The desert fathers assured that there was no greater asceticism than humility. Certainly, it is a difficult learning, because he who boasts of humility is no longer humble and quiet and discreet humility is not easy to conquer. It is a beautiful and wonderful quality, very little extended in a society that is oriented towards the appearance, the superfluous, the puffiness and the escaparatismo . Humility is at the opposite end of egocentrism, vanity, infaturation, egolatry, arrogance and excessive pride. Humility is a beautiful quality, which makes the person kind, calm, expansive, open, without the need to parapete or entrench psychologically. Humility is modesty, simplicity, beautiful simplicity, and shows the person unaffected, gentle and free from blockages.

There are few exercises as noble and important as being humble, but in a genuine and felt way, not fictitious or artificial. The right understanding that all beings are part of a synergy and deserve tolerance, respect and compassion, and that no person belongs to a higher rank cooperate in the attitude and feeling of humility. also the clear understanding that we are all subject to the vicissitudes of life.

Humility also favors detachment, lucidity, equanimity, balanced and impartial vision, sense of proportions and equitable attitude, compassion, benevolence, attitude of impartiality and clear understanding that no one stops the monopoly of the truth.

The humble person is much more understanding, tolerant, cooperative, generous, expansive, relaxed and friendly than the person entrenched in his presumptions and in the neurotic defense of his egoistic structure.

The humble person has a special sensitivity to discover and meet the needs of others.

The humble person shines by himself and does not need to "howl" to be noticed.

The humble person is balanced and does not attribute qualities that he lacks; The less he pretends them !!!!!

The humble person has what in India once called the wise "equalizing vision, " that is, the one who sees all beings equal and deserving of consideration and respect.

The humble person does not take advantage of his gifts or his qualities to "strut" or overwhelm or humiliate others. He does not need to make up the face of his soul and among the arrogant people who are puffed up he is happy in his humility. Since he does not have an excessive ego, he is not so vulnerable to the criticisms of others, nor is he content or dejected by flattery or insult, nor dominated by melifluos oropeles. Often the costume is boasting of its merchandise while the good diamond cutter does its job without bragging.

The person with the touch of humility knows how to contemplate all points of view and is not authoritarian, coercive or taxable. You do not need to be right.

When one becomes more conscious and moves from the psychic self and the social self to the existential self, the ego loses part of its power and its bureaucracy begins to be corrected and governed. Self-centeredness feeds on attachment and attachment and greed strengthen the structure of the ego. It is not the ego that can protect us from anything, but the being; and, of course, it is not with the ego, nor from the ego, how unconditional love can be achieved that starts from that primordial goodness that is the only thing that distinguishes one person from another. There is no inner transformation without humility and without patience.

Humility prevents against excessive pride, vanity, narcissism and false self-esteem. It is a formidable armor to avoid being touched by the darts of the puffiness.

Ramiro Street

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