The Arcturians and their Galactic family - The ascension process

  • 2015

In silence and introspectively the changes are little by little, however, they take place constantly in your consciousness. They are now beginning to unleash "time" in their daily lives and, simultaneously, have brief experiences of being in the NOW. Within the NO-time of NOW there are no expectations, disappointments, failures or even victories, since these are all concepts confined to time.

You can briefly feel those concepts in the NOW, but they usually "live" in the past or present.

For example, "expectations" live in the future, "disappointments" live in the past, "failure" is fear that may haunt you from the past or frighten you in your future, and victories are what you cling to since the past or wait for the future. However, in the NOW there is no past or future.

Life in the third dimension has trained you to live in the past or in the future, but it offers you very few models of living in the NOW. Therefore, beginning to experience what almost feels like a frozen moment of NOW is difficult for the 3D brain to grasp.

The confusion of your 3D brain is important for your ascension process, as it reminds you to call your Multidimensional BEING. Time is very attractive because it is familiar. Also, it is quite easy to get lost in the concept that something comes "before" or "after." Your 3D brain is used to the sequence.

Without time, the myriad realities coexist within the NOW. However, these realities appear "separated" from each other when they experience them via their 3D consciousness. But, when we are out of time, there are no past experiences or future expectations. All realities are interwoven in the NOW of the ONE.

When their perceptions are limited to the third dimension, they are unable to perceive the ornate tapestry of NOW. Fortunately, by activating their higher perceptions of clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clariscience via their higher states of consciousness, they become aware that there are many different dimensions, as well as parallel and alternate realities, all running within the same NOW.

To be more precise, all its realities are interwoven in the NOW of the ONE . When they begin to personally experience brief moments of being intertwined with the ONE, it can be quite confusing, amazing and impressive. Therefore, they may need to create something "time" to get used to this new version of reality.

At the beginning, you may remember that these many feelings, images, thoughts and experiences all occur simultaneously, but your 3D brain has no means through which to share them with others. In other words, they are able to understand this "language of light" from 5D, but they can't talk about it - yet.

Therefore, the ability to understand a new language comes from its ability to express that new language. In this case, we are talking about the language of thoughts - forms and energy fields. This form of language, as well as the language of light, comes in information packages.

Instead of a stream of sequential words in a sentence, then a paragraph, then a page, these messages come in a bundle of interwoven files. These files are not "readable" in a separate, sequential manner. They are all "senses" within the NOW.

Your multidimensional mind is able to receive these files and feel them in this way, but your 3D brain is unable to translate this information. Therefore, you are asked to expand your awareness towards the fifth dimension so that you can read / feel these messages stored in your multidimensional mind.

Translating the energy packages of thought-forms, fields of thought, and language of light into your 3D language is usually best achieved through storytelling, art, music and dance. The translation of these messages into daily life is one of the challenges of our representatives wearing terrestrial containers within their NOW.

Another difficult task for those returning to their multidimensional Being is to redefine the concept of "being." While wearing a 3D terrestrial container, most of you consider your present incarnation as your "primary reality." But, as their perceptions expand more and more, they will feel a deeper connection with higher dimensional realities.

These "superior realities, " as you may call them, feel safe and comfortable in juxtaposition to the judgments and difficulties of the physical world. You want to return to the place you remember, back to security and Unconditional Love.

Many of you are becoming impatient with the apparent slowness of your ascension process, which is usually due to your thinking in terms of humanity rather than in terms of planet. Planetary time is very different from human time, and many of you forgot that you came to help the planet ascend.

In truth, his primary reality is not his human life, but the higher expressions of his BEING. Creation begins in the core / center and moves outward in the 3D matrix to be observed as three-dimensional reality. Fortunately, now that their consciousness is expanding, they are increasingly able to identify interdimensional energy fields and thought-forms.

With their ever-widening awareness, they are having moments of passing in which they perceive higher dimensional energy fields, simultaneously with 3D energy fields . When you pay attention to these higher dimensional energy fields and thought-forms, while remaining aware of your earthly container, you are returning to your multidimensional consciousness.

The difference between an energy field and a thought-form is that an energy field arises from a lifetime and a thought-form arises from an individual or a group. Since individuality as they know it is a three-dimensional experience, many thought-forms are more three-dimensional.

However, there are also collective thoughts-forms and planetary thoughts-forms, which are beginning their return to multidimensional consciousness and perception. We are glad to announce that more and more of you are beginning to consciously perceive reality in this way.

Before, when suddenly they had a sensation, they did not consider it to be a thought-form, especially a multidimensional thought-form. But now, due to the increase in dimensional infiltration, there are more multidimensional thought-forms floating through their reality awaiting manifestation.

This situation is happening because the veil of illusion between the 3rd / 4th dimensions and the 5th dimension and beyond is becoming thinner every time. Therefore, images, sounds, smells and sensations that disappeared when you tried to perceive them are entering your awareness while you are relaxing in your Multidimensional BEING.

Pay attention to these perceptions. Do not worry about what others say about your process. You can share your experience with others, or you can keep it deep within yourself. Either way, they will be returning to their Multidimensional BEING.

It is the NOW in which the past and the future are beginning to merge into ONE. All your memories linked to time and illusions will evaporate under the light of higher frequencies.

One of the tasks they chose to accept before taking their human form was to be the Carers of the Earth, so that they could open as many portals as possible towards the Gaia nucleus. Once you open a portal, you will bless it with Unconditional Love and transmute into your true multidimensional form via the Violet Flame.

When you open a portal, or portals, both to Gaia as well as to the higher worlds, you will receive an increased "knowledge" about how you took your land container in this NOW. In other words, by opening their portal, they will regain access to the awareness of what they once thought of as a "loss." When this happens, they will want to visit some of their most amazing and instructive lives.

By opening your portal, your perception of the "normal" will become multidimensional. They are preparing to take a "quantum leap" from a tri / tetra dimensional reality to pentadimensional reality. Within this 5D reality, everything exists in what your 3D Being would determine as NOW.

However, the term NOW, which is "time to do it now" for your 3D consciousness, is transmuted to NOW, meaning that there is NO separation in time. There are no polarities, individualities or events. All life flows together like water molecules flowing to create a river, lake or ocean, and all air molecules flow together to create the sky and atmosphere.

How will your 3D brain be able to embrace such reality?

Don't worry about that question. Just in time, the fields of energy and thought-forms that are separated in polarities in 3D, are unified towards HERE and NOW in the fifth dimension and beyond.

We ask you to remember your pentadimensional ability to perceive the fields of energy and thought-forms before they have lowered their resonance into the third dimension. In other words, trust your BEING when you have a "feeling" of an energy field or thought-form that has entered your consciousness.

Instead of evading them as "only one energy" or "only one thought, " remember that energy and thoughts are alive and come to consciousness to give a multidimensional message. These multidimensional messages come in packages that have no words, spelling or physical characteristics.

These information packages originate in the fifth dimension and beyond and call them to "feel" the Unconditional Love of that message. We will remind you that there are also fields of energy and thought-forms that have originated in the third dimension.

These messages will feel, at best, as human love, which is very attractive, or human fear, which is something you will want to avoid. Since thought-forms and energy fields are often the lower frequencies of the multidimensional message, expand your consciousness to see if you can perceive the higher frequencies. Suzille remembers when she was a girl who wanted to see the beautiful mirror on her grandmother's sideboard, but she was too short and couldn't see her eyes or up.

At the beginning, they can feel this way about the higher dimensional messages, in which they can only perceive part of them. But don't worry, by "growing up" you will be able to experience increasingly higher frequencies of the energy fields and thought-forms that are entering your reality. As your Third Eye continues to open and its higher powers begin to move toward your daily reality, you will need to discipline yourself to choose to consciously perceive these energy packages.

Then they will know which of the multidimensional packages they will attend and which of the lower dimensional packages they will want to love unconditionally and transmute with the Violet Flame. The reason for this discipline is that your own thoughts-forms and energy fields will manifest faster and faster.

Therefore, its lag time between creating and / or perceiving a thought-form and the manifestation of that thought-form will be greatly diminished . In fact, in the fifth dimension and beyond, there is NO time. Consequently, what they think and / or attend manifest instantly.

The fact is the same for thoughts-forms / energy fields of love or fear. Together with this gift or challenge, they will be pushed to initiations. Whenever its frequency is prepared to go to the next octave, the slide will come, the barrier between the lower and upper frequencies.

This "slide" cannot resonate with the next higher frequency, so patiently expect a rising being to transmute it to the higher frequency. You are reaching the frequency at which everything that is in the way to the next octave MUST be addressed .

Therefore, situations in your life will occur that will force or allow (depending on your state of consciousness) that your own darkness / inner fear will surface your consciousness so that you can be consciously transmuted and released.

There is a felt difference between the experience of having a negative thought and manifesting it for not having achieved mastery over their thoughts and having the experience that "it is time to do some house cleaning, because they are moving towards the higher frequency."

It is very useful to be able to discern between the two sensations, so that when they feel that it is "time to clean the house", THEY DO NOT BLAME YOU .

The feeling of “ OK, I did it again . I need to remember to refuse to participate in that reality, sending him unconditional love and burning it in the Violet Fire. ”, He reminds you that you were not paying attention to yourself.

On the other hand, when it is time to " clean the house, " something comes out of nowhere and you ask, "Wow, why did this happen?" This is how it feels when the house is being cleaned. This situation means that there are things that need to " let go ."

Once you go through this process of liberation, the heavens open! They will know when they are in that process because it simply came out of nowhere. It feels like, “ Ok, initiation time. I have to clean, because I'm moving! "

You will not like these situations because they are NOT fun, but you have to LET GO, LET GO, LET GO . They can hear themselves saying, "There is nothing I can do, I have to RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE."

This liberation process is SO important, because letting go is an important component of Ascension! In fact, ascension is a process of letting go. They have to LEAVE everything physical, every case. Everything that is finished, everything you wanted, EVERYTHING! It is not fun, it is not easy, but it is vital, and IS part of the process.

DO NOT judge yourself thinking, “Oh no, how I did this to myself. I have to stop…. ”YOU DIDN'T DO THIS! It is not his fault. Your ego is having a deep cleansing, so that you can be more connected with your Multidimensional BEING.

Thank you, dear brave volunteers of the ascending Earth. We, the higher dimensional Beings and members of the Mother Ship, greet you. Keep up the good work! And come to Casa to visit us as often as possible.

Remember, you are "working" even when you sleep. This is unless they come home on the Nave to visit us.

The Arcturians and their Galactic Family

Through Dr. Suzanne Lie

Translation - Shanti

The Arcturians and their Galactic family - The ascension process

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