The 10 keys of the ascent, by Sananda

The deepest Affection and Love for all beings of the Light who are looking for the connection and extension of their Spiritual Being.

We will explain today the keys to Spiritual Ascension because there is confusion and ambiguity in this regard. This requires understanding the true meaning and purpose of Spiritual Ascension, to discover where we are going to establish the appropriate methodology and develop perseverance and inspiration to succeed in the process.

The Spiritual Ascension is a state of internal transformation through which we are aware of the difference between our divine Being and the dense or subtle physical expressions of Energy C Seismic There are currently two planes that are coexisting simultaneously: the physical or the material and the spiritual. Spiritual Ascension is not related to the transmutation of matter, but is an effect of such a process. There are many people within the New Age who believe that Spiritual Ascension is related to the transfer of the physical body to a higher dimension. Although this may occur, and I am a living example of this, it is not the essence or the purpose of the process. There is also another area where the Light operators think that spiritual ascent is to go to higher dimensions, to experience and enjoy the way of life that exists on these planes. This is also a result of the extension and purification of consciousness.

Spiritual Ascension is associated with the spiritual transformation and extension of your sense and connection to your Higher Self or Divine Presence [Higher Self] and God. This implies a specific way of life in which behavior, values, concepts and attitudes are part of the individual's daily dynamics and not of the specific moment or circumstances. For beings of a higher evolution, there is no difference between moments of introspection, connection with the level of Being and the Divine Source, and their daily activities, because they live in a state of complete and constant connection. That existential dichotomy occurs in people like you, who are generally fluctuating in terms of polarities due to their way of life, which is not aligned with the Divine Source.

Living beings that live in dimensions taller than you, have conquered the highest levels of development by virtue of their personal effort, integrity and knowledge of the dynamics of Cosmic Evolution. Many of you associate Spiritual Ascension with better advantages and existential conditions that allow you to enjoy more of the many manifestations of matter. This, dear brothers of the Cosmos, is a twisted way of understanding that it has nothing to do with reality. Obviously, when you are vibrating in synergy and harmony with the Cosmic Plan of Evolution and the existential conditions of the Infinite Creator, there is an optimal feeling of unexplained Harmony, Peace and Inner Bliss.

At the current stage of its development, it is important to understand that the purpose of Spiritual Ascension is to install the paradigms of Aquarius, where a fraternal essence and solidarity to its human companion and other life forms prevails, and where personal interests do not exist . Fraternity and selfless service without expectation, are the dominant tonic note that directs and builds the lives of beings that vibrate in that position.

You still have not understood everything you do: thinking and feeling affect your knowledge and spiritual sense. His behavior does not correspond to the paradigms that the Cosmic Hierarchy has spread to him. There is an inconsistency between what you say, do and think, while continuing to consolidate self-deception as the tool that your ego frequently uses. Although the Spheres of Light wish to help, you should not think that without meeting the necessary requirements, you will achieve promotion. Magnanimity is present in us and also special dispensations, but if you do not meet the requirements, evolutionary dynamics will impede your Ascension. If I speak to you in these terms, it is so that you can be aware of the importance of realization and that you are sincere and honest with yourself, not dropping into self-deception or being deceived by spiritual offerings that are more attractive and they have nothing to do with reality. Again assume that "the darkness has thus disguised the Light, " to prove his spiritual integrity and the means he uses are various. So, be vigilant and persevere in your desire to renew and improve those structures of your evolution that are dissonant, capable of damaging and completely blocking your spiritual sensibility.

I will list the Keys to Spiritual Ascension for those who are really interested in being part of the collective New Aquarius and collaborating with the implementation of the Aquarius paradigms.

The 1st key is to learn to discern the true from the fraudulent, even if it seems very beautiful. This is detected when it does not promote the transformation, the sense and the assumption of responsibility.

The 2nd key is to understand that you must change your bad habits that affect your body, emotions and psyche. Diet is an extremely important factor because what you eat has a specific vibrational energy frequency that influences your energy and lower bodies. The consumption of meat, fish and other toxic substances (alcohol, snuff, coffee, drugs, etc.) are very harmful to your health and promote aggressiveness. The consumption of these foods and substances are involved in the transgression of the Law of Cosmic Evolution, not respecting the lives of other living beings that are on your planet to develop and that are your younger brothers to whom you must love and protect. If you do not understand this concept, you can barely understand and integrate the highest concepts. There is a large segment of the Light operators, who are not aware of the importance of a violence-free diet and of eating as pure and simple as possible.

The 3rd. The key is to use the appropriate methodology and promote the daily interior renewal and extension of spiritual consciousness and knowledge. You should not be lazy or abhoric in a minimum time. Depending on the time you invest in your internal work, the results will be. Those with a more personal commitment and past time are expressing higher levels of personal growth. It is also important that in addition to time you invest “quality factor” because the inertia is generally greater when the practices are daily. Therefore, you must understand that the commitment is with yourselves: Neither the Spiritual Hierarchy nor the Infinite Creator obtain benefit because they are vibrating in the irrigation of the Infinite Light that emanates from God, which permeates and sustains everything with Love, Beauty and Harmony.

The 4th key must be prepared and it is a responsibility to free them from obstacles to their progress and to accept help in you and to encourage it; Although it is an uncomfortable and unpleasant phase, it is part of the purification and internal growth. Crises, challenges, and the adoption and integration of the media and paradigms, foster your connection with yourself and with God, which should be the purpose of your internal work.

The 5th key is non-deception. The constant alert must be in your life because the ego uses multiple strategies to convince you that you are doing well. One of the symptoms of self-deception is when there are no crises and internal conflicts and you think that the discordant patterns that you dislike are mostly resolved. No deception is synonymous with integrity and being honest, or knowing whether or not you are progressing in the right direction or agreeing with the dark areas of your ego and those that foster them.

The 6th key is to learn to select those with whom you mix. Not all the so-called operators of the Light are vibrating in the Light, in the correct position, nor have appropriate behaviors or harmonic character. If you really want to progress spiritually, you must find those who are at a high level of evolution, whose conduct and character are virtuous and an example to others. Always be in self-evaluation and renewing without agreeing with your ego or fraudulent dynamics, however evocative and pleasant they may be. There is no dichotomy between what they say, think or do if they align and vibrate in harmony and synergy with the Aquarian paradigms. Do not make any evolutionary concessions and always be willing to honor and love the Truth.

The 7th key is to understand that not everything that shines has a divine origin, that the forces of darkness are stalking relentlessly and that they are prey to their stratagems disguised as light, harmony and love, without care and dishonestly. Your perspective and integrity must be such that you can discern the fiction of reality, the Light of darkness, even if the format resembles. Currently, negative polarity has designed a variety of formats to capture the attention of those who lack vision and spiritual integrity. So, be alert and be very sincere and honest, because these tools are vital to success in crossing the path of Spiritual Ascension.

The 8th key is to develop humility and simplicity of purpose. At your level of evolution, you are not immune to vanity, the evolutionary problem that affects most Light operators. You must be relentless and persevering to sweep any trace of arrogance, because it is a carcinogenic virus that produces painful and destructive dysfunctions to your spiritual development. Just keep the meek and humble capture of power in the attention of the Infinite Creator, understanding that they are mere instruments and manifestations of your creative Energy, designed to work in synergy and harmony with the Cosmic Plan of Evolution.

The 9th key is to dissociate you from everything that promotes the exploitation, speculation and human manipulation and energy resources of the planet. Aligned with the paradigms of Aquarius and with your Divine Presence that you simplify your life and thus have less needs. Consumerism violates the laws of Life and Evolution, because it is based on the exploitation of peers, other forms of life and energy resources of the planet. Consumerism leads to speculation and speculation presents fraud, which generates violence and frustration that affect their lower bodies and paralyzes their spiritual sensitivity. It is therefore imperative to disrupt these dissonant dynamics of your life.

The 10th key is to promote respect for the processes of others and develop a conciliatory attitude based on collaboration and fraternal solidarity, in their interaction with their peers. You are where you should be but, if you install the codes and paradigms of the Aquarius Ascension, convergence and dialogue will occur in you. The differences must be overcome when the goal is common. Therefore, it is imperative that you install the archetypes of Aquarius in their evolution, so that Consensus, Respect, Love, Harmony and Peace prevail in your Life on Earth. Only then will you do the great honor of calling yourself operator of the Light that conveys Love, Peace and Harmony to all who interacted with you, and the divine Light will shine and nourish his heart and divine presence. Your dear Brothers of the Cosmos, I reiterate again, your intense and sincere desire and of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Universe, so that your planet and the collective human cross on the evolutionary threshold, will lead you to the New Civilization of Aquarium. Only then will you be happy and will Plenitude, Love and Peace reign on Earth and in the hearts of Human Beings.

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