care of everything that is given to you by your Spirit, but detach yourself and stop living as if your conquests on Earth were forever.

The energy changes in the world make you feel things that you cannot understand exactly and end up projecting that, in the form of lack, in things and in people. They are projecting your lack of self into others, and they cannot and should not replace your inner lack.

I see many of you saying in the midst of all this change and fit new vibes: “I feel tired! I need to travel! I need to fall in love. Buy new clothes, go out more, have fun. ”

Friends, all these things are good and divine, but they cannot reach the objective in question. A great dissatisfaction is beating inside the human being at the moment and that, I can feel it in a dense way from here, from where I am "vibrating".

And that's why I came to help you understand those feelings.

You need to shut up when you feel that way.

Reason with me: If what you feel, like dissatisfaction, uncomfortable on the inside, wouldn't it be obvious that you would have to be satisfied on the inside and not on the outside?

Yes, nothing they did externally will make them satisfied. Do all those good things, which are natural to human life, because you really want and not to satisfy something that is missing from the inside.

Shut up in front of dissatisfaction, and silence yourself in front of the inner chaos, of the restlessness of the soul. Because what she looks for is in you on the inside. Breathe, meditate, relax your minds bombarded by the modern world.

Do not believe in the media and what they say you need. You need God and God can only be found on the inside. He is not in any place accessible to you as he is on the inside.

Talk to Him, feel it and let it out.

God wants to reassure you and help you in your process of awakening and I tell you this because, from the second semester, if you do not seek to fit in the peace of your inner God, feelings of discomfort can increase.

Friends, Life is working so that you can enjoy an even richer and more beautiful world. Work from the inside.

Don't let anxiety torture you with awkward and silly arguments. Everything is going well!

You are doing very well and don't let anyone tell you the opposite.

Can they go better? Yes, if you wish.

Your steps are measured by your faith and their speed by your boldness.

Open to Love, open to God!

Open to Peace, open to the certainty of the Good that dwells in you.

Calm down in front of the whirlwind of changes that is now unnecessarily affecting you.

Do not fear changes.

Many are discoveries that will arise in your next days. Many things will be revealed to you even this year, things that await confirmation. Things you always wanted to discover will be revealed.

There is much novelty going in your direction and that is why I ask you to stay tuned with your Spirit, so that your happiness is not stirred by any external factor.

You are Beings of the Light, you are victorious beings and you will always win, for the greater Love supports you and gives you the power to achieve everything. You are children of God and He delegated the grace to shine and triumph over any situation.

You can!

I repeat: You can!

Meanwhile, they can when they believe!

They can when they accept that they can!

They can when they really dispose to the power that vibrates within you.

Everyone who is seated in himself potentiates the nature and great strength of God.

Everyone who embraces himself creates the power and Love that will sustain him forever.

I am Athena, your ally, and I assist you from the planes of Light, where I am in your help.

Channeled by Vinícius Francis

Blog Os Filhos da Alva

Spanish translation - Shanti

Pallas Athena - Ascended Based on God

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